How to paint a wall in two colors?

Increasingly, during the repair the question arises: how to decorate the walls? If ten years ago it was possible to answer such a question without hesitation that it is definitely a wallpaper. That is currently not the case. All the beloved and varied wallpapers were replaced by wall painting, and not only. It is worth noting that there are plenty of methods, patterns, designs for painting walls in the room. Here you will have to devote a lot of time to choosing exactly what is right for you. For example, very often choose such an option as painting the wall in two colors. Let's look at how this fashion trend can be brought to life in your home.
to contents ↑The benefits of painting walls
Once, during the Soviet Union, you can recall the painted walls. But the color by which this whole thing was done leaves much to be desired. You can not say about the choice of color in the modern market - from pastel tones of different color schemes to saturated, artsy, daring palettes.
It is worth noting the advantages of this method:
- First of all, it is a price factor. The cost of purchasing paint and all the necessary tools is several times less than the purchase of wallpaper every time during repair.
- Another nice fact is that, unlike wallpapering, you do not need to pick a picture and shake over the joints.
- Caring for such a surface is usually very simple - even washing is suitable.
- The application technology is not difficult, the only thing that will have to be puzzled by the thorough preparation of the surface.
to contents ↑Important! With regard to color, then in choosing the color scheme of the paint, your head may spin. You can choose absolutely everything: the shade, depth and saturation of the paint. It all depends on your desire and imagination. You can paint the walls in mother of pearl, metallic, chameleon, in two colors, a strip - vertical or horizontal, use a combination of wallpaper and wall painting in the interior.
Methods for painting walls
Let us now consider a few ideas for painting walls in a room, which will look more profitable when painting walls in two colors.
Dividing a wall into two colors horizontally
In this form, the bottom of the wall will be of one color, the top of another:
- The level of the border of flowers can be at your discretion, depending on the interior: closer to the ceiling, exactly in the middle of the wall or closer to the floor.
- As for the border of the separation of colors, it can be left unchanged or additionally issued. For design, trims, various decorative elements or moldings are used.
Important! In fact, a horizontal strip is one of the simplest and most original ways of painting walls in two colors. The strip runs along the entire perimeter of the room at the level that suits you. In this case, only the color of the upper strip and the lower is different.
The design of painting the wallpaper in two colors can be made with different strip widths. If you decide to perform a narrow one, then it will simply and harmoniously fit into your interior. If it’s wider, then on the strip itself you can define an additional function in the interior. For example, place pictures or photo frames on it.
Dividing a wall into two colors vertically
Using a strip can visually change your room’s settings. It all depends on whether this strip is horizontal or vertical. The first version of the stripes on the walls visually increase the room in width, the second - in height:
- In the vertical separation method, you can also make strips of various sizes, and their number can increase at times.
- You can arrange the stripes in strict sequence or randomly around the perimeter.
- When choosing a color, there should be no difficulties. An excellent option would look one color in different shades.
Important! It is better to place a dark shade closer to the window, and one that is lighter - to the door.
- An excellent move when painting will be the presence of an accent wall. How to make it? First you need to pick a good combination of colors. Then paint three walls with a neutral color, and the last - the fourth, cover with the main color and the second bright.
Important! If the accent surface is very large in order to be accent, then only part of it can be painted.
- One of the varieties of vertical orientation is the gradient color of the room. Moreover, the separation of the surface occurs not in parts, but in quantity. That is, each wall has its own color, which, again, depends on your preference. Colors can be both dark and light. Saturated or pastel. This method will create a very interesting room design. But it is important to keep in mind that the shades used should smoothly transition among themselves.
Panel inserts and geometric shapes
There is a method such as frame staining. Another name is panel inserts. Its essence is as follows:
- The surface is painted in one color, and then another is applied on top of it in the form of a rectangle or square. Quantity, color and size can be varied.
- On one wall, you can place only one frame or several panels that must repeat the contour of the surface.
- It is important that the frame is 30-50 cm smaller than the wall. In this case, the gradient will look beautiful. This is when the background takes paint of darker shades, and the inside of the frame is painted in a lighter color.
You can arrange regular geometric shapes on the surface, which can be played, for example, by rhombuses:
- You can arrange them separately from each other, you can cross them among themselves.
- With this pattern, you can complete the entire wall or just a line of these figures around the perimeter of the room.
Important! You can use circles in the same method. Again, depending on your interior and preferences, their sizes can vary significantly. It can be like ordinary large circles, different in diameter or even small peas. Their location is arbitrary.
Underline relief
In this case, the second color is needed for painting irregularities, which can be played by various openings, various niches, ledges, arches, and much more.
Important! Using this technique, you can paint the surface behind the through shelves or highlight the columns, if any. The color difference can be made with a smooth transition. If you want something bolder, then use contrasting colors.
There is another option - these are irregular lines and complex shapes. In this case, the lines can be made wavy, intermittently, at different levels, or even draw the outline of the night city. This work will be the most time-consuming, so the best option for its implementation would be a professional artist.
to contents ↑Color matching option
To select a harmonious combination of tones for painting walls or wallpapers in two colors, you just need to have imagination and a color palette before your eyes. The latter is often offered in the form of a circle.
The circle is made in such a way that the colors next to each other complement each other very well. The same color scheme can be brought to life:
- Colors that are opposite each other are contrasting. Their use is possible in life, but only in the case when it is the bright interior that will be appropriate for you.
- White, black, gray, some shades of beige are neutral tones.They are suitable for almost every color you are interested in. It is important to remember that with different uses of color, its proportions, as well as saturation, the effect will be different.
to contents ↑Important! In order to determine which color or its combination is suitable for your room, it is necessary to clearly represent all the furniture that will be there in the future. In one room for painting walls with two colors, it is better to use shades that are compatible with each other. Olive looks great with pale yellow, for example.
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There are a lot of ideas how interesting it is to paint the walls in the room. We have given only a part of them. Use your imagination, do not be afraid to experiment, and your repair will please you for a long time!