Shed jacket - how to remove stains?

Currently, there is a huge variety of textiles on store shelves. Not all clothes can please us with their good quality. Often, manufacturers save on the quality of dyes, as a result, such products fade strongly during washing, blurry spots appear on clothes. Sometimes the cause of such troubles can be the wrong mode or temperature during washing. There may be several reasons, but one result - such a thing is no longer wearable, and you need to decide if the jacket has faded, how to remove stains. We will show you proven ways to restore the color of your clothes.
to contents ↑Preventative measures
To prevent such troubles from happening to you, use our recommendations:
- Before the first wash you must read the product label. Usually there is indicated the recommended washing temperature or type of fabric.
- Wash white items separately from colored items. Follow the link and find out how to wash white things.
- Wash new items for the first time separately from others and preferably by hand, so that you can see if the product sheds or not.
Important! To check the material for ink resistance, you can do the following: the edge of the material is moistened in water, placed on a light dense cloth and ironed. If the paint is not resistant, spots appear on the substrate. In this case, such a product must be washed separately. In a separate article on our site of useful tips, we talked in detail about how to wash shedding things.
- If the product sheds much, then you can fix paint on fabric as follows: soak this thing for 2 hours in cold water, in which a tablespoon of salt and vinegar is added.
- Most often, things made of synthetic materials molt, so it is advisable to sort clothes for washing not only by color, but also by the material from which they are made.
to contents ↑Important! On sale there are special napkins that are placed in a drum with linen. When washing, they prevent the appearance of faded areas.
We remove faded stains from white clothes
If the divorces still appeared, then you must immediately begin to eliminate them. The sooner you take up this business, the more chances you have of success. The choice of funds depends largely on the color of the material. How to remove faded stains from white clothes?
The simplest means are chemical bleaches:
- If you have spots on a natural white cloth, you can use a chlorine-based product. Natural materials respond well to chlorine, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations indicated on the product packaging.
Important! After applying chlorine bleach, the product must be thoroughly rinsed.
- If you don’t like the idea of using bleach, you can use oxygen bleaches, for example, “Vanisham”. It can be used for all types of fabrics, it is not so aggressive and does not spoil the fibers of the material.
- If the faded marks are not very bright and noticeable, then you can just rub them with laundry soap or soap with a whitening effect, leave for a while, and then wash. Perhaps these measures will be enough.
Important! To whiten white things, you can use another well-known tool. You can find out about him in our separate review. “How to whiten things with White?”.
Folk methods of removing faded spots
There are folk methods how to remove faded stains from white clothes:
- The answer to this question can be found in the kitchen of any housewife - this is soda. Mix it with water until a thick slurry forms, apply to the stain and leave it overnight. In the morning you just have to shake off the remaining soda from your clothes and rinse the product in cold water.
- Another good and effective folk remedy is potassium permanganate. Dilute it in warm water, soak the spoiled thing in this solution for several hours. Then wash as usual.
- If the clothes tolerate high temperatures, as a rule, these are things made from natural materials, such as cotton and linen, it can be boiled. You need to pour water into a large enameled container and add there soda ash and chlorine. Put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for half an hour.
Important! It is necessary to mix things periodically in water.
- Make a do-it-yourself whitening mixture: 1 tablespoon of citric acid, 1 tablespoon of starch, 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of washing powder with a whitening effect. All these components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the problem area from the wrong side. Leave on for 12 hours and then wash.
Important! For the best result, you can add grated laundry soap.
- Add 100 ml to hot water ammonia and soak the product in this solution for three hours, then wash.
Important! The room should be well ventilated.
- How to remove faded stains when wearing clothes? Pour 2 liters of water into a container, add one spoon of hydrogen peroxide, a little soda and heat to a temperature of 70 degrees. Apply hot mixture to problem areas and leave for a while. After that, you can wash things in normal mode.
Saving Colored Things
How to remove faded stains from colored clothes? - In this case, there are also many useful recipes:
- Here, bleaches will also come to the rescue, but no chlorine, only oxygen stain removers for colored clothes, for example, “Vanish”. If on the first attempt you did not succeed, try again. Follow the link and find out about good and inexpensive counterparts Vanisha.
- For brightly colored fabrics, a solution of alcohol with water in a ratio of 1 to 20 is suitable. Soak the product in such a solution for 20-30 minutes, then wash as usual.
- The ammonia can also provide effective assistance. In three liters of water, dilute a bottle of ammonia and leave for half an hour. After this, the clothes must be very well rinsed to get rid of the pungent odor of ammonia. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
- If the stains are fresh, then wash them immediately with laundry soap, or better, rub the problem areas and leave for an hour, and then wash as usual.
- If the trouble happened with jeans, then a special approach is needed. As a rule, they not only paint other things, but they themselves are covered with bald spots of a lighter color. It is unlikely that such light spots can be removed, but you can mask them. This can be done by repainting the pants either in a darker color, for example blue, or in a lighter color. To lighten jeans, you need to make a mixture of a pair of spoons of bleach, hydrogen peroxide and soda. Add this mixture the next time you wash and your favorite jeans will become even more fashionable.
- Fresh stains can be removed if the product is washed in a timely manner at the maximum allowable temperature.
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Of course, the problem of blurry blots on clothes is not very pleasant. But even if the jacket has faded, than to remove the stains - you now know. Act, and henceforth just be more careful in leaving and cleaning your clothes.