How to clean the aquarium of limescale?

Fans of fish and owners of home aquariums are well acquainted with such a problem as the appearance of the so-called “water stone” on the glass. Often an unpleasant white coating appears in the upper part of the tank when the water level changes. In this article we will share effective recommendations on how to clean, wash the old aquarium and get rid of limescale and keep it attractive. And after that, cleaning the aquarium will be easy and quick for you.

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Why does limescale appear?

Limescale deposits on the glass of an aquarium are a fairly common occurrence. Almost all aquarium enthusiasts face this problem. Usually this problem appears due to the following factors:

  • lack of living plants in the aquarium;
  • excessive use of feed in the process of feeding fish;
  • insufficiently settled and unfiltered water;
  • use of hard water.

Important! Before deciding how to wash the aquarium from limescale, you should find out what it is. An unpleasant white layer consists of salts that settle on the surface of the glass as a result of evaporation of the liquid. Saline impurities are usually found in hard water. It is such water that enters the city pipelines from rivers and lakes. Rain or meltwater is considered to be soft, but it is very rarely suitable for good life of fish and plants.

If, in addition to lime deposits, you also noticed a green bloom, then you need to take comprehensive measures to care for the artificial reservoir. Our tips from the article will help you quickly and easily cope with this task."How to remove greens in the aquarium?".

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How to clean the aquarium from limescale?

There are several ways to give your tank an attractive look. The specific method should be chosen depending on whether you intend to restart the aquarium or clean the glass surface without relocating the fish.

Method No. 1 - Mechanical Cleaning

If you want to clean the aquarium of limescale without expelling fish and plants from it, then physical methods are best for this purpose. In the store you can purchase a special aquarium scraper, which has quite stiff bristles.

Important! Do not clean with metal scrapers, as small particles of iron can get into the aquarium water and begin to rust. The death of fish as a result of swallowing metal chips is also possible. In addition, metal can leave scratches on the surface of the glass, which will significantly spoil the appearance of the aquarium.

Other tools:

  1. If the coating on the aquarium glass is firmly fixed, then you can use the hard side of the kitchen sponge to clean it.
  2. Also, in any of the hardware stores you can buy a plastic scraper, which looks very much like a blade.

Important! In hard-to-reach areas, such as corners and narrow areas, you can use a hard toothbrush. Only then do not use it for its intended purpose.

Is artificial reservoir also a source of unpleasant amber? You can find out effective tools to solve this problem right now. Follow the linkhow to remove the smell from the aquarium.

Method No. 2 - Special Tools for Glass Cleaning

This method of cleaning work is suitable if you plan to restart the aquarium, that is, carrying out preventive work with replanting fish and plants. Special chemicals are sold in pet stores in order to clean the aquarium of limescale at home.

Important! Is this your first time encountering different problems with keeping an aquarium? Then you just need to arm yourself with detailed instructions that detail:

Tetratec Cleaning Cloths

This is a special tool for cleaning aquarium walls. The package consists of 10 napkins, each of which is impregnated with a special chemical composition. With this tool, you can clean the glass of the aquarium not only from limescale, but also from a faint trace of green algae.

Important! After processing the aquarium, be sure to thoroughly rinse the substance off the surface of the glass jar, which will protect your fish from chemicals.

Wiper Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Safe and Easy

This is a chemical agent in the form of a spray. This substance is supplied to the market by an American company. The product is suitable for processing both glass and acrylic surfaces.

Apply the spray as follows:

  1. Apply the composition to the walls of an empty aquarium.
  2. Leave the substance for a few minutes to undergo a chemical reaction.
  3. Wash off the chemical with water and a kitchen sponge.
  4. Rinse the aquarium can thoroughly under running water.

Important! This drug is non-toxic and produces a fairly simple surface cleaning without stains and stains.

If you did not plan to purchase special funds, and right now you have the mood to deal with the raid, then follow the link. We've put together the most effective ways for practicing aquarists in the review “Cleaning the aquarium at home at the lowest cost«.

Method №3 - Folk ways

If you want to clean the aquarium of limescale without any special financial costs for the purchase of special chemicals and scrapers, then you can use folk methods.

Important! Remember that you can only use such cleaning methods for empty aquariums, otherwise there is a risk of harming the fish and plants living in the glass house.

The most effective are the following folk methods of cleaning the walls of the aquarium from limescale:

  1. Acetic acid is an excellent assistant in dissolving and removing lime deposits from glass surfaces. Prepare a solution in the proportion of 1 glass of water per 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence. It is convenient to apply the product with a spray bottle or a clean rag. After treatment, rinse the aquarium thoroughly with running water.

Important! When working with acetic acid, do not forget about its ability to corrode the skin and use rubber gloves to help protect your hands.

  1. Ammonia is also great for washing your aquarium from limescale. Add the active substance to water, observing a ratio of 1:10, rinse the surface. After treatment, be sure to rinse the aquarium under clean running water. You will find even more ways and ideas for beginners in the article,how to clean glass in an aquarium.
  2. Citric acid has excellent cleavage properties. To clean the aquarium walls, prepare a solution of citric acid, for which it is enough to add 20 g of substance to 200 ml of warm water. Thoroughly mix the contents of the container until the product is completely dissolved and, pouring liquid into the spray bottle, treat the glass surface. After waiting 15 minutes, clean the aquarium of limescale with a kitchen sponge and rinse off the rest of the product in warm water.

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In this article, we shared with you recommendations on how to quickly and efficiently clean an aquarium of an unpleasant lime coating that has a specific white color. We sincerely hope that now your fish can enjoy cleanliness, and you will be happy to watch them.

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