How to clean the ceramic pan from carbon deposits inside?

Ceramic dishes are gaining more and more popularity. This is not surprising, because it is made from environmentally friendly materials, the food does not burn on it, and the dishes are tasty and retain all their useful substances. The only drawback of such dishes is the difficulty of care. The ceramic coating is very capricious, easily scratched and does not tolerate any abrasive substances, only gentle care. But over time, on such dishes, like on any other, a deposit appears, which is quite difficult to get rid of. How to clean the ceramic pan from carbon deposits inside? Let's find out how to clean kitchen utensils from such material so that it serves us for a long time and delights us with delicious dishes.
to contents ↑Care for ceramic dishes
In order for ceramic-coated utensils to serve you as long as possible, you need to follow the simple rules for caring for it:
- Be sure to wash the new frying pan in warm water and wipe it with a soft cloth.
- When cooking for the first time, add a small amount of oil.
- When stirring, do not use metal appliances that could scratch the coating. Use wood, silicone, or bamboo items.
- Do not expose cookware to extreme temperature changes - the coating may not withstand and burst. For example, do not pour cold water on a hot pan. Do not put frozen foods in boiling oil.
- Do not use abrasives that could damage the coating. Can not use ammonia, soda, metal sponges, oven cleaners and other aggressive compounds. Ceramics are also contraindicated in chlorine and alkali.
- Such a method for removing carbon deposits, such as boiling silicate glue in water, is also not suitable for ceramics. A sticky coating forms on the surface of the vessel, which is difficult to remove.
We clean the carbon
How to clean a ceramic coated pan from carbon deposits inside? In case of small impurities, it is recommended to simply fill the dishes with warm water for a while, and then wipe them with a soft sponge with the addition of dishwashing detergent.
Important! Wait for your pan to cool, and only then fill it with water.
But what if the deposit is already impressive, and just water, sponges and dishwashing detergents are not enough?
Citric Acid and Vinegar
If the carbon in the ceramic pan is too large, then citric acid and vinegar will help you. You can also use a foam or polyurethane washcloth. They will not damage the ceramics, but they will help to cope with carbon deposits:
- Pour water into the pan to the brim, add vinegar and citric acid. Put on fire.
- Heat almost to a boil and turn off.
- When it cools down, remove the plaque with a washcloth.
Important! If the first attempt did not help, the procedure can be repeated. Vinegar and citric acid will soften the fat and contribute to its removal.
What else can clean a ceramic coated pan? In this case, alcohol can help you:
- Soak the pan for an hour.
- Wash it with dishwashing detergent or laundry soap.
- Wipe the surface dry.
- Dip the swab in alcohol or vodka.
- Take a swab of dirt.
- Change the swab as needed.
Stationery eraser
To clean the dishes from the stick, you can use a soft stationery eraser:
- Wash the pan with detergent and wipe it dry.
- Walk the eraser through all the dirty places.
Most of the contaminants will be removed in such a simple way.
other methods
How to wash a ceramic pan from carbon deposits at home? There are other ways to remove carbon deposits:
- Small dirt from a hot pan can be removed with a dry paper towel.
- If your food is burnt, wipe these places with olive oil. Then rinse the dishes with water.
- You can clean the surface of carbon deposits with activated carbon. Crush 15-20 tablets, fill the pan with this powder and pour water with the addition of any dishwashing detergent. Wash off after 30-40 minutes.
- In the worst case, you can use hydrochloric acid. After treatment with hydrochloric acid, even the most persistent contaminants will go away.
to contents ↑Important! After this treatment, the dishes should be washed thoroughly with dishwashing detergent and running water. Remember to protect your hands with gloves.
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Ceramic dishes are one of the best solutions. And it is not at all necessary to refuse it only for the reason that you did not know how to properly care for it. Remember the useful tips from this article, and the new utensils will last you as long as you did not expect!