The best varieties of coffee and tea

Coffee and tea are traditional drinks at any time of the year. It is especially nice to sit with a fragrant cup in your hands when the weather is cold and cold outside. Of course, everyone has different tastes and it is simply impossible to name the single best variety of coffee and tea. However, buying a specific brand, we still hope for high quality - this expectation, alas, is not always justified. Also, fragrant grains and leaflets are often purchased not only for themselves, but also as a gift. To help you make the right choice that will please you and your loved ones with a pleasant taste, we have selected the best varieties of coffee and tea for you according to consumers and experts. And the final choice, based on personal preferences, as always, is yours.

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What is a variety of tea?

Almost everyone knows that there are such types of tea:

  • the black;
  • green;
  • white;
  • yellow;
  • red.

Important! Some customers believe that different types of tea are different plants. In fact, all tea is made from Chinese camellia. And the look depends only on the method of processing the tea leaf.

Specialists distinguish the so-called trading tea varieties that take into account the country of origin:

  1. Many people believe that the best varieties of tea grow in China. Elite black and green teas often come from China. Also only here they grow oolong and puer.
  2. Second place in production is India. Here they grow mainly black tea of ​​wide consumption. But also elite Darjeeling is being harvested on alpine plantations.
  3. About 10% of the world's tea volume is grown in Sri Lanka. Ceylon tea is similar in quality to Indian tea.
  4. Another producer of black consumer tea is the African Republic of Kenya.
  5. In Japan, exclusively green teas are grown. Most of the raw materials collected are used domestically, and only some are exported.

The following factors are also taken into account when sorting:

  • The characteristics of a particular plantation are the amount of light, precipitation, temperature.
  • Time and method of collection - young parostoks or ripe leaflets, machine or manual collection are torn off.
  • Features of sheet processing - drying methods, grinding, twisting.

Since everyone has different tastes, some like black teas and others only green teas, consider the best varieties of each type of tea.

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The best varieties of black tea

Black tea is considered classic, but even it, depending on the particular variety, can vary greatly in taste.

Lopchu Golden Orange Peko

This Indian tea is harvested in the summer in the Darjeeling region. This variety is great for morning tea drinking. It is recommended to drink with milk, sugar or honey.


  • Rich taste.
  • Fruit aroma with notes of green apple and lychee.
  • Woody, sweet finish.
  • Premium Tea
  • Improves metabolism, blood circulation.
  • Relieves fatigue, enhances brain function.


  • High price.
  • Harmful substances begin to be released one hour after welding.

Important! The use of large quantities can cause varicose veins, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis.

  • It is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, highly excitable people, with stomach ulcers.

Important! Tea drinking will be doubly enjoyable if you use original and beautiful dishes. Even better - do it yourself, using our interesting ideas:

Ahmad OP

This tea is harvested from the top leaves of the tea tree. It is suitable for drinking tea at any time of the day.


  1. Affordable price.
  2. It has a rich tart taste with bitterness.
  3. Slows down the formation of body fat.
  4. Tones up, relieves fatigue, increases working capacity.
  5. It has a short invigorating effect.
  6. Rich in caffeine, vitamins and essential oils.
  7. Quenches thirst.


  1. Loses a lot of useful substances during processing.
  2. Negatively affects tooth enamel.
  3. You can not people with poor tolerance of caffeine.

Important! If you often take hot drinks with you from home, you will probably be interested in our rating of the best thermomugs.

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The best varieties of green tea

Green tea is given to those who seek to establish a healthy lifestyle.

Huang Shan MaoFeng

This tea is harvested by hand and produced in small batches. Recommended for use throughout the day.

Important! The variety is characterized by a low level of oxidation.


  1. Refreshes in the hot season.
  2. It normalizes blood pressure and lowers blood cholesterol.
  3. Strengthens the cardiovascular system and immunity.
  4. Prevents caries formation.
  5. The high caffeine content contributes to a soft invigorating effect.
  6. Tea has a slightly tart, slightly sweet taste.
  7. It has a light aroma of nuts and fresh herbs.


  1. High price.

Bio Lo Chun

The second name for this tea is the Emerald Spirals of Spring. Such a poetic name is fully consistent with the composition and aroma. For tea, they collect buds and young leaves. The aroma has notes of peach and tangerine, so the tea is ideal for use in the winter and autumn season.

Important! Bio Lo Chun can be brewed up to 8 times.


  1. Invigorates.
  2. It has a mild honey taste with fruity floral notes.
  3. Stimulates digestive processes.
  4. Helps quench your thirst.
  5. Strengthens tendons and bones.
  6. Increases physical and mental activity.


  1. Lowers blood pressure, so it is not recommended to drink in large quantities.
  2. May cause sleep disturbance and heart palpitations.

Important! The taste of tea depends largely on the quality of the dishes used for it. Browse our feature articles to fully understand all the nuances:

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The best varieties of red tea

Red tea differs from the above varieties by its unusual taste and properties.

Red linzan

This is one of the best varieties of tea, which has an original aroma with smoke, as in the manufacture of drying is used on an open fire. This is a fully fermented variety, the production process goes through all 4 stages: drying, crushing, oxidation and drying. It is advisable to eat between meals.

Important! Red tea should not be brewed for more than 2 minutes, as beneficial properties are lost.


  1. Low caffeine content.
  2. Soft, thick taste with a honey and plum finish.
  3. It has a delicate smoked flavor.
  4. Contribute to the normalization of sleep.
  5. It has a diuretic effect.
  6. You can brew up to 10 times.


  1. You can not eat with exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers.
  2. This tea is forbidden to drink medicine.
  3. It is undesirable to drink on an empty stomach, as the appearance of nausea is possible.

Lapsang Souchong

The second name of this tea is Zhen Shan, Xiao Zhong. It has a very long history; its production began more than 400 years ago. Initially, this tea was grown only in the village of Tongmu, later it began to be produced in other regions.Rough, juicy, large leaves are harvested for this tea. Suitable for tea drinking at lunchtime, as well as meat and spicy dishes.

Important! The real Lapsang Souchong is exported in small quantities. More common in the market is Tarri Souchong of Taiwanese manufacture. It has a more pronounced resinous taste. Translated, its name sounds like “tar tea”.


  1. It has a bright smoked aroma.
  2. Contains many amino acids and various vitamins.
  3. Effectively removes carcinogens and toxins from the body.
  4. Helps to restore intestinal microflora.


  1. Do not use for pregnant and hypertensive patients.
  2. Often, instead, they sell Tarry Souchong.

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Best Yellow Tea - Zhejiang Huang Ya

This variety is of high quality and belongs to weakly fermented teas. It is prepared only from solid unopened kidneys, which, of course, affects the cost of the final product. The finished drink has a bright, slightly smoky aroma, as well as a delicate, slightly tart taste with notes of fresh herbs and fruits.

Important! When breastfeeding, yellow teas help improve lactation.


  1. You can brew 5-6 times.
  2. Strengthens the immune system and gastrointestinal tract, helps to eliminate toxins.
  3. Normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol.
  4. It cools in the hot season.
  5. Helps relieve spasms, headache, soothes.
  6. It has a slight tonic effect, restores strength.


  1. High price.
  2. Where not for sale.

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The best white tea is Bai Mu Dan or White Peony

White tea is the least fermented species, the plant is almost impossible to process - it is only dried and dried in the sun. To produce this variety, the kidneys and the first two young leaves are harvested. All manufacturing processes are performed only by hand. The finished drink has a sweet taste and a mild fruity aftertaste.

Important! Despite the name White Peony, no peonies or other substances are added to the finished product.


  1. Due to the lack of heat and mechanical processing, it contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
  2. Improves skin condition, promotes regeneration.
  3. Increases blood coagulation.
  4. Normalizes the state of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Increases efficiency.
  6. It has a cooling effect.


  1. High price
  2. It’s hard to get.

Important! This variety must be properly brewed in order to feel the fullness of the taste and not spoil it.

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What is the type and type of coffee?

When asked about well-known coffee varieties, most buyers will call Robusta and Arabica. But in fact, these are not varieties at all, but types of coffee, the name of which is associated with a specific type of coffee tree.

Types of coffee:

  • Arabica - popular due to its multifaceted bouquet of taste, as well as its characteristic acidity. Grains of this type are even and long, they are characterized by a lower caffeine content. 50 varieties of arabica coffee account for 70% of the global coffee volume.

Important! Arabica is mainly used as a monosort.

  • Robusta - has a high caffeine content. This explains the characteristic bitterness, which is suitable only for strong coffee blends. Robusta is less valued, so production volumes are just over 30%.
  • Liberica - this coffee is almost not exported. This is due to the incredible whimsicality of the tree that is grown on the African continent. Taste features - pungency and bitterness.

Important! In their pure form, liberics are not used, they are used for an exquisite note in mixtures.

  • Excelsia or Vysotsky is one of the rarest types of coffee. The second name was received for the ability of the tree to grow up to 20 meters.

Important! Among excelsies, “soft Colombian”, which has a rich taste and rich aroma, is considered the best coffee.

But the name of the coffee variety depends on many factors:

  1. Country of Origin;
  2. product transportation port;
  3. type of tree;
  4. name of the plantation on which the trees were grown;
  5. name of the geographical point;
  6. commercial name.

Important! In the world there are more than 2000 varieties of coffee. However, this amount is not limited to the variety of the beverage. On sale there is a monosort coffee and mixtures of several varieties - this allows you to get a new taste.

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The best varieties of coffee

The taste of coffee is very dependent on climatic conditions, soil composition, rainfall, etc. Therefore, we consider the best varieties of coffee based on territorial affiliation.

Arabica Australia SkyBury

The most delicious coffee from Australia is the Arabica Australia SkyBury. Taste features of this variety are a soft, slightly tart taste with a light fruity sourness. Arabica Australia SkyBury has won the love of many gourmets, because it is very similar to the favorite drink of the royal family of Great Britain - Blue Mountain from Jamaica.

Important! Understanding the varieties and types of coffee beans, do not forget to choose the right equipment and utensils for making a delicious drink. It will also not be amiss to have several recipes in service, from which you will choose the best ones for yourself in the future. You will find all this information in our next articles:

Arabica Yemen Mokka Mattari

This variety has a long history. It is easy to guess that they grow it in the region of Yemen. At one time, this variety was loved by representatives of the European monarchy, so the second name of this drink is coffee of the Lords. Arabica Yemen Mokka Mattari - this is one of the best monosorts of coffee with a unique flavoring bouquet. Gourmets can easily be recognized by its pleasant chocolate aftertaste and light sourness.

Robusta India Cherry

The characteristics of this variety are rich aroma, rich taste with sufficiently strong bitterness and subtle sourness. It is mainly added to the mixture.

Important! If you like very strong coffee, you can try Robusta India Cherry as a monosort. The finished drink has a thick foam and a pleasant nutty finish.

Arabica Brazil Santos

This variety from South America will be appreciated by lovers of the classics. Its main feature is pure aroma without extraneous notes. It has a rather bright, saturated slightly bitter taste with a balanced acidity and sweet notes. Arabica Brazil Santos is characterized by a long, slightly spicy finish. This variety is great for creating a variety of coffee blends.

Important! Arabica Brazil Santos is good for any way of preparing a drink, whether it be a copper turk or a coffee machine. Ideal for espresso.

Arabica colombia supremo

The word "supremo" in translation from Spanish means "magnificent." And this is the rare case when a product fully justifies the name. Gourmets believe that this is the best variety of coffee, appreciate it for its unique, refined, rich taste and aroma. It has a balanced velvety taste with notes of chocolate and caramel and with a light wine and fruit acidity. The drink is saturated with a pleasant floral aftertaste.

Important! Arabica Colombia Supremo has the highest caffeine content among other popular coffee varieties.

Arabica Guatemala Maragogype

As early as the 18th century, coffee trees of the Maragogype variety were imported into Guatemala by Jesuit priests. They give large, fragrant fruits that are considered the best in Central America. Features of the variety - a rich, pungent taste with woody and floral-fruity notes. It has a slightly smoky aroma and an aftertaste of blackcurrant.

Important! Arabica Guatemala Maragogyp ranks first in terms of antioxidant content among other coffee varieties.

Arabica Guatemala Antigua

It is distinguished by tangible bitterness and notes of prunes.The aroma is sweet and sour, floral. It has a balanced, velvety citrus finish with chocolate-spicy notes. Ideally complements a variety of fruit and berry desserts.

Important! For the most vivid disclosure of the taste of Arabica Guatemala Antigua, it is recommended to use a coffee press.

Arabika Kenya AA Ruiru

This is the best Arabica in Africa, the quality of which is carefully controlled. This variety has its own characteristic feature - the taste of the drink differs in layers, it seems that several types of ready-made coffee were poured. So, at the beginning of the cup you will feel a caramel aftertaste, then bitterness, and at the end notes of spices and tobacco.

Important! Coffee Arabika Kenya AA Ruiruir is sold in green, as it tastes the most during the first 12 hours after roasting.

Arabica Ethiopia Sidamo

This coffee is one of the most delicate and softest varieties that are grown in Ethiopia. Sidamo Plantation is located in the historical homeland of Arabica. Maybe this is exactly what makes this coffee one of the best among the world sorts.

Arabica Ethiopia Sidamo has an original taste with a chocolate tint and a slight tart sourness, as well as a pleasant, slightly spicy fruity aroma. The drink is characterized by a long finish with notes of spices and dark chocolate.

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It is impossible to say which kind of coffee or tea is the most delicious. Each of them has its own unique taste, aroma and aftertaste. Therefore, each of them has its fans and opponents. We have selected for you the most popular and best grades of coffee and tea in the world, and the final choice is yours. And remember, the taste of the final drink is affected not only by the brewing product, but also by the method and time of brewing, the quality of water and dishes, the storage conditions of grains and tea leaves.


