Eco-friendly wallpaper for walls

Wallpaper is an important element of the decor of any room. It is thanks to them that a certain atmosphere is created that suits the theme of the room. Manufacturers are introducing various technologies to provide consumers with environmentally friendly wallpapers for walls, which are considered the safest for human health. They contain no harmful components that can negatively affect the well-being of those in the room. Such products should be chosen for the design of the children's room, because for the younger generation safety is in the first place. Today we will deal with the term “eco-friendly wallpaper”, consider their varieties, weaknesses and strengths.
to contents ↑Definition and advantages
The construction market has a huge selection of finishing materials, which are sometimes very difficult to choose. IVF webs have a number of advantages that are not found in conventional, less harmless coatings. The composition of such wallpaper consists mainly of natural elements, but there are cases with the addition of safe chemicals in the form of paints, dusting and adhesive components.
- Harmlessness. The composition of environmentally friendly wallpapers includes natural components that do not emit harmful particles, do not harm humans and animals. It often happens that such ingredients serve as an antiseptic, improving the atmosphere of a living room.
- Breathability. Natural materials of IVF canvases perfectly pass steam and air through the pores of the finish coating. Thanks to this advantage, being in a room becomes as comfortable as possible. Air exchange with such wallpaper will not suffer in any way, since air flows will move in free mode. The room will be well ventilated, which will provide you with free breathing.
- Thermal insulation. This indicator is tested by time. Of course, the degree of isolation of various eco-friendly wallpapers will vary, but it will definitely be present. The heat in the room will remain, and external temperature effects will less affect the atmosphere of the room.
- Universality. IVF coatings can be applied everywhere. Actual decoration in rooms where residents spend the largest length of their time. So, for example, it is advisable to use environmentally friendly paintings in bedrooms and living rooms, a nursery, an office, and even in a manger.
- Strength and wear resistance. Some types of IVF cloths are particularly resistant to various mechanical stresses and moisture. This applies to cork and bamboo finishes, consisting of the most durable natural fiber. Such wallpapers will serve you for more than a dozen years, so it is advisable to invest in such a profitable product.
The criteria for choosing a wallpaper that is safe for human health are as follows:
- Lack of PVC or vinyl.
- Lack of harmful heavy metals.
- The absence of formaldehyde in the coating composition.
- The use of water-based dyes and adhesives in the production of IVF.
Important! Looking for this type of wall decoration, you will probably also be interested to know about What to choose environmentally friendly home floors.
Finding the right, and most importantly - safe flooring for your home is not so difficult. Next, we will get acquainted with the varieties of eco-friendly wallpaper.
to contents ↑Kinds
Environmentally friendly wall-paper for walls can be different, therefore it will not hurt you to get acquainted with their main types:
- Bamboo They are the safest canvases for human health, since there are practically no extraneous components in their composition. Beautiful wicker texture and unusual heterogeneity of the coating can give the walls warmth and original appearance. Such wallpapers should be chosen for the design of a children's room.
Important! Bamboo, by its nature, is an extremely durable material that withstands high temperature loads and moisture.
- Woody. This finishing material is a thin layer of natural wood, which, thanks to its flexibility, can easily be twisted into a roll. For the production of such wallpapers, raw materials specially grown for these purposes are used. As a decoration, the finished fabric is finished with fine carvings or painted with natural dyes.
Important! Woody wallpapers are great for allergy sufferers. In addition, interesting wood panels can give a luxurious appearance to any room.
- Paper. At the moment, a very wide selection of handmade paper, parchment and rice paper. Such wallpapers are presented in a wide range of colors and a variety of patterns. But when choosing paper paintings, it is worth paying special attention to the composition of the products offered.
- From recycled materials. Recycled raw materials are a great way to make safe wall paintings that are becoming more popular in a timely market. Such material is obtained by processing discarded clothing or books, which are post-consumer raw materials for the production of innovative coatings. Of course, such wallpapers are not 100% natural, but we can say with confidence that they do not pose a threat to living organisms. In any case, for your own confidence in the absence of VOC coverage, it is advisable to consult with the manufacturer.
- Textile. Most often, the composition of such paintings is mixed, in which natural fibers are intertwined with artificial ones - polyamide, polyester, viscose and other materials that several times increase the strength and other characteristics of the textile. Manufacturers do not stand still, so some of them manage to produce wallpapers from 100% pure cotton, linen or silk.
Important! Such wall coverings are expensive, but are environmentally friendly, if dyes of natural origin were used as pigment by manufacturers.
- Non-woven (non-woven). This type of wallpaper is made from a special mixture of natural and synthetic substances, which makes them resistant to abrasion and breathable. Non-woven wall paintings perfectly allow air to pass through, so they can be safely used in a bathroom or other other room with high humidity.
What wallpapers should i avoid?
To choose the environmentally friendly wallpaper for the bedroom, you need to understand what types of paintings are harmful to human health. It is vinyl wallpaper that is considered the most unsafe in terms of its composition, properties and wear resistance. This situation occurs for the following reasons:
- In order to make vinyl (polyvinyl chloride), manufacturers use various synthetic substances that are not natural.
- The technology for the production of vinyl wallpapers jeopardizes the health of personnel due to the emission of harmful fumes released from artificial processed substances.
- Disposal of this material (metals and salts) in a bound state can lead to global pollution of soil and groundwater.
General recommendations:
- Do not use paper wallpaper in rooms with high humidity. Mold formed in the form of a fungus is capable of releasing negative spores into the atmosphere.They, in turn, are transported not only by air to settle in a new place, but they are also causative agents of allergies and serious health problems.
- Always remember that high-quality wallpapers will cost you not very cheap. If you really want to ensure your well-being, then you should not save on high-quality wall decoration.
- When buying coatings, always pay attention to the labeling of the products offered. For example, paper wallpapers should be certified according to the scheme of the State Forest Stewardship Council. But if you buy an imported coating, then it should have the FSC logo (the image of a tree with a checkmark) on it, which is a guarantee that only natural wood was used to produce this type of wallpaper.
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Now you know which wallpapers are environmentally friendly and breathable. Do not save on your health, buy only quality canvas made from natural raw materials! Easy to choose and excellent health!
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