Amulets for home protection

Let's talk about how to turn your home into a blessed territory of peace, happiness and kindness. Amulets for home protection will help do this. Correctly placing them in the apartment, you will ensure stable and unhindered operation of positive energy flows that contribute to the well-being of the whole family. Consider the most powerful talismans and rules for dealing with them.

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Silver spoon

Silver is a cleaning metal. It is known not only for its disinfecting properties, but also for its ability to purify energy. This item will bring health to all members of the family, it must be kept away from ordinary kitchen utensils and tableware. It is advisable to wrap the spoon in a white towel or a clean cloth and store it in a place inaccessible to outsiders, so that it is not just a table item, but a real amulet to protect the house.

Important! Having such dishes in the house and using it for its intended purpose, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the cutlery.

We talked about this in detail in the article. "Cleaning silver at home".

In order for the talisman to “work” more actively, it must be used in cooking about once every two weeks or a month. By stirring the dish with a spoon, you charge it with positive energy. This means that all members of the family who will eat the dish you have prepared will be protected from disease.

Important! If one of the family members is sick, then the medicine should be taken from a mascot spoon. This will contribute to a speedy recovery.

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Birch broom

This is a strong Slavic talisman for the home, protecting from evil forces, “sweeping” negative energy, including from uninvited guests.

Important! According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the crown of birches is inhabited by good spirits that protect a person from everything evil and instill life-giving power in him.

For a broom made of birch branches to become a source of good, it must be made according to certain rules. Branches should be taken from a white-birch birch, not broken, without growths and damage. Cut a few twigs, remove all the leaves and bandage the amulet to protect the house with red woolen thread. Such a broom is stored on the floor or suspended from the ceiling, always with the handle up.

Important! Never use it to brush off dust and sweep.

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This amulet attracts money and prosperity to the house. It is no coincidence that the families where prosperity and prosperity reigned were said: “as it is spread with honey.” It is advisable to purchase honey in the church. And so that such an amulet began to work to protect the house, take a small brush and a jar of honey, walk through the rooms. Lubricate the corners, sills, windows and door frames a little. All family members should eat the remaining honey, just do not forget to read our article about buying how to choose quality honey.

Important! It is recommended to perform such a ceremony monthly, and wealth will not leave your home.

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Horseshoe - amulet on the front door

Everyone knows that this item symbolizes happiness. But not everyone knows how to use the talisman in order to protect their home from ill-wishers.

Here is what is said about this in signs and beliefs:

  1. Want to bring wealth to your home? Hang the horseshoe upside down. It makes sense. Now the amulet reminds a bowl to be filled.
  2. The horseshoe, suspended upside down, protects from the evil eye, damage, slander and other misfortunes. In this case, it resembles a dome or an open umbrella, through which misfortunes flow down like raindrops.

Important! It is not at all necessary to buy such a product. It will be much better and more useful even in terms of energy make a horseshoe with your own hands.

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The magic of this amulet to protect the house is in the ringing sound that it makes. The bells hanging above the door charge with positive energy all the people living in the apartment. And if an uninvited guest comes to you, then he will leave all his negative energy behind the threshold.

Important! And there are also many opinions as to what attracts prosperity to the house “money tree”. If you are not particularly friendly with the vegetation, try using an alternative option - make a picture of a money tree made of coins.

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Animals - powerful amulets for the home

Recently, it has been fashionable to decorate the interior with statuettes, paintings and photographs, including with images of animals - real and mythical. Can this beast bring luck to the house?

  • The Dragon. This mythical creature, great and terrible, enjoys a well-deserved recognition among the Chinese. It is believed that the dragon protects marital fidelity, strengthens the family hearth. In addition, the dragon makes a person stronger, inspires confidence in the strength of good. That is why it is customary for the Chinese to give a figurine of a fire-breathing, but not at all evil monster.
  • Butterfly symbolizes beauty and carefree, so it will help you find the second half in life. But be careful! This amulet to protect the home makes a woman too emotional, and this is not always good.

Important! You can’t place paintings with butterflies in the matrimonial bedroom - this can provoke the infidelity of the husband or wife.

  • Ladybug. This modest insect contributes to the happiness and well-being of the family. In this case, it does not matter how many black dots on his back. Keeping an image of a ladybug in a house is a must. This is one of the strongest amulets for home protection.
  • Pegasus. This winged horse is a symbol of inspiration. The picture with Pegasus is a source of eloquence for a man in love, it will help to clearly and boldly communicate feelings to a loved one.

Cat as a living amulet for the home

As you know, cats and cats are able to treat. They faultlessly find problem areas on the human body and act on them with their energy. Vaska or Murka, living in a family, serve as living talismans. With their help, you can bring prosperity, health and good fortune to your home.

Let's see how the energy of motley pets affects people:

  • Black cat. This animal attracts money to the house, contributes to good luck in business. Such a beast is especially useful to those who are engaged in business or trade. If you let the black cat trample on important documents, then the business meeting will be held, as they say, "with a bang." However, if you believe the signs that black cats bring misfortune, you should not have a coal-colored pet. Cats subtly feel negative about themselves.
  • Red cats help in love affairs. But for such a talisman to work, you can not keep other pets in the house in black or red. Do not fit red cats and red-haired people.
  • A gray cat is an excellent living amulet for a person who fears ill-wishers. If you have to overcome many obstacles in life, then such a pet will become a protection against damage and other effects of magic.
  • White seals are famous healers. In addition, they are able to neutralize the negative energy of an outsider who has come into the house. However, such cats are not suitable for everyone. The white pet will help the collected, energetic, business person in all matters - from household to career.
  • Three-suited breeds. Of course, the universal talisman is a three-colored bright beauty.It suits absolutely everyone, brings health, wealth and happiness to the house.
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There are many objects, things, jewelry, and even living things that can be your amulet to protect your home. What more does your soul lie, then use it, because the power of the amulet will be fueled precisely by your faith in the action of the amulet!

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