How to remove old stains from clothes?

Almost everyone had a stain on some clothes. But far from in every situation, you can immediately find the time to use stain removers and wash things. Then this process is also postponed due to more urgent and urgent matters. As a result, the product lies in anticipation of its “finest hour,” and a simple wash does not help it anymore. And what, immediately throw away your favorite blouse or pants? Or contact dry cleaning? We know how to remove old stains from clothes, and we will be happy to share this information with you.
to contents ↑Stain removal rules
This procedure is completely within the power of any housewife, but you need to act carefully so as not to spoil the thing.
There are simple rules, in compliance with which an excellent result is guaranteed:
- Removing fresh spots is much easier;
- The procedure is performed on the wrong side of the clothes;
- To prevent the stain from spreading, the fabric around it is moistened and sprinkled with chalk;
- The first step is to use gentle washing;
- For nylon, acetate silk and kapron it is forbidden to use gasoline, vinegar, acetone and other solvents;
- After hydrogen peroxide, yellow spots may appear, so things are thoroughly rinsed after use;
- Things are necessarily washed after processing. Find out, than washing clothes from different fabrics.
to contents ↑Important! Before you try to remove an old spot, be sure to carefully study labels on clothesotherwise, the thing can be irrevocably damaged.
Print spots
Spots of different origin and are removed by different means. For example, someone is interested in how to remove an old stain from clothes, and someone just spilled green on himself. Let's consider in more detail all options.
Probably, there are no people in the world who would not spill tea on themselves, especially in childhood. Such pollution is quite persistent. If you don’t get rid of it right away, the work will only become more complicated.
To clean up a fresh stain, soap or powder is used, but with old ones you have to tinker with:
- We warm glycerin to 35 degrees, and then apply to the spot for a quarter of an hour. After the thing is rinsed out.
- Oxalic acid - 2-3 grams, dilute with water and apply the solution to the stain for a while. This method removes yellow spots well.
- You can use a special stain remover.
- We prepare a mixture of ammonia and glycerin in a ratio of 1 to 4. Apply to a dirty place, and then wash the thing.
Important! Surely, if such a stain is found on your clothes, you like to treat yourself to a cup of fragrant hot tea. There is an interesting article on our site for you. Follow the link and find out about the best varieties of tea.
Such a problem most often occurs in the summer or winter when wearing synthetics. The sweat of a person contains salts, because of which spots appear on clothes. If the contamination is fresh, it is removed with detergent during washing. Moreover, washing can be both manual and machine.
And how to remove old stains from clothes? First of all, the thing is soaked for a long time, and then one of the methods presented below is used:
- Woolen items are treated with strong saline. If the stain cannot be removed, it is wiped with alcohol.
- The stain can be removed using a mixture of ammonia and ethyl alcohol in equal amounts. The product must be washed in cold water after processing.
- White items are bleached with a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide.
- To clean the silk product, a mixture of denatured alcohol and ammonia in an equal amount is used.
- To wash different fabrics, you can use a solution that includes ammonia (1 tbsp.), Table salt (1 tbsp.) And water (10 tbsp.).
Important! Sweat and deodorant stains are the most common types of clothing contamination. In order to have to display them as little as possible, we recommend using our tips from special reviews:
Such pollution is most often encountered by parents of young children. So, a fresh spot of iodine is needed:
- Fall asleep with baking soda, which is usually used for baking.
- Top with table vinegar.
- The product must lie for at least twelve hours.
- The thing needs to be washed with powder.
Pollution of this kind is very difficult to remove.
Important! In order to remove the paint, you need to act very quickly, within thirty minutes.
Different materials use different methods. One thing in common - you need to get rid of the upper dried layer using the blunt part of the knife.
Then the following tools apply:
- When using detergent for dishes, it is applied to the stain with a sponge and left for 10-12 hours. After this, the fat will dissolve and the remaining paint can be removed using a brush.
- For cotton, you can use gasoline, kerosene or turpentine. The product is applied to the stain and left for an hour. The remains are wiped with a light rag.
- To clean the light cotton, a mixture of gasoline and white clay is prepared. The solution is applied to the contamination for a couple of hours, after which the paint is simply pushed out by clay.
- Wool should be rubbed with laundry soap. Soap should be dry. After some time, you need to warm up the technical alcohol, which wipes the paint until it disappears completely.
- Synthetic fabric is wiped with ammonia. Then, ammonia and salt are added to the washing water.
Important! Do you like to do the necessary things in your home with your own hands? We offer to use our tips and cook it yourself liquid laundry soap.
You can get rid of such unpleasant spots in different ways:
- Peroxide or ammonia. This option is suitable for both fresh and old pollution.
- Soaking for a quarter of an hour in a salt solution.
Paraffin and wax
Candle stains may also appear on clothing. To remove them, proceed as follows:
- Wax is wiped off the fabric.
- Blotting paper is laid on both sides.
- The product is ironed. It does not have to be very hot.
- The paper changes until the stain disappears completely.
- If the composition of the cosmetic product includes fats, they are treated the same way as with other greasy spots.
- If other cosmetics remained on linen, cotton or wool, ammonia is used to remove it.
- To remove the lipstick, trichlorethylene, gasoline or pure alcohol is used.
- The varnish is eliminated with acetone or amyl acetate.
Markers and Ink
If a pen leaked or a child used the item as a canvas, you can use alcohol or vinegar. And the felt-tip pen is removed with milk or yogurt, which are used to wash the stained area.
How to get rid of very old spots?
But what if pollution appeared long ago, how to remove old stains from clothes? Even after ten years, dirt can be removed from a natural fabric.
To do this, get:
- A large pot that is not used for cooking;
- A spoon that no one will ever eat;
- Washing powder (any) - 2 tbsp. l .;
- Powder stain remover - 2 tbsp. l .;
- Refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
Next, proceed according to the following algorithm:
- Water is boiling in a pan.
- A mixture of powder, oil and stain remover is added to boiling water.
- We put things in the pan.
- Turn off the burner.
- After cooling water, things are transferred to the washing machine.
- We put the unit on the rinse and spin mode.
- It remains to dry things.
Important! This treatment can only withstand dense fabrics, not synthetic origin.
How to bleach tulle?
After years, the white tulle is covered with yellow spots that do not disappear during normal washing. That is why the relevance of this issue is so great. The important thing is that you can solve it. Before starting bleaching, the tulle is washed to remove dust and dirt.
Important! The temperature of the water during washing should not exceed 30 degrees.
Over the years, mistresses have in practice developed a number of rules:
- If the curtain is bleached for the first time, you can use a good stain remover. The product is diluted as indicated in the instructions, and then in the solution we soak the tulle. Then you need to rinse it.
Important! In this way, you can use it only once. Already during the second procedure, the tulle will turn into a little gray.
- The next method was used by grandmothers. It uses blue. It is diluted in a small amount (approximately a cap) in water. The curtains are slightly soaked and then rinsed with warm water.
- And you can use the green. Pure tulle is soaked for two hours in water with powder and salt (3 tbsp. L.). After that, green water (3-4 drops) is added to the water and the curtain is rinsed. Due to this, not only yellowness will disappear, but elasticity will also appear in the tissue.
to contents ↑Important! Sooner or later, every housewife has a desire to replace long-boring curtains. We have prepared a publication in which you learn how beautiful to hang a tulle.
Stock footage
As you can see, nothing is impossible. The most important thing is to act quickly. Moreover, most stain removers are available in any home, kitchen or bathroom.