Removing stains from clothes

Such a nuisance as the appearance of spots can lie in wait for any person, even the most accurate. What to say about our beloved children who pay little attention to such trifles. However, removing stains from tissue is not an overly complex task. Now we will try to deal with this problem in accessible ways and without much effort.
to contents ↑How to remove stains from clothes?
To begin with, when pollution has just appeared, try to avoid its further spread - immediately blot it with a clean paper or cotton towel:
- Most likely, you can easily wipe off a fresh stain with a conventional detergent in a washing machine or laundry soap.
- Unknown spots can be tried to remove with a mixture of ammonia, water and salt.
- If you could not get rid of the problem with alcohol, try using a universal stain remover, fortunately, now there are a lot of them on the shelves of our stores. It is convenient to use an aerosol stain remover. In our separate review, we described in detail all types stain removers for clothes.
General recommendations for removing stains on clothing:
For a more convenient selection of a method for removing stains, we conditionally divide them into the following groups:
- Soluble in water - from food, tea, coffee, glue, dyes.
- Soluble in organic solvents - alcohol, gasoline, engine oil, cream, wax, shoe polish.
- Insoluble in water or in organic solvents - paint, protein substances, mold, blood, urine.
Important! Some stains, such as coffee, cocoa, wine, juice, etc., need to be treated with several types of products at once - for water-soluble, for greasy, for insoluble. One of the best stain removers that displays almost any stain is Amway stain remover.
There are general recommendations for removing any stains, regardless of their origin. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with them before starting work. So:
- Do not rush to immediately apply the selected cleaning agent. To begin, clean the problem area from dirt and dust with a brush or dry rags. Sprinkle the fabric around the stain with starch or talcum powder to avoid additional stains.
- Never use the method without first testing it on the wrong side of the product, inconspicuous areas near the seams or on a spare piece of fabric. Aggressive products can permanently ruin your item.
- It is necessary to get rid of the stain from the inside - use a cotton pad or a piece of cloth, you can take a hard brush or brush.
- Prefer a less concentrated solution - try acting several times with plenty of water rinsing between treatments.
- It will be convenient to lay a white cloth or gauze folded in several layers under the product.
- Remove the stain from the periphery to the center to avoid its stain and smearing over the surface of the fabric.
- Try to remove the contamination immediately after it appears, otherwise it will be much more difficult to remove it without damaging the product.
- Do not use acetone in the processing of acetate silk, chlorine for cotton, and alkali and bleach for colored fabrics.
Important! One more product for stain removal, which is very popular among consumers, we described in a publication "Vanish stain remover".
Spot recognition
Let's try to learn to recognize the origin of the spots by appearance:
- The spots of fat are always darker than the fabric on which they formed, look like a lot of rays diverging from the center in all directions. Such spots are visible from the wrong side of the material.
- Stains from juice, wine, coffee, berries or juices do not contain fat, have clear boundaries. The spots look lighter than the contour itself, with time they acquire a whitish hue.
- The most common spots that contain fatty and non-fatty substances. These are stains from milk, blood, sauces, etc., they have more or less clearly defined edges and penetrate rather deeply into the tissue.
- Old stains from cosmetics, tea, wine, coffee, berries, oxidize under the influence of air, light and time, and become difficult to remove.
Tea and coffee
To remove tea or coffee stains:
- Rinse the area where tea or coffee was spilled with cold water and pat it with a napkin or towel to absorb all the liquid.
- Make a soap solution, add 2 teaspoons of ammonia to it.
- Wash a thing in this mixture. First the place itself is dirty, and then the whole thing.
- Rinse in warm water.
Important! Follow the link if you want to know about the best varieties of coffee and tea.
It helps to bring out coffee or tea - glycerin:
- Mix 1 teaspoon of small salt with a small amount of glycerin to make a slurry.
- Apply the mixture by rubbing gently.
- Wait 15-20 minutes, until it is well absorbed - the stains should discolor.
- Next, we erase in the usual way.
Important! If the stain is old, then you can try to remove it with pure glycerin, which must be slightly heated, applied and left for some time for exposure. Then wash as usual.
In order to remove a stain from a linen item, you need to substitute it under a stream of warm water and wait until it breaks out of the fabric with pressure.
How to deal with sweat stains on white clothes?
At first glance, it seems that white fabrics are more whimsical to care for. To some extent this is true, but when stains are to be removed from the fabric, a light shade plays into your hands. Choosing a tool, you don’t have to think about the need to preserve the color of the product.
Manually remove sweat stains
Another stubborn stain is sweat stain.
Important! Experts do not recommend the use of chlorine bleaches to remove them from white clothes, since such removing stains from the fabric will contribute to the formation of yellow stains.
One of the best solutions for sweat stains on clothing is the use of hydrogen peroxide.
Important! Peroxide has whitening properties, and also destructively affects the protein that is present in sweat stains.
Important! Sweat mixed with deodorant is very difficult to remove from clothing. Try to combat profuse sweating and change the deodorant used. Read more about this in our articles:
How to apply hydrogen peroxide from stains on clothes:
- Dilute hydrogen peroxide with water - one part of water per part of peroxide.
- Treat the problematic surface with a solution and leave for 30 minutes.
- Wash the item in cool water.
- If the stain remains, try the procedure again with a more concentrated peroxide solution.
Another way:
- Mix ammonia and ordinary alcohol in a one to one proportion.
- Apply to the contaminated area, leave for 15 minutes.
- We erase in the usual way.
Important! If the stain is on synthetic fabric, you need to rub it laundry soap with whitening effect, leave soaped for 15-30 minutes, then wash as usual.
If your clothes are colored, hydrogen peroxide should not be used because of its whitening properties. You can try to process such things with a less aggressive solution of vinegar and water:
- Dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 100 ml of water, soak the stain.
- Leave for half an hour and then wash in cool water with powder.
Important! The same tool can be used on colored fabrics, if you need to remove unknown spots from things.
Get rid of sweat stains with machine wash
Using machine wash, you can get rid of almost any dirt, but if, unfortunately, the thing has not been removed the first time, we recommend that you treat it with one of the above methods, and then wash it again.
You can try to remove sweat stains from the fabric with a liquid detergent designed for protein contamination. Soak the stained area with the aforementioned product, leave it to work for 30 minutes, then wash in the usual way. Useful tips for washing things can be found in our review. "Rules for washing".
to contents ↑Dirt stains
The peculiarity of removing stains from tissue that formed from ordinary dirt is that you should not immediately wash it. Let the mud dry, then - brush it with a dry brush and wash in soapy water with vinegar.
to contents ↑Important! If you stained outer clothing, try to remove the contamination with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar - mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar with a glass of water.
Stains on clothes from various pollutants:
- We remove from wine, juice, lipstick a solution of hydrogen peroxide - 1 teaspoon in half a glass of water. Wash in cold water after exposure.
Important! The method is not applicable to colored clothing.
- Wipe off lipstick on colored clothing with turpentine or alcohol.
- Grease stains can also be removed with turpentine, gasoline or acetone.
- Wipe off mildew with purified gasoline.
- From wax - gasoline or turpentine.
- From iodine is removed with acetone or alcohol-denatured alcohol.
- Traces of blood are soaked in cold water, and then wiped with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon in a glass of water), washed with soap in slightly warm water.
- Rust stains are rubbed with a mixture of white chalk glycerin and water - leave to work for a day, and then wash.
How to remove stains from anything?
Unfortunately, spots can appear on any surface. In this case, the washing machine will not come to the rescue. But we will show you how to deal with these troubles and clean any surfaces. Let's get started.
Stains on upholstered furniture
Spilled coffee. We begin to get rid of "in hot pursuit":
- Wipe the stain with a wet sponge.
- Dry the wet place with a towel or paper towels.
Important! You can apply the recipe with glycerin, which was given above.
We remove greasy, as well as spots of unknown origin, as follows:
- We dilute in equal parts wine alcohol, ammonia, gasoline (can be replaced with turpentine or another solvent).
- We wipe the problem area until it disappears.
- You can also try to remove stains with a soapy solution with the addition of alcohol.
Stains on wooden furniture
Blot the dripped green with a napkin and wipe with an eraser (student’s pencil eraser).
Important! Ink is removed in the same way.
Water or any other liquid:
- Combine vegetable oil and salt until gruel.
- Apply to stain, leave for 2 hours.
- Remove the mixture with a wet rag, then wipe dry.
- Rub this place with wax, polish well. Follow the link and find out in our special post how to properly take care of furniture.
Stains on the floor
All kinds of pollution appear on the floor no less than on the fabric, but as a rule - much more often. Therefore, you need to know how to quickly solve the problem.
Oily stain on the floor:
- Mix detergent with a little water.
- Rub the pulp into the problem place, leave overnight for exposure.
- Rinse off the residue with warm water.
The second way:
- Sprinkle magnesia powder on the problem surface.
- Leave for 2 hours.
- Sweep off the powder.
Ink on linoleum:
- Treat the stained area with fine sandpaper.
- Wipe the remaining trace with vegetable oil or drying oil.
- Polish with a soft cloth (velvet).
Important! The ballpoint pen is removed with methylated spirits.
Unknown spots are removed using gasoline or ammonia.
Important! Do not forget that after the procedures, the surface must be washed with a special floor cleaner.
Stains on the carpet:
- From coffee - remove glycerin (1 tablespoon) mixed with cold water (1 liter).
- From wine or beer - vinegar (1 teaspoon) mixed with warm water (1 liter).
- From ink - with a solution of acetic or citric acid (1 teaspoon) mixed with hot water (1 cup).
- Grease marks - with a mixture of gasoline and synthetic detergent powder. Rinse with hot water after treatment.
Important! Even greasy marks can be washed with a conventional window cleaner. By wetting a sponge or carpet brush Wipe off any dirt. After removing the stain, wipe the area with a sponge dampened in clean water.
You can also find out about the famous Amway Carpet Cleaner.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you know almost everything you need to remove stains from the fabric, as well as from home decoration. Use this information as necessary, then the purity of the clothes and the whole house is guaranteed to you, even if spots of unknown origin appear on them from time to time.
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