Sterilizers for manicure tools

A manicurist can not do without a suitable sterilizer for tools. After all, his personal health and the health of the client depend on the proper cleaning of manicure accessories. Therefore, it is so important to choose a suitable device.

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Safety comes first

Professional manicurists know: having a sterilizer for tools in your arsenal is a vital necessity. And it doesn’t matter: do you work in a fashion salon or do manicures at home. A thorough cleaning of work surfaces is indispensable.

No one is safe from accidental cuts during the procedure. And together with blood, skin particles, malignant microorganisms get on the instruments. Therefore, manicure accessories must be sterilized after each procedure. And here you can not do without specialized equipment.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to sterilize instruments properly. Which devices to use at different stages of cleaning.

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Disinfection and sterilization - what is the difference

Disinfection helps to reduce the number of harmful microorganisms on the treated surfaces. It slows down their reproduction, but does not kill all microbes.

Sterilization destroys all microorganisms that have fallen on the instruments. But this procedure in itself is not so effective. To conduct a full cleaning of the manicure set, you need to perform three procedures in stages.

Disinfect manicure accessories first. Place them in a special container and fill with a disinfector. The time of the procedure depends on the concentration of the solution, the type of surfaces being cleaned. At the end of disinfection, rinse objects from the solution and dry them.

Next, proceed with the pre-sterilization preparation. Wash off particles of skin, blood, and other impurities from tools. This procedure can be chemical - using special. solution; or mechanical - using a brush, vibration exposure.

Disinfection and presterilization can be combined in one step. Use a special disinfectant that dissolves dirt while fighting microbes. Or use an ultrasonic cleaner. Pour the disinfecting solution into the container, lower the objects to be cleaned into it. The solution, under the influence of vibrations, washes away contaminants from the surface of instruments and disinfects them.

The final cleaning step is sterilization. Various devices are used for it. They differ in principle of operation, cleaning time, cost.

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Device types

When choosing a suitable sterilizer for manicure tools, consider which surfaces you will process, how often.

Glasperlenny devices

Glasperlenovye devices are compact in size, affordable cost. Working accessories are sterilized in them in 5-20 seconds.

The principle of operation is glasperlen simple. Pour special quartz or glass balls into the apparatus. Then immerse the objects to be cleaned in them. Balls are heated to a temperature of 250 ° C. Under its influence, sterilization occurs.

An important nuance is that only products made of heat-resistant medical alloy can be cleaned with a glazed-grain apparatus.Simple metal objects become dull after a few procedures. They will need to be sharpened often.

In addition, glasperlen only processes the work surface of products. Handles remain unsterilized.

How often do you need to change balls

Over time, glass, quartz balls lose their properties. Therefore, they need to be updated periodically. How often - depends on the intensity of use of the device. But at least once every six months or a year. Even if you use glasperlen at home, renew the balls once a year.

Heat treatment devices

Dry heat cabinets - devices that work on the principle of heat treatment of the surface. Sterilize all-metal, glass objects. They are containers where tools are placed. They are sterilized at a temperature of 200-260 ° C. Processing time depends on the set temperature: 30-120 minutes. The entire surface of the processed items is disinfected.

     Such sterilizers for manicure tools are more expensive than glazed ones, but the processing is more thorough. In addition, the products remain sharp, no matter what metal they are made of.

Autoclaves are cousins ​​of dry heat cabinets. Similar in design, processing time. Items are sterilized by hot steam.


Ultrasonic washers are also used for full sterilization. The ideal solution for disinfecting objects with embossed surfaces, boron, milling cutters.

UV devices are an isolated type of sterilizer. They can not be attributed to full-fledged disinfecting devices. Since, under the influence of UV rays, not all malignant microorganisms die. These devices are used to store already sterilized manicure sets. As complete sterilizers for tools, they are suitable for cleaning non-metallic objects: orange sticks, nail files, sponges, etc.

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Glasperlenovy or ultraviolet?

If you are faced with such a question, know the perfect solution - both at once. The functions of these devices are different, one does not replace the other.

But if you still choose between two devices, you will have to sacrifice some properties. Or refuse to clean non-metallic products using glasperlen. Or stop at a limited UV treatment.

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Which tool sterilizer is best?

There is no single answer to this question. Only you can choose the perfect device.

When choosing the right device, consider the features of your work. Decide how quickly you need to sterilize your instruments. What materials they are made of, what surface they have.

To work in the cabin, it is better to use an expensive, but reliable dry heat cabinet. And for a manicure at home, a ball sterilizer for tools is suitable. It is also useful in the cabin when they need to be quickly disinfected.

It is better to store manicure accessories in the UV device. It will also help to disinfect non-metallic products.

Do not forget about disinfection and pre-sterilization preparation of instruments. An ultrasonic cleaner that combines both functions is suitable for this case.

You can choose a device for professional or personal use in the online supermarket Rozetka. Here are the working devices themselves and auxiliary materials for them. You can choose the right device and find the product at the right price: from 290 to 29,000 hryvnia.

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