What is better to cook in a cast-iron pan?

A cast-iron frying pan will help you quickly, healthy and incredibly tasty to cook a dish. With it, you will enjoy the magical moments of cooking, fried from all sides to a crispy golden crust. But cast-iron cookware is not intended for all products - there is a certain list of what absolutely cannot be cooked on it. In order for you not to experience the sad experience when the food is spoiled and the food tastes bad, we will tell you what is better to cook in a cast-iron skillet. Culinary experts from all over the world learned from their mistakes, and you must avoid your own.
to contents ↑The benefits of a cast iron pan
All cast iron utensils - pots, ducklings, pans, cauldrons, stewpan, roasters, pans, several times superior in various qualities to dishes from other materials, which makes it indispensable in any kitchen.
- Big term of use. Cast iron cookware will last much longer than any other, as it is almost impossible to spoil it. The only way that can ruin it is to drop it from a great height onto a very solid surface. Agree that such tests are not able to withstand dishes made of any materials.
- If the cast-iron skillet is properly looked after, then the food in it will never burn, and over the years the product will become even better. The most important thing is that before cooking, cast-iron utensils should be well heated over a fire for 5 minutes. This will help to avoid burning foods.
- Cast iron cookware is characterized by increased wear resistance, it is difficult to deform, since it holds its shape perfectly at any temperature - from the lowest to the maximum.
- The most important advantage of such dishes is the delicate, crispy and unique taste of the dishes prepared in it.
Important! Remember that all the advantages of such kitchen utensils can only be assessed if it is properly prepared for use and properly maintained. You can handle this easily if you use our tips:
- Cast iron is a rather heavy material, sometimes it is quite difficult to cook a large number of pancakes and other dishes in it, because a weighty frying pan must be constantly raised and lowered.
- Cast iron cookware may become rusty. To prevent this from happening, immediately after cooking, you need to wipe it dry or warm it over high heat. But if all this has already happened, you should effortfully rub the rusted area with a stiff brush, and then repeat the process of preparing to use a new cast iron skillet (calcine it with salt and grease with vegetable oil).
Important! Enamelled iron products do not rust, but chips can form on their surface.
- Cast iron “does not like” an acidic environment, so it is undesirable to cook, for example, dishes with tomatoes on it.
- It is undesirable to store freshly cooked food in such dishes, since cast iron is able to absorb aromas. Left food in cast-iron dishes may change color. For these reasons, dishes should be eaten immediately or put in a container for storage in the refrigerator.
to contents ↑Important! A cast iron pan is easier to clean when it is still hot.
What to cook in a cast-iron pan?
Cast iron is a heat-conducting material, therefore it is ideally suited for cooking, which needs sharp temperature changes. For example, fry vegetables to an elastic state - you better not find a cast-iron frying pan. The same goes for crisp. If you don’t have a deep fryer, then the uniform and stable heat of cast iron cookware can do the job no worse. A pleasantly melting chicken crisp is guaranteed using thick cast iron.
The list of what products can be cooked in a cast iron pan:
- Any meat, vegetable, fish and mushroom food that needs a long heat treatment under the influence of a minimum temperature.
- Various soups, cereals and sauces, the usefulness of which when frying or stewing will not be lost.
- In a cast iron pan, you can safely fry pancakes, pancakes and other pastries.
- A little more complicated is the situation with eggs. They will not pester if the surface of the pan is well processed. That is, if you take good care of cast-iron utensils, then you will not have problems when cooking eggs.
to contents ↑Important! You may also find the selection of our recipes useful:
Features of cooking in cast iron dishes
Dishes cooked in cast-iron dishes retain all their taste thanks to the properties of the alloy of which resistant cast iron is made. It consists of iron, carbon with the addition of silicon and phosphorus. The heating of the cast-iron roaster occurs gradually and evenly on the surface of the walls, bottom and even the lid.
It is for this reason that it is more profitable to use such dishes, unlike its analogues from glass, steel and aluminum. Even before the end of cooking, the dishes should be removed from the heat and left to simmer in the pan. Products will be “cooked” until cooked gradually under the influence of low temperature, which will favorably affect the quality of the finished meal.
to contents ↑Important! Such dishes can be used absolutely on any heating devices, even on an open fire. Such a dish can be safely put in the oven, without fear of melting handles, which are made of exactly the same material as the base.
What can not be cooked in cast-iron dishes?
The list of what is not recommended to cook in a cast-iron pan:
- It is not recommended to fry fish in a brazier made of cast iron, especially one that is cooked without oil and seasoning. For example, pangasius can be mashed in a well-heated pan, so it is better to cook it on dishes with thick walls and a non-stick coating.
- Sauces that are cooked on low heat can be acidic for this kitchen utensil. For the same reason, cooking with wine or vinegar can damage the frypot. As a result, the pan will be spoiled, and the food will have an unpleasant metallic taste.
to contents ↑Important! If you just cooked meat, then to please the family with pancakes you will have to calcine the dish with salt, then - process it according to all the rules.
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By cooking in a cast-iron pan, you will learn the taste of succulent foods while preserving all the usefulness that is so important to the body. A thorough cleaning of such heat-resistant dishes after cooking will save you from quick damage to the product and burning food.