Ironing board on the wall

Ironing board on the wall is a great option for practical placement of this much-needed item in everyday life. However, not only the wall can become a convenient location for the ironing surface. Manufacturers have modernized their products in such a way that ironing products involve embedding in a cabinet, on a mirror in bedside tables and other furniture. This greatly facilitated the ironing process, since there is no waste of time and effort in finding and pulling out the ironing table from the storage. So, in this article we will discuss all the basic nuances of modern ironing boards and their compact and convenient placement.

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Built-in ironing board. Marketing move or practicality?

After ironing, the question always arises of where to hide the ironing board so that it does not interfere and is at hand by the time of the next ironing. You can put it against the wall for any piece of furniture - you don’t seem to see it, but it is often a problem to pull it out, and if it doesn’t completely hide in the gap between the wall and the furniture, then the aesthetic side of the interior suffers greatly. What to do in this case? Some housewives, due to lack of space for storage of the ironing surface, simply refuse such a useful device and iron either on the table or on the floor. However, much more convenient and faster everything can be done on a special ironing table.

Modern manufacturing companies did an excellent job of solving this problem by creating a built-in ironing board. It is a unique solution for people who value practicality and comfort in all things. Such products have several advantages:

  • Ease of use. To fasten the ironing board to the wall, you just need to screw a few fasteners and screw the item itself.

Important! For convenience, it is necessary to foresee the availability of an outlet near the installation site or install it next to the built-in board. If there are children in the house, then the outlet must be at a safe height and covered with special plugs.

  • Save space. With such a device, you will ensure the availability of free space that will allow you to move around the apartment without restricting your own movements.

Important! A folding ironing board built into the wall will not take up valuable floor space or space in a wardrobe.

  • Convenience of operation. To carry out ironing, you just need to remove the board from the cabinet, and after work - hide it in place without much physical effort.

Important! Due to its compactness, an ironing board with a wall mount can be easily placed in almost any room.

  • Aesthetics. The design of the product can fully match or merge in tone with the interior of the room, and if desired, even become an adornment of the space of the room.

Important! The ironing board in the wall can be hidden behind the door, which if successful will not catch the eye, or behind the decorative panel, which can be an element of the interior and its accent. The mirror can also be an option to mask the surface for ironing.

  • Strength and stability. These are the basic parameters of any built-in ironing board.

Whatever version of built-in ironing surface you choose, with a reasonable connection to the interior of the room, this solution will definitely appeal to you and play into your hands.

Important! The presence of all the necessary devices for caring for clothes makes life much easier. But it is important to know how to do it right. To help you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with and keep a selection of the following instructions:

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Types of structures

Today, manufacturers can offer customers a wide variety of several types of designs. To have a general idea of ​​them, consider the features of each type.

Wall-mounted folding ironing board

This type is a combination of unusual and practical. Those who come into the house and the uninitiated will see only a beautiful wardrobe in front of you, and only you will know that behind it lies such a useful and necessary item in everyday life.

To use the ironing board for its intended purpose, you just need to open the door, fold the surface and fix it in a position convenient for you. After ironing, return everything to its original position.

Such products may have a supporting leg or be without it. The latter option is convenient in that it allows you to put on a sweater on the surface and thus easily iron it. The dimensions of the structure can be different, because, as a rule, there is enough space on the wall even for the largest products.

This option will unload the interior of the room, and will not interfere with the creation of a stylish and aesthetic atmosphere.

Important! Do-it-yourself ironing board in the wall can be integrated by placing a folding mechanism in a special frame.



For small-sized apartments, office, hostel and other space-limited rooms, the ideal solution is to install a retractable ironing board. Finding a finished product in a store may not be successful, however, making an ironing surface on order is possible in almost any furniture workshop.

If you yourself are a jack of all trades, then hand-made manufacturing of a similar design can also be considered as an option to purchase a retractable board.

Important! If you decide to engage in the independent manufacture of such a structure, be sure to consider the direct dependence of the stability of the ironing board on the quality of the guide elements.

Most often, this version of the ironing board is placed in a chest of drawers or a cabinet:

  • The wider part of the base is mounted on the guides of the element, and the countertop is folded in half.
  • There are also options where the entire ironing surface, without folding, is hidden in a cabinet.

Such a product has dimensions limited by the space of the drawer, but it does not catch the eye and does not take up much space in comparison with the standard version of ironing furniture.

Important! One of the important aspects of choosing a retractable ironing board is the ability to rotate the structure.

Wardrobe with board

This type of model is the most common, since an ordinary closet or sliding wardrobe, which has an ironing surface, is resistant, practical in cleaning and operation, does not take up much space in the house.

It is easiest to foresee a place in the cabinet for the board at the stage of ordering the cabinet itself. In this case, you do not have to spend money also on filing partitions and shelves, as well as on the purchase of additional fasteners.

Important! If the fastening of the ironing board is arranged on the rear wall of the cabinet, you should pay attention to the reliability of the fasteners. If their quality is in question, there is a huge risk of tearing the board with part of the back wall with frequent use of the ironing surface.

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Since such finished constructions are very difficult to find in stores, and they are made, as a rule, purely to the taste and size of the customer, their cost, of course, is not small. However, the practicality and aesthetic side of such a variant of ironing furniture covers the financial waste in full. The use of a built-in board in small-sized apartments is especially important. If there are children in the house, then you have to iron a lot and often. And if the “trowel” in the apartment is standard, then often it just “lives” constantly in the center of the room.Replacing such furniture with built-in is just a great option, which will not only make your life easier, but also make your home more pleasant, comfortable and cozy.

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