How to clean the epilator?

Each woman caring for herself removes excess hair from her body. Many people use modern devices for these purposes - epilators. However, not all of them know how to clean the epilator correctly, and this is an important aspect of using the device. The quality of the hair removal procedure and the duration of the service of the appliance depend on it. In this article, we will consider the basics of skin care, not just a device for removing excess hair on the body, and learn how to quickly clean the epilator without problems.

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How to clean the epilator?

To begin with, the cleaning of all parts of an electrical device must be carried out regularly, after each use. Otherwise, the smallest hairs can penetrate the mechanism and spoil it. Also, a clogged epilator will poorly perform its direct duties - it will not remove all the hairs, or simply interrupt them instead of removing them completely with the onion. There is an article on our portal that will help you correctly. epilate.

Important! As soon as you notice a malfunction in the personal appliance, immediately engage in its deep cleaning. It is highly likely that the cause of the problem was precisely the blockages in the mechanism.

Important! Does the hair on your hands give you a lot of trouble? Our helpful tips in a separate review will help solve this problem. "How to get rid of the hair on the hands?".

So, you removed the unnecessary hair from the body, what to do next? How to clean the epilator “Brown” or another brand? The principle of your actions in all models of different manufacturers will be similar:

  • Use the special brush that came with the epilator in the kit. Thoroughly clean the nozzle and any visible dirt. In the same way, process the place where the nozzle is attached.

Important! If the brush was not in the kit or it was lost somewhere, use an old toothbrush. The effect will be the same.

  • Hard-to-reach spots can be treated with a conventional vacuum cleaner with a thin nozzle. A similar method is quite effective.
  • The area where the tweezers are located is especially often clogged. You can also try cleaning it with a vacuum cleaner. The second no less effective way is to bring the area under a strong stream of running water.

Important! If your model allows you to wash the knives under the tap, then you can, without fear of spoiling it, dip the epilator in water.

  • If the epilator is clogged so much that it is broken, then it’s unlikely that you can clean and repair it yourself. In this case, we recommend that you immediately bring it to a service where they will take it apart and show you how to clean the Philips or any other firm epilator in hard-to-reach places. And for the repair period, you can use other means that you don’t even have to spend much on. Follow our workshops to dowax strips at home.

Important! Do not forget that after depilation, skin irritation may appear. The causes of its occurrence, proper care, effective methods of dealing with this phenomenon and other useful information can be found in our separate article. "Skin Care after Depilation".

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As you can see, cleaning the epilator is not very difficult. Therefore, in order for the device to serve you for many more months, you should carefully clean the nozzles and the device itself from hairs. The regularity of this procedure will provide you with smooth skin, and the device - a long life.


