Drawings with liquid wallpaper - decorate the walls with your own hands

You will not surprise anyone anymore with an interior design that uses traditional wall coverings. In order for the dwelling to turn into a cozy, beautiful and original, you can make drawings with liquid wallpaper. We decorate the walls with our own hands, because now this decoration is very popular. Using a certain technology, you can create real masterpieces on the walls. Even without a professional craftsman, you can make your home attractive and original.
to contents ↑Characteristics, composition and advantages of liquid wallpaper
This coating consists of:
- Textile fibers;
- Glue.
Such solutions differ in the following features:
- Environmental friendliness and safety;
- Fire safety;
- Aesthetics.
Liquid wallpaper in comparison with other types of wall coverings have a lot of advantages:
- The room becomes warm and comfortable.
- After the material is applied, no joints are formed. The wall seems endless as a result.
- When processing surfaces that are non-standard in shape, you do not need to think about trimming the canvas.
- Walls do not need to be leveled before application. Thanks to the material, cracks and bumps are filled.
- Such material is easily combined with other wall coverings.
- For repair work, you do not need to remove the old layer.
- The finished fabric does not accumulate dust due to special components in the composition.
How to choose a suitable picture?
What drawings can be done with liquid wallpaper? It all depends on the room. They apply such a coating in living rooms, bedrooms, nurseries, kitchens, because he is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes:
- If the picture is made in cold tones, the space will visually increase, and a warm shade will make the room cozy and homely warm.
- If the picture is selected for the children's room, the age of the child, his hobbies and gender are taken into account. It is desirable that the theme was agreed in advance with the baby, so that later on he would be comfortable in the room. If the child is small, they usually choose drawings with fragments from cartoons or with fairy-tale characters, the marine theme is popular.
Important! Psychologists do not recommend using too bright and flashy tones to decorate the walls of a children's room, which can be annoying for the child's psyche.
- The walls of the kitchen will organically look with all kinds of elements of a still life: fruits, vegetables, teapots, cups and other kitchen attributes.
Important! Pictures should not be too large, as this will lead to a visual reduction in the area and so small space.
Before applying pictures of liquid wallpaper with your own hands, the selection of a picture is required. The application can be made smooth or voluminous, simple or complex. The simplest are two-color drawings.
to contents ↑Drawing pictures from liquid wall-paper
How to make drawings on liquid wallpaper? The first step is to sketch the sketch. Three methods are used for drawing a contour:
- Manual, when the picture is applied directly to the wall;
- Screen, when using which the stencil moves to different sections of the wall;
- Drawing a sketch.
Drawings for liquid wallpaper with your own hands are applied as follows:
- We fill in the areas located at a distance from each other.The first step is to fill in areas of the same color that do not touch each other. The solution is applied in small portions, the layer thickness is approximately 2 mm.
Important! When applying wallpaper of a different color to adjacent areas that have not yet dried, the colors are mixed, the contours become fuzzy.
- Trim the edges. If the mixture has gone beyond the circuit, it must be knocked out with a spatula.
- Dry the composition. Usually the mixture dries for at least twenty-four hours, but you can use a hairdryer to speed up the process.
- We fill in the remaining sections. Fit all the colors to each other, in the end - the canvas should be solid.
- We outline the contours. When the drawing is completed on liquid wallpaper, all contours are outlined with colored felt-tip pens or wax pencils. They will become clearer, thin and complex lines will become expressive and underlined.
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Using such an interesting finishing material, the most daring and creative ideas can be made a reality. You need to choose those drawings that will become a source of positive emotions. The room or even the whole apartment will end up changing simply beyond recognition!