How to remove a greasy stain from jeans at home?

Today, the most popular clothes are jeans. Such pants are worn both as casual wear and as a day-off. And it’s always a shame if suddenly unsightly greasy spots appear on your favorite pants or jacket. It is doubly a shame if a thing is new and off. But do not despair, there are many ways to remove a greasy stain from jeans. The main thing here is to act quickly and in proven ways, so as not to spoil a good thing. So, how to remove a greasy stain from jeans at home?

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Useful Tips

To avoid unpleasant surprises, use our recommendations:

  • The sooner you start removing such stains, the more chances you have of success.
  • Jeans are a fairly coarse and easy-care fabric. But so that there are no unpleasant surprises, test any aggressive product in an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. This is necessary to make sure that this tool is safe for your favorite things.
  • Start with more gentle means, and only if necessary, move on to more aggressive ones.
  • Since some of the proposed products have a specific smell, are flammable, then carry out all procedures in a well-ventilated area and with gloves, away from small children and people prone to allergies.
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How to get rid of fresh oily stains?

If you put a greasy stain on your favorite jeans, do not panic, but do the following:

  1. Apply a tissue or thin cotton cloth, such as a handkerchief, to the stain. Paper or absorbent tissue quickly absorbs grease, after which only a small faded spot remains on the jeans, which then will be very easy to remove.
  2. Add salt and more. She also absorbs fat perfectly. Leave for a while, then shake. If the result does not meet your expectations, repeat the procedure.

These are measures of first aid, so to speak. But they will not completely save us from the problem. How can I remove a greasy stain from jeans at home?

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Print greasy spots

First try wash jeans - Just add more washing powder than usual. You can add stain remover when washing. Perhaps this will solve the problem, especially if you have already given your first emergency aid to your jeans.

Important! To enhance the effect, you can treat the contaminated area with dishwashing detergent. Fluids like Fairy do a great job breaking down fat.

But if after washing the spots remain, then you have to act by other methods.

Laundry soap

This is the easiest and most affordable way, laundry soap can effectively cope with all types of stains, including greasy ones:

  1. Soap all the problem areas with soap.
  2. Leave on for 40-60 minutes to absorb it properly.
  3. Rub these areas and send the product to the washing machine.

Important! If the stains have not disappeared after washing, the procedure can be repeated, but this time leave the jeans for 12 hours, wrapping them in a plastic bag for reliability.

Laundry soap and sugar

There is another way to use laundry soap, but already with sugar:

  1. Soap the problem area with soap.
  2. Sprinkle it with sugar.
  3. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, and then rub with a brush. After all these manipulations, the product can be washed as usual.

Important! If you want to get rid of bruises after washing, follow the link and find out how to iron jeans.


Vinegar can also help us remove fat marks from jeans:

  1. Soak a cotton swab or piece of cloth in vinegar.
  2. Blot the place of pollution.
  3. Leave for a while, and then wash.

Artificial Sweetener

How to remove oil from jeans using an artificial sweetener? Just fill them with a stain and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse and wash your product as usual.

Toothpaste or powder

You can apply tooth powder to the problem area. It absorbs all the fat. If you don’t have it at hand, then an ordinary white toothpaste without additives in the form of crystals or granules is also suitable. Just brush it over the entire surface of the stain. After a few hours, rub this area with a brush and wash your clothes.

Important! There are spots that you can’t get rid of. In such cases, it is easier to resort to other methods, hiding the stain with decor. In our separate post, we described in detail how to decorate jeans.

a piece of chalk

In a similar way, spots are removed using chalk:

  1. Crush the chalk into powder, pour it on the problem area.
  2. After the chalk absorbs all the fat, it can be brushed off with a brush.
  3. Now the clothes can be washed and everything is ready.


Dilute the starch with water until a slurry is obtained and apply it on the spots. After a while, starch absorbs all the fatty particles, and its remnants can be brushed off with a brush.

Important! Starch is found in large quantities in raw potatoes. Therefore, you can just rub the potato tuber on a fine grater and put the resulting slurry in a thick layer on the problem spot. Leave on for 30 minutes and then remove the leftovers with a crust of rye bread.

Heat treatment

To remove an unsightly oily blot, you can use an iron:

  1. Put the jeans on a flat surface, after turning them inside out.
  2. Place a napkin on the bottom.
  3. Place a napkin or piece of material on the stain area, onto which chalk, talcum powder, starch, or even soda is poured.
  4. Iron with a warm iron.
  5. Fat will melt from temperature, and absorbent absorbs it.

Ether and Magnesia

This is an ancient remedy, which is still relevant now, if you, of course, have these components on hand:

  1. Mix both components in equal proportions and apply the mixture to the blurred area.
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours, and then wash off the remnants of the product and wash clothes.


This aggressive product is quite effective and can cope even with the oldest pollution:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in turpentine and treat all problem areas.
  2. Let it soak a little and then wash the jeans as usual.

Alcohol and turpentine

All you need to do to clean jeans from fat is to mix both components in equal amounts and apply to greasy areas. After all manipulations, the product must be washed.

Important! To enhance the effect, you can add a small amount of laundry soap grated to a mixture of alcohol and turpentine.


How to remove oily stain from light jeans? In such cases, indispensable ammonia:

  1. Saturate with ammonia all the problem areas and leave for an hour.
  2. You can add a little salt to ammonia - this will enhance the effect.
  3. After processing, jeans must be washed.

Gasoline or acetone

These means can be used separately, or you can mix them in equal shares and treat the area of ​​contamination with this mixture. For this gasoline needs to be taken refined or aviation.

Sometimes all of these methods do not help the first time. In this case, you need to repeat the procedure or use another method, for example, make ripped jeans.

Stain remover

Today, there are a large number of the most diverse stain removers on sale. Just choose the appropriate one and follow the instructions. The most popular products are Vanish and Antipyatin soap:

  • It’s very easy to use Vanish to remove oil stains on jeans. Liquid stain remover is poured onto the damaged area, powder is poured onto the stain. After 15-20 minutes, you can start washing. You can wash as usual.
  • Soap “Antipyatin” is designed to remove complex contaminants from any tissue. Just soap the stain with soap, rub a little, rinse in warm water. Lather again, leave for 2 minutes, and then wash the product.

Important! If your jeans are hopelessly spoiled, do not rush to throw them away. The product can give a second life. Use the tips from our special publication“What can be made of jeans?”.

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In this article, we told you different ways to solve the problem if you need to remove a greasy stain from jeans at home. Choose the option that suits you based on what you have at hand, and your items will be wearable again.

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