Wall applications

If you are tired of the usual interior of a bedroom, living room or office, and you don’t have the opportunity to make repairs for any reason, we suggest that you solve this problem with the help of an application on the wall. This is a rather original option, which allows you to make the design of the room more interesting and for little money. You will find many interesting ideas for decorating such jewelry in this article.

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Wall application as an original complement to the interior

You probably know a situation where you just made repairs in a room, and to your great regret, it turned out to be too simple, and sometimes even uncomfortable. Our mothers and grandmothers solved this problem with the help of a variety of wall-mounted carpets, which brought into the atmosphere a note of the missing comfort and warmth. But times are changing, respectively - such a familiar decor is also no longer in fashion. Today, modern owners use a variety of paintings, photographs, panels and home-made applications for decoration, which are able not only to decorate the interior, but also to give it volume.

Important! Please note that you can make applications with the whole family, especially with children. You will have fun, while creating an integral composition that will decorate the room.

Another advantage of self-production of wall applications is that they will help you to reveal your talent, express the individuality and originality of the room as a whole.

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What is the best way to make applications?

You can use various materials for this decor.


The main and most frequently used material for making wallpaper applications is paper. Despite its simplicity, with the proper skill and creative approach, a simple white sheet can be decorated, cut out all kinds of shapes and ornaments from it.

Important! Very often experienced designers when creating applications use paper of several colors or textures at once for the manufacture of individual segments of the composition.

The main advantage of paper is that it is easy to cut and does not cause problems when pasting both on a glossy and matte finish. Paper crafts can be glued to the wall surface using conventional PVA glue, both close to the base and using a special foot.


If the paper does not suit you because of its fragility, then you can use cardboard. Thanks to him, the finished ornament or pattern will gain a certain density and rigidity. Unlike paper, cardboard is poorly cut, and in order to bend it, you will have to make physical effort. Nevertheless, it keeps its shape much better, and the risk of falling off of the application element due to a sharp airflow when opening the door or windows is minimized.


Fabrics and wallpapers

An equally interesting option is the application of shreds of fabric or old wallpaper paintings. Such an exposition will be much more reliable than paper or cardboard, but it will also become a bright highlight of the entire room.

Important! Pay your attention to the fact that you do not have to spend money on fabric applications or from wallpaper paintings. You just need to look into the closet and look for something interesting there!


Another rather original option is a special film, which today is widely used among interior designers. With its help, you can create various contour silhouettes and figures. Such a film in relation to other materials has a number of advantages:

  • Easy to cut;
  • It has an adhesive base, so there is no need to use any additional adhesive composition;
  • Due to the fact that the drawing of the desired images takes place in a special computer program, it becomes possible to create fairly complex drawings and ornaments using a large number of colors;
  • Easy installation on the wall surface;
  • Product durability.

Important! Applications are not the only decor. If you are still considering different ideas, be sure to also review those that we offer in the following articles:

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How to make applications on the wall with your own hands?

We bring to your attention a master class on making butterfly appliqués. This decor is the most popular, you can mount it not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling. And if you want, you can create whole pictures using such cute figures of these insects.

Important! According to Feng Shui philosophy, butterflies symbolize love, rebirth, natural beauty and joy.

Preparatory work

Self-made butterfly is a fairly simple process. The most important thing is to carry out a series of preparatory work so that in the end the product comes out interesting and accurate:

  • Think carefully about what you want butterflies to be - their shape, color, and also the suitability of the design of the room in which you plan to fix them.
  • Decide on the material from which you will make them.

Important! Try not to overdo it with complex shapes and bends. Cutting such products is quite difficult.

  • Decide on that part of the wall where you are going to mount this decor.


Paper or cardboard butterflies

This is the simplest version of such an application. To do this, you just need to take a sheet of paper or cardboard, transfer the drawing of the future butterfly onto it.

Important! You can apply the drawing yourself or use one of the ready-made stencils downloaded from the Internet.

After that, the pattern is cut out, if necessary, it is additionally decorated, with PVA glue attached to the wall surface.

Important! And a few more practical tips and ideas so that you can easily bring freshness and special flavor to the boring interior of the room, we have prepared for you in an article "How to diversify the interior?".

Vinyl record butterflies

Among designers, such an application on the walls is becoming more and more popular in interior decoration. In addition to the fact that you don’t have to spend money on its manufacture, as your parents probably still have old stocks of vinyl records, you also get a stylish decor element.

The course of work consists of the following actions:

  1. Apply a butterfly pattern to the surface of the plate.
  2. Place the plate in the oven or microwave for a few minutes to give it plasticity.
  3. After the edges begin to bend, pull out the plate and cut the butterfly with scissors.
  4. Using sandpaper, treat the edges so that they are not sharp.
  5. Glue the butterfly to the wall using silicone glue for these purposes.

Important! You do not have to decorate the entire wall, you can decorate only part of it in the form of a picture, complementing it with various accessories and placing it under the frame. The most important thing is that the wings of the moths are free.

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Stock footage

Wall applications - This is a great option to make a boring interior bright and voluminous. The main advantage of such a decor is its cheapness, since you will always have materials for making at hand.The most important thing is to approach the process creatively and with imagination. Only in this case you can see a real masterpiece in a scrap of old paper and a scrap from an old dress, thanks to which the room design will sparkle with new colors.

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