What can I do in the toaster?

If you want a great day, then start it right. For some it’s a contrast shower, for others it’s an easy run through the park. But the main attribute of a good mood and a wonderful morning is a healthy and delicious breakfast. Today we offer you an alternative to the usual sandwiches - breakfast toasts. You can cook a simple dish in the oven, on fire, or in a toaster. Thanks to our recipes, you can not only have an excellent breakfast, but also surprise your loved ones with an appetizing dish, as today we will tell you what you can do in the toaster, in addition to the usual croutons.

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Breakfast Toasts - Easy

Making toasts is as old as civilization itself. Even the ancient Egyptians burned stale bread. Today you can also prepare delicious, excellent, versatile breakfast snacks using an oven or toaster.

At first glance it seems that preparing a sandwich is a simple matter. However, in order to create something unusual, you must first correctly select all the components. To make breakfast not only tasty, but also healthy, pay attention to the following points:

  • The selection of a scorcher.
  • Preparing the basics.
  • Stuffing for unsweetened sandwiches.
  • Dressing for sweet toast.

Let's consider these points in more detail.

Bread selection

First of all, you need to decide what kind of a cakes for toast you like best. And we offer to get acquainted with the following options:

  • Plain sandwich bread. White, rye or wheat - it does not matter, because from any soft bread for sandwiches always make excellent toasts. This type of scorcher is always cut, so the toasts will be the same.

Important! Do not forget that soft wheat bread is fried much faster than dense rye bread, so be careful not to burn the toast.

  • Dense cereal bread is suitable for lovers of crisps. Pay attention to such dense types of scorcher: gray bread, bread from nine cereals, challah, long loaf, baguette or French loaf.

Important! To simplify your task, choosing the option of what you can do in the toaster, take into account the following tips:

  • Whenever possible, choose chopped bread in the store. Cutting bread into identical pieces yourself is quite difficult. But if you are engaged in cutting a pinewood at home yourself, then use a special knife for this purpose. Try to make slices 2 cm thick - such sandwiches will be quite thick and will fit in the toaster.
  • For toast, you can use old stale bread. If the baking has become stale, then fry it. A toaster is able to breathe new life into such bread. By the way, bread 2-3 days ago is even more healthy than fresh. Especially if it is whole-grain or a palyanitsa with bran.

Foundation preparation

So, you have chosen the bread for the sandwich, now it's time to start preparing the basis. Bread can be dried in a toaster, toasted in a pan, in the oven or on fire.

Preparing the basics in a toaster

Before turning on the appliance, prepare the bread. Cut it in such a way that the pieces are not too thick and not too wide, otherwise the toaster will be full and the edges of the roasting pan will burn.

Then proceed as follows:

  1. Carefully place the prepared slices of bread in the holes of the toaster.If the bread does not fit in the hole, then cut it around the edges. Be sure to make sure that the slices do not touch the heating coils of the device.
  2. Adjust the toaster to the desired color of bread. Adjust the lever higher or lower, depending on the type and thickness of the bread, as well as your preference. You can choose brown and crispy toast, or you can cook softer. If you are not sure of your desires, then set the handle to the lowest level, and then go to higher temperatures if the toast seems too pale.
  3. Lower the button to fry the pastries.
  4. After the end of the cycle, pull out the toast that appears.

If you want to pleasantly surprise your loved ones, read also our review original breakfast ideas.

Toasting in the oven

To evenly bake bread, put it in the oven with convection mode:

  1. Spread flat slices of baking on a baking sheet, in a skillet, or directly on the oven rack.
  2. Set the stand to the highest position.
  3. Turn on the highest possible temperature and minimum time.
  4. Keep an eye on the product so that it does not burn.
  5. Turn the bread over with tongs to fry both sides of the toast.
  6. Remove the toasts from the oven.

Important! It is most effective to use the grill in the oven to prepare the basis of the sandwich, which, with less waste of energy, will quickly move the product closer to the heat source. However, remember that grilled toast will grill much faster, so take it out as soon as it turns brown and crispy. Otherwise - in a minute the toast will turn black.

Cooking toast in a skillet

You can cook uniformly roasted pallitz in a cast-iron pan without using oil (even to lubricate the surface of the dishes). Just put slices of bread in a dry pan and let them fry in high heat.

If you want to add butter before frying, then use a small amount of butter or sunflower oil, then the crust of bread will be golden and crispy.

Important! This option is called "Texas Toast." When making toasts, remember to turn them over regularly using tongs or a spatula.

Toasting on fire

For an open fire, use the grill - throw some bread or rolls on the device and let, smoke and heat, make them crispy.

Important! As an option - you can use the grill after it prepared sausages or hamburgers. In this case, the pastries will absorb meat flavors and your march breakfast will be even tastier.


  1. If you use a rack for a grill, first clean it with a knife or spatula from plaque.
  2. To make a crisp, sprinkle bread with olive oil before grilling.
  3. If you use open fire, be sure to watch the cooking process, as the bread can burn in a few seconds. Do not forget to turn the bread very often.
  4. You can also fry bread on hot stones near the fire. Smoke weathering is a delicious alternative to frying.

We also prepared a selection of recipes for you, what can be cooked in the microwave to be tasty and to diversify your diet.

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Sweet Toast Toppings

The prepared toast can be cut into two, four parts, or you can leave it whole. It's a matter of taste. A perfectly fried piece of toast is a great springboard for any filling.

Popular Options

For sweet sandwiches fit:

  • Butter (chocolate).
  • Jelly.
  • Jam. Toast with jam - the fastest and most nutritious breakfast. Spread the bread cooked in the toaster with a thin layer of jam and garnish with fresh berries.
  • Honey.
  • Sweet syrup.
  • Homemade caramel.
  • Berries or fruits. Nutritious and healthy sandwiches will come out if you grease the toasted toasts with liquid honey and garnish with berries.
  • Sweet cottage cheese.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Condensed milk (regular or boiled).

We suggest you use the following recipes for a delicious breakfast.

Recipe number 1. Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Soft bread - 4 slices.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Peanut butter - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Dry the bread with a toaster.
  2. Peel the banana and cut into slices.
  3. Grease one half of the bread with peanut butter.
  4. Put banana slices on the butter.
  5. Cover the banana with an unlubricated loaf of bread.
  6. Cut the sandwich in half.
  7. Serve with tea, coffee and milk.hozyajkam-na-zametku-kak-vybrat-toster-hleb-v-tostere

Recipe number 2. Toast with sugar and cinnamon

To make candied toast, mix the following ingredients carefully:

  • ½ tbsp tablespoons butter soft butter.
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon.

Spread the mixture onto the toasted bread and the delicious toast is ready.

Recipe number 3. Sweet double toast

Double sandwiches can be made with any filling: cottage cheese, jam, chocolate paste, etc.

The cooking process is quite simple:

  1. Soak the slices of bread in a whipped milk protein.
  2. Fry the bread in a pan with butter.
  3. Grease the cooked toast with the filling and cover with the second fried bread.
  4. Cut the diagonal bread.
  5. Pour honey on top and garnish with berries.

Recipe number 4. Toast with curd

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Rectangular white bread - 1 slice.
  • Milk - 30 ml.
  • 1 egg white.
  • 50 g of cottage cheese.
  • 10 g butter.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.
  • Berries to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the protein with milk.
  2. Immerse a piece of bread in this mixture.
  3. Lubricate the pan with oil (5 g).
  4. Toast bread on both sides.
  5. Cut the fried bread diagonally.
  6. Mix cottage cheese with honey.
  7. Brush one half of the toast with cottage cheese, and put the other half on top.
  8. Heat the pan and melt the remaining oil.
  9. Add sugar to the butter and stir constantly.
  10. Add berries to the pan as soon as the sugar has dissolved.
  11. While stirring, let the berries simmer for 1-2 minutes.
  12. Garnish the toast with berries.

If you have already managed to get a useful miracle pan in the farm, use our selection of popular recipes on the subject, what can be cooked in a slow cooker for breakfast.

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Toppings for unsweetened toasts

Variety of breakfasts will help the following fillings:

  • Egg. Cut a regular hard-boiled egg into thin plates and lay on a toast. Together with the egg, you can use vegetables: cucumber, tomato and lettuce. The toast is as follows: bread, lettuce, a tomato and a slice of chopped egg and cucumber.
  • Fried eggs. Toast with a fried egg and green onion arrows is a truly masculine dish.
  • Ham. You can quickly make a nutritious toast for breakfast, which consists of toasted bread, lettuce, ham and a cup of pepper.
  • Bacon. Toast with bacon and mustard is the foundation of the male diet.
  • Chicken.
  • Fish. For example, herring with onions or sprats with dill - what could be more patriotic?
  • Tuna. A simple and tasty snack - sandwiches with tuna, can be served for breakfast or afternoon tea, or you can take it with you to a picnic or work. To prepare them, mix canned tuna (50 g) with mayonnaise (2 tablespoons), mustard (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (⅓ lemon). Lubricate the toasted bread in the toaster with the resulting mass.
  • Champignon mushrooms). Sauteed mushrooms are an excellent coating of toasted toast.
  • Cheese. An excellent solution would be any soft cheese, such as Feta.
  • Red caviar. Toast with butter and caviar is a classic of the genre.
  • Fresh vegetables. To get more energy in the morning, start your breakfast with vegetables. Dry the bread in a toaster, cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds. Cut the tomato into slices, cucumber into thin slices, and wash the lettuce leaf, dry it and tear it in half. The toast will look like this: bread, salad, cheese, cucumber, tomato. You can pepper, salt and garnish with greens.
  • Also, if you do not have a toaster, then its bread can be fried in a pan, for a piquant taste, you can rub the bread with garlic.
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What can be done in the toaster?

The recipes above have certainly helped you diversify your breakfast. But it turns out there are still many different variations that can be done in the toaster. In it you can cook very tasty and satisfying dishes, for example, a hot dog or cheese croutons. In addition, in the toaster, you can warm already cooled pies and rolls.

Use the following recipes for quick and mouth-watering breakfasts if you have already tried classic dishes and are considering what else you can do in the toaster.

Recipe number 1. Cheese croutons

Just a couple of minutes, and the optimal amount of protein and carbohydrates in a plate.


  • Baguette - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 80 g.
  • Cheese - 200 g.
  • Spices (to taste).

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the baguette in half, and then, each half into two more pieces.
  2. Grease each piece of bread with butter.
  3. Place cheese on top of each piece of baguette.
  4. Bake cheese croutons in a toaster (or oven).

Recipe number 2. Mustard Hot Dog

In just half an hour you can cook a snack or dinner from sausages and buns. The following ingredients are needed to make a hot dog:

  • Sausages - 4 pcs. (good quality).
  • Hot dog buns - 4 pcs.
  • Grated cheese (to taste).
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Ketchup - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Greens (to taste).

Cooking method:

  1. Sausages clear of a film.
  2. Cut them into two parts.
  3. Fry the halves of sausages in a toaster for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Cut the buns in half.
  5. Put the fried sausage halves in buns.
  6. Pour mustard and ketchup on the hot dog.
  7. Garnish with grated cheese, herbs and cabbage (if desired).

Recipe number 3. Cheese and Mushroom Toast

A great option for what you can do in the toaster.

Important! This dish must be served hot.


  • Bread - 4 slices.
  • Mushrooms - 120-150 g.
  • Cheese - 100 g.
  • Onion - ½ pcs.
  • Spices to taste.
  • Butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry the mushrooms with butter and onions.
  2. Lubricate the outside of the bread with butter.
  3. Put cheese on bread.
  4. Put the mushrooms on half the bread.
  5. Grease the other half of the toast with butter.
  6. Combine the pieces of bread.
  7. Toast the bread in a toaster.

Important! Advice:

  • If the toast is burned, then you can save it by scraping off the burnt crumbs from the back of the knife. Do it over the bin. But if the bread is completely burnt, then it is better to make a new toast at lower temperatures.
  • Spread butter on hot toast.
  • Toasts will be much tastier if you soak them with olive oil before cooking.
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Advantages of Toasts

Of course, each of us has his own unique taste, starting with clothes and ending with food. Someone likes soft bread from the oven, and someone likes crispy toasts. Each product has its pros and cons. For example, toast, being a drier product, absorbs more moisture in the stomach than bread, and its use is considered more useful. If you are on a diet and at the same time want to cook toast at home, then you can replace the products with low-calorie ones. The benefits of such toasts will cheer you up all day.

The benefits of toast include:

  • More healthy qualities than bread.
  • Ease of preparation.
  • Cooking speed.
  • It is better absorbed by the body.
  • Less irritating to the stomach. This is true for people with gastritis.
  • Universality. Toasts are combined with any products.
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We hope that the information presented in the article helped to answer the question of what makes a toaster and what dishes can be prepared with its help. In addition, nutritionists are inclined to believe that dried bread is much healthier than fresh bread, so use your toaster for good health!

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