How to start a nail business - is it profitable?

Beauty services invariably remain in demand, because ladies want to have an impeccable appearance, regardless of the crisis. Therefore, the provision of manicure services often attracts women entrepreneurs. Of course, not everyone will be able to open a large-scale project due to a banal lack of capital, but home-based activities do not require significant investments and, at the same time, bring good income. In this article, we will consider how to start a nail business, whether it is profitable.
to contents ↑Real business project opportunities
Given the large number of potential customers, it is unlikely that doing home manicure will become a loss-making business. The success of the case depends on how much the master owns the techniques, on the level of his qualifications. Another important point is a creative, non-standard and informal approach to nail design. You also need to know about all the classic and modern trends, which we described in detail in the article "Manicure Design". Otherwise, even the most beloved work will become a banal routine over time. Given the high competitiveness of the market, you simply can not stay afloat.
Over time, if things go well, you can develop and expand your business. And you need to start small, increasing volumes and pace gradually. The main thing is to form a customer base. Provided that you work well, the customer network will constantly expand. Gradually, you will gain a reputation as an excellent master.
According to entrepreneurs, the nail business is profitable and does not require significant upfront costs. Now consider the standard algorithm for developing a business project.
to contents ↑First investment
Before you start a home manicure business, you still need to fork out a little. The very first moment is the acquisition of professional skills, training. You can get initial skills at specialized nail service courses. Primary courses are usually two-week. The cost of training on average is about 15-16. e. A more in-depth “introduction to the specialty” will take several months and will cost you about 35-40 y. e.
Important! When choosing a teacher, pay attention to the relationship between theory and practice. Naturally, practice and work with people are always a priority.
After you have received the necessary knowledge, you need to pay attention to honing professional skills. Of course, you can do this at home, but finding work in a professional salon in your locality is a real success. Firstly, you can learn from more experienced professional masters, and secondly, you can create a reputation for yourself as a responsible, polite and good master who fulfills orders perfectly. Here you can meet your potential customers.
If you plan your nail business exclusively in the home format, offer home manicure services to relatives or friends. Nail service - this is exactly the type of business activity that is well promoted with the help of word of mouth.
Important! You can attract potential customers using ads in social network groups.
Now your task is a beautiful, neat and creative execution of orders. This will be your future activity. Now - about the organizational aspects of the nail business at home.
How to promote the nail business from scratch? Legal issues
It is hardly possible to build a profitable and developing business without formalizing individual entrepreneurship. The best option would be to acquire a patent for entrepreneurial activity.
The most difficult moment is the execution of all the necessary papers for opening a nail business:
- Practice shows that the most difficult thing is to get permission from the SES.
- Legal business will also require the purchase of a cash register.
- In addition to the conclusion of sanitation, a permit will be required from Consumer Supervision.
Important! As a rule, it takes more than a month to complete all the necessary documentation. You can use the services of professionals who will help you with the solution of organizational issues in the nail business.
We equip a workplace
When planning to start a nail business, first of all, decide what is more profitable for you: to go home to a client or take orders at home? Of course, it is best to combine both options. However, if you are satisfied with only one of the types of these practices, this is perfectly acceptable.
For home reception, select one of the rooms for your workplace. Here will be placed a work table for manicure, equipped with all necessary equipment. Consumables are conveniently stored in drawers and on shelves. It’s good if the client sees your arsenal of tools and materials and chooses the type of manicure.
Important! A prerequisite is the allocation of a zone for sterilization of the instrument. This is one of the conditions for obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station. However, obtaining permission from the SES to operate in an apartment is difficult.
If you are planning a nail business in the format of going to the client’s home, you will need a folding analogue of a manicure table and a locker for placing tools, accessories and consumables. A well-thought-out portfolio that will help the client make a choice does not hurt.
Tool acquisition
So, the possibility of leaving or receiving customers at home eliminates the need to rent a room and the associated costs (salaries, utility bills).
But you can’t get away with just one investment of money - this is the acquisition of tools. It is important that the tools are professional grade and of the highest quality.
Important! Remember: in no case should you make an article from the tool for saving. The whole result of your work depends on it, which means competitiveness.
You will need:
- UV lamp for gel and acrylic manicure.
Important! When deciding on the type of lamp to provide professional manicure services, use our detailed overview “A lamp for shellac - which is better?”.
- Sterilization technology.
Important! We also prepared a detailed article about this type of device with all the necessary information.
To familiarize yourself with it, click on the link "Sterilizers for manicure tools".
- Systems for processing nails in hardware.
In addition to this, you will need:
- tools - tweezers, nippers, scissors, spatulas, scalpels;
- consumables - shellacs, tips, gels, primers, varnishes, disinfecting liquid.
Important! Buying equipment for manicure at home will cost you about 1100-1150. e. The cost of a monthly replenishment of supplies is 150-160. e.
We form a customer base
Advertising is an important point both at launch and when promoting a business. First offer your friends free services.If everything worked out well, good reviews about your work are provided, and the word of mouth effect will start working for you.
Place ads on the Internet with real photos of completed orders. For a short time, you will be able to get enough customers to fill out the work schedule. Both methods of promotion are simple, affordable and do not require funding.
Important! Take the time to study the prices in the market. It is quite logical for a novice master to set the cost of services for a start slightly lower than the market average. First customers can be served free of charge. Practice shows that this marketing trick works great.
After you make enough money, you can think about advertising flyers and advertising in the media. But think about the fact that you are unlikely to be able to serve more than 5 customers during the day. Therefore, when the number of orders begins to exceed your physical capabilities, this is a signal for expanding the business. Of course, expanding the business will require new investments (rental of premises, equipment for a nail studio), but the profits from a nail bar or a small salon will far exceed the profits from individual activities.
Tips for beginners
Naturally, any business has its own secrets and nuances. Here are some tips that experienced craftsmen share with newcomers:
- Try to create the most comfortable conditions for clients. Get some fashion magazines in case there is a queue or an overlay in the schedule.
- Develop a good portfolio so that customers can choose the option that they like best.
- Do not skimp on discounts. The system of discounts for regular customers will help you to have your own customer base.
- Improve your professional level. Learn continuously, keep track of trends in the world of manicure. It is useful to start a parallel development of hairdressing, makeup and even massage.
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It is possible to implement a profitable nail business without any special difficulties. From a novice entrepreneur only hard work, decency, contact and the desire to work in this area are required. Despite the competitiveness of the market, a good master is always in demand.