How to iron a coat?

A coat is the most popular type of outerwear, regardless of which style is preferred. Modern products can emphasize your solidity, femininity, style. But for such a wardrobe item to last as long as possible and remain in its original condition, you need to know how to iron the coat, how to wash it, how to remove complex stains from the fabric. Most often, natural wool or cashmere, which are delicate materials, is used to make this outerwear. Therefore, the product must be properly maintained. You will learn about all the rules of this from this article.

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How to wash a coat?

Before ironing the coat, it must be properly washed. To do this, follow these rules:

  1. Unfasten or unfasten the fur on the collar and cuffs.
  2. Dissolve a gentle detergent in water of 40 degrees.
  3. Dip a thing there, leave it for 15 minutes.
  4. Remember carefully.
  5. Rinse well.
  6. Do not twist, do not squeeze, but let the main water drain on its own - to do this, leave the coat for a while in the bathroom.

Important! If machine washable:

  • Put your clothes in special laundry bag.
  • Add a suitable type of liquid or hair conditioner to the conditioner compartment.
  • In this case, all large parts must be removed from the material.
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How to iron a coat?

To quickly and easily iron a woolen coat, prepare a wide ironing board or choose a flat surface, for example, on a table, after covering it with a blanket. Take only clean and good iron, otherwise you may spoil the material. Before you iron the cashmere coat, dry it on a horizontal surface. Before starting to level the wool coat, dry it on a hanger, away from direct sunlight.

Important! To make your overall look harmonious with such outerwear, be sure to read about:

To understand how to iron a wool coat correctly, check out the guidelines below:

  1. Start the process from the wrong side.
  2. Line the base fabric and lining.
  3. Remove pockets, iron them well.
  4. Return to starting position.
  5. Next, iron the sleeves, also from the inside.
  6. Pay special attention to elbow sutures. To smoothly and accurately align all creases, folds, place a small hard pillow or pull the sleeve onto a special part on the ironing board.
  7. Iron the bead by activating the steaming function.
  8. Flatten your collar and lapels.
  9. Turn the coat over to the front side and prepare wet gauze - this part of the material can only be ironed through the lining.
  10. Work in this order:
    • sleeves - if the fabric is pile, move along its direction, if lint-free - from the cuffs to the armhole .;
    • back;
    • lapels - first straighten the creases and edges on them;
    • front shelves;
    • collar - iron in the same way as lapels;
    • shoulders - also use a pillow or stand, as for sleeves.
    • seams - iron with the sharp end of the appliance, squeezing them a little so as not to pull the fabric of the coat itself.

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Helpful hints:

  1. An important point in deciding how to iron a wool coat is temperature. Even if the fabric of your product is very thick, do not use an iron that is too hot.You can scorch natural fibers and a gloss and tan is formed, which will be practically impossible to get rid of. Choose the correct mode, focusing on the indicators on your device - wool or up to 100C.
  2. Do not dry the coat, otherwise it will be difficult to perfectly smooth out all the folds and small details.
  3. Do not rush to immediately hang a coat on a hanger or put it on - let it cool slightly.
  4. If you noticed only a few spots of incomprehensible origin, but in general the coat looks still good, do not wash it, so as not to expose the material once again to processing. Try to deal with the problem locally. Our team will help you. dry dry coat tips.
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Properly take care of your clothes and then you will always look neat and beautiful!


