How to clean the aluminum pan from carbon deposits at home?

In the modern world, an incredible amount of kitchen utensils is in the arsenal of housewives. It is diverse in its functional purpose, form, material from which it is made. In this article we will talk about aluminum cookware, its characteristics, learn how to clean the aluminum pan from soot at home.
to contents ↑Features of aluminum cookware
According to the manufacturing method, aluminum dishes are of two types - cast and stamped:
- Pressed aluminum cookware is made on the basis of sheets of metal that take on the desired shape, but cast cookware is created by casting using mold blanks.
- Cast utensils are much more expensive than stamped ones, however, they are more durable because they have a greater thickness, which reduces the risk of deformation.
The main advantages of aluminum cookware:
- the food in it heats up incredibly quickly, which reduces cooking time and saves electricity or gas;
- it is incredibly light, respectively - more comfortable during operation and becomes indispensable in hiking;
- such dishes are very durable, since the metal from which it is made is practically not subject to corrosion;
- the cost of such dishes is relatively low compared to dishes made of other metals.
But there are also disadvantages of dishes made of this metal. This may include:
- soft metal, which contributes to the deformation of aluminum products;
- due to the fact that such dishes quickly heat up, there is a minus in the form of the possibility of burning a cooked dish;
- the ability to oxidize upon contact with certain products, which entails the appearance of spots on the surface of pots, pans and bowls.
Types of contamination of aluminum utensils
In the process of using aluminum cookware, it, like all other types of kitchen utensils, is prone to pollution. These include:
- the appearance of scale on the inner surface, as a result of contact with very hard water;
- the formation of soot, which occurs as a result of burning small streaks of food or as a result of a significant burning of dishes to the bottom;
- dark spots, as a result of oxidation from contact with certain products, or due to improper care of the dishes.
How to get rid of small, not too old pollution?
The easiest way to clean such dishes is washing in soapy water or not soaking in soapy water for a long time. However, if such a cleaning method has not yielded results, there are more effective methods for cleaning aluminum pans at home:
- It is necessary to put a pot on the stove, having previously collected water in it. Pour a few tablespoons of soda inside and boil for 20-30 minutes. After that, thoroughly rinse the surface. If the contaminants are on the outside of the dishes, you should take a container that is large in size and boil a pan of dirt in it in the same solution.
- Mustard powder perfectly fights light impurities and removes fat.
- It perfectly copes with spots and small impurities by boiling for half an hour in a solution with the addition of a couple of packets of citric acid. After carrying out this procedure, it is enough to rinse the kitchen utensils.
- A powerful helper in the fight against pollution is ordinary onions. Quarters of several onions are immersed in water and boiled for 30 to 40 minutes. The pan in which such a solution was boiled is perfectly cleaned of particles of burnt food.
- The outer walls of contaminated dishes can be cleaned with gruel from water and soda, applied to a soft sponge. In a circular motion, it is necessary to clean it of impurities and rinse with water. For these purposes, you can also use a thick slurry of water and fine salt.
to contents ↑Important! Wipe the surface of the pan with a soft cloth dampened with ammonia, this will restore her shine after all cleansing procedures, and even out the color of the surface.
How to eliminate black spots on the surface of products?
If your aluminum pan darkens inside or out, dark spots appear on it, let's find out how to clean it from such impurities:
- The most natural and completely affordable way is to soak the dishes in a sour-milk solution, for example, kefir or yogurt. You must leave the utensils soaked in this drink all night, rinse thoroughly in the morning, and there are no dark spots.
- A powerful tool in the fight against darkening is a mixture in equal proportions of salt, vinegar and mustard powder. With this thick mixture you need to grate the surface of the dishes and let stand a little. After 15-20 minutes, just wash the dishes under warm running water.
- Sorrel enters into an excellent reaction with this metal. A bunch of this greens must be thrown into boiling water and boiled for 20-30 minutes. After this, the dishes take on their neat appearance.
- A solution consisting of half a liter of water and a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar will help restore shine to aluminum products and eliminate stains. It is enough to wipe the product with a rag soaked in acetic solution.
- Half of the freshly cut apple remarkably eliminates dark spots and gives shine to the products.
- The well-known Coca-Cola is an unexpected companion in the fight against darkening - it is necessary to soak aluminum products in it, and the darkness will go away by itself.
to contents ↑Important! When boiled, this drink can rid the walls of dishes even of scale.
How to eliminate a strong deposit?
If food is burnt in your pan or aluminum frying pan, or you got old utensils with a long-term soot, do not despair, your dishes have a chance to regain their worthy appearance. How to clean the aluminum pan from soot at home:
- Vinegar is a powerful tool for removing carbon deposits and scale. It is necessary to pour vinegar into the water, in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water and boil for 30 minutes. After boiling, rinse the dishes with water. In addition to removing carbon deposits, the metal shine will return.
- To clean the bottom of soot, you must use tooth powder or toothpaste. Apply them in a thick enough layer and moisten slightly with water. Leave to acidify under the action of one of the means. After 12 hours, remove softened soot with a wooden or silicone spatula.
- With a very strong tan, the following recipe helps: add a couple of liters of water to the chips of a third of a bar of laundry soap and 1 tablespoon of ordinary PVA glue, cover it all and boil for 30-40 minutes. After this procedure, soot will easily move away from your pan.
- It copes well with a burnt bottom - a tablet for a dishwasher. You need to put a tablet in the pan, draw a small amount of water, about 2 fingers from the bottom, boil it all for 20 minutes.
- Having mixed in equal proportions laundry soap, silicate glue and water, it is necessary to put this mixture in a small container on fire. After completely mixing all the components with a sponge, apply the resulting cream mixture to the surface of the dishes. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with water and a clean sponge.
How to care for aluminum products?
As it turned out, aluminum cookware has many advantages, however, it is very whimsical to care for. Often spots, streaks form on it, food burns on it. This does not put her in the first place among all kitchen utensils. But she can become your favorite, if you follow the general tips and advice on caring for her:
- Cook in aluminum pots and pans, exclusively over low heat. With strong heating, the soft metal can deform and such dishes become unstable - this threatens to tip over and uneven heating, respectively - burnout in some places.
- Do not use sharp objects when cleaning dishes, forget about knives and metal shovels to clean burnt food from its bottom and walls.
- Do not wash aluminum products in the dishwasher.
Important! After washing, never leave aluminum dishes wet. Always wipe it dry - so you prevent the appearance of ugly drips and stains.
- Do not use aggressive acid-base products when cleaning it.
- Do not rub the surface of pots with abrasive products, sand, or sandpaper.
- Do not store cooked food in such dishes - after cooking, transfer food from a pan or pan to a storage container. This will protect the dishes from darkening, and your food will not get an unpleasant taste and smell.
- Do not use aluminum pots and bowls as a container for pickling vegetables. This will not only spoil the taste of the products, but also harm your health, due to a possible chemical reaction.
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As you can see, any dirt can be removed, the dishes returned to their original appearance, to give it a shine. Therefore, do not say goodbye to a burnt or darkened pan, use the tips from the article on cleaning aluminum dishes from stains and carbon deposits. However, remember that it is best to follow the recommendations for its operation and not to make mistakes in caring for it. Then she will always delight you with her look, will become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.
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