How to clean gold from someone else's energy?

The world around us is filled with streams of energy, it is present within us and is inherent in all objects without exception. Jewelry, especially those made of gold, have powerful energy. This is due to the popularity of this precious metal when creating jewelry. We contact them daily: we wear earrings, rings, chains. With such a constant and close relationship, energy will undoubtedly “absorb” into the gold jewelry. What if you bought gold at a pawnshop? Or if you did not buy new jewelry, but presented it to you, or left it as a legacy, you have to wonder how to clean gold from someone else's energy? We will deal with all the nuances of such a procedure in this article.
to contents ↑What do the experts say?
Sometimes we don’t buy gold jewelry in the store, but they are given to us from someone else. For example, a heirloom transmitted from generation to generation. It happens that we exchange rings or earrings, but this is someone else's gold. So, often mom and daughter borrow from each other certain embellishments.
How to clean the golden ring from someone else's energy, remove the negative from it? - Experts in this area are strongly advised to clean gold items even after purchase, and even more so - received from another person. This simple process will take quite a bit of your time.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget to clean your own jewelry from accumulated negative energy. At a minimum, you need to clean once a year, and more often. And even better - to do this with regard to the whole house, especially if you notice that in your family quarrels and situations of misunderstanding become more frequent.
Use our article tips "How to clean the house?".
How to clean gold from someone else's energy? - We determine the means
What tools are suitable for the cleaning process? All negativity is easily removed:
- using running water, fire power;
- in the fight against negative energy, salt is very effective.
There are other ways.
How to understand and verify that the procedures were successful? Very easy! Put on your jewelry and, closing your eyes, listen to yourself, your feelings.
to contents ↑Important! If you feel calm and positive emotions, it means - the ritual to cleanse gold from someone else's energy was effective. Additionally, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from negativity, pick up effective ones with our help amulets for home protection.
Do I need to remove the negative from the rings and other jewelry and why?
It’s not just necessary to clean the golden ring from someone else’s energy, but is urgently needed!
Why should this be done? Jewelry is able to accumulate energy from past owners for many years. Passing the path of life with their masters, jewelry adjusts to them.
Important! Gold jewelry possesses an exceptionally powerful energy force, especially if the item is with precious stones.
However, this does not mean that when you purchase a new ring in a jewelry store, you are insured against any negative consequences:
- You can’t even imagine who tried it on before you.Perhaps the person could not buy it, and the bitter feeling of annoyance or even envy of the one who can afford it ““ imprints ”on the product.
- Also the creator of the jewel! Performing such a focused and painstaking work, the jeweler unconsciously directs his emotions and energy to the decoration. But what if he is in a bad mood because of serious problems? And all this “settles” on the product.
Clean, clean and clean again!
Negative energy can appear in jewelry from human envy or anger. Another source may be the situation in which you participated and you were wearing gold. For example, a quarrel, an accident, visiting unfavorable and sinister places.
Important! The most dangerous in this regard are ancient precious jewelry and treasures. Especially extracted from ancient burials and tombs. Believe me, being several centuries next to the remains of a person, such objects carry not just negative, but extreme danger!
How to understand that you need to clean gold from someone else's energy? Pay attention to the appearance of such emotional symptoms: loss of strength, poor mood, apathy, etc.
to contents ↑Gold Cleaning Methods
So, you decided to clean the gold from negative energy at home. Let's look at which of the many ways would be appropriate. The main forces fighting the negative aura have always been the four earthly elements, but not only they can help you.
the fire
Fire has tremendous cleansing power:
- Hold the item over the fire for a few seconds. You can use incense.
- Another option is to light a candle and watch the flame for two minutes. In this case, your eyes will retain the image of fire.
- After that, take the product and imagine how fire absorbs it and burns all the negative energy.
Important! Ash, as a derivative of the action of fire, also does a good job cleaning gold. It is enough to place a decoration in it or wipe it.
If using such simple methods it is not possible to remove negative energy, then perhaps it is worth attributing the thing to re-melting.
Rinse your jewelry under running water.
The strength of the earth will effectively cleanse gold from foreign energy. Bury the required item for a week, and you will get rid of it.
Take a glass and pour ⅓ of salt, put the ring and cover with salt to the top. After a day, you can get the item, and salt needs to be buried in the ground or thrown into the river.
Salt can be used table or sea. The use of saline will also be effective.
Important! It is better to remove the decoration with a stick, spoon or pencil.
Believers often find a solution to problems with its help. For this, holy water and church candles are used. Put a gold ornament on the table, with a burning candle, make circular movements counterclockwise.
Important! The number of revolutions is interconnected with your sensations. As soon as it seems to you that the jewelry has been cleaned, you can stop manipulating.
Sound vibrations - a rather unusual method, how to clean gold from negative energy. You can play them using a gong, a simple or church bell, loud music. Focus and imagine how sound waves penetrate jewelry, penetrate into it, purifying from negative energy.
Important! Try to apply the sound of the “Ohm” mantra by making it yourself or through the player.
Sun and moonlight
Place the jewelry where it is exposed to direct sunlight or moonlight. It can be a windowsill, a balcony. Leave on for 7-8 hours. Make sure that this period of time will not be cloudy.
If the item is adorned with precious stones, be careful, as some of them may fade in the sun. For example, amethyst, citrine, yellow topaz.
to contents ↑Important! If you decide to use moonlight, be sure to pay attention to the phase of the moon.All actions are carried out only on the growing moon.
Antique jewelry, removal of negative energy and ancient corruption
Old antique objects are most saturated with dark energy. How to clean gold from negative energy in such cases?
Antiques are quite ancient things, their age varies from fifty years to several hundred centuries. More “young” jewelry is estimated at 20-50 years, they are also called shabby. Thoughts, ideas and emotions of the previous owners are very firmly imprinted on metals, especially gold. And such a gem as amber attracts curses greatly.
Important! The older the item, the more negative energy it contains.
Antiques and antiquities can be cleaned of foreign energy using the above methods.
Have you completed all the procedures and no longer doubt that the jewelry can harm you? Read our post on the link, because now is the time to deal with how to wear women's rings on your hands.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We studied in detail why it is so important to clean jewelry from someone else's energy and where it comes from in gold jewelry. You can choose an effective way to protect yourself from negative consequences and emotions. Carrying out regular simple procedures, your sense of self will be in harmony and tranquility.