How to place indoor flowers in the apartment?

A house devoid of plants is a rarity. And this is understandable: flowers give the room a cosiness and charm, create an atmosphere of a reliable home. When placing flowerpots with indoor plants, it is necessary to take into account not only the aesthetic factor, but also the degree of photophilousness of the green “pet”. How to place indoor flowers in an apartment so that it is beautiful, compact and safe. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this in such a way that a man-made home greenhouse blends in seamlessly with the interior of the room. We hope that our tips will help to use the home flora in design practical, thoughtful and reasonable.

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How to choose a place?

Turn the room into a branch of the local botanical garden should not. 2-3 plants are enough to make a beautiful accent on them. But it’s important not to overdo it. Many exotic species are quite capricious in caring, so you should not purchase them if you are not confident in your knowledge regarding caring for them. Now we will consider how best to place indoor flowers in different rooms.


A beautifully designed lounge is the hallmark of the house. If it is lit - fine. However, in most modern apartments this is a darkened room. Therefore, exclusively shady and unpretentious cultures are suitable here.

Important! Try to choose lush, large plants. They look especially advantageous when illuminated by fluorescent lamps.


There are all conditions for the home flora to feel good. The kitchen is warm, humid and, as a rule, good lighting. For this reason, a varied selection of house plants is possible. The only negative factor is significant temperature changes. But tradescantia, asparagus, ivy, Kalanchoe, ficus, aloe are resistant to them.

Important! You can nicely place flowers on the wall, arrange them on a windowsill or specially purchased shelves.

Living room

Usually this is the most spacious room in the house, so tall large-leaved plants are great for the living room. Wicker baskets made of natural vine look beautiful with flowers placed on the walls.


You should not keep too many plants in the bedroom. The flowerpots mounted on the windowsill look best. If the windowsill is wide, you can place a long wide flowerpot of the original design on it with succulents or a bed of cacti. On a narrow window sill small tender plants will perfectly fit. A classic example is Uzambara violet. If the size of the bedroom allows, the interior is appropriate tall tall plant (the same ficus, delightful monstera or palm).

Important! Do not place strongly smelling views in the bedroom. Otherwise, insomnia at night and a headache in the morning are guaranteed to you.

Crops such as aloe and Kalanchoe are also useful in the bedroom. They are not so beautiful and exotic, but they emit oxygen at night, improving the indoor microclimate.


A pair of flowers is quite enough for a children's room. The main thing is that they be beautiful and unusual. Flowering plants are well suited for girls; for boys, flora with leaves and (or) a trunk of a bizarrely original form.

Important! Indoor greens must be safe for the baby: non-toxic and without thorns. If the child is very small, it is better to hang the “green friends” in a pot on the wall.

If the child's immunity is weakened, you can put lemon or chlorophytum in the child. They have a disinfecting effect, reduce the number of pathogens.


Placing indoor flowers in the bathroom is a rarity. More often something similar can be observed in the photo of interior design. In a typical city apartment, there are not too many places, let’s say frankly, so most often you have to abandon this venture. But if we are talking about a spacious bathroom, and even with a window, then the best place for moisture-loving flora is difficult to find.

Important! Depending on the particular arrangement of the particular room in which you want to place home plants, select the appropriate method for their installation. Our master classes will help you with this:

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Home Flowers and Style

The choice of this or that plant largely depends on the style in which the room or apartment is designed as a whole. Consider the most characteristic examples of how to decorate a room with potted flowers.

Historical style:

  • Many interiors (especially among older people) have largely preserved the features of the Soviet era. It would be logical to pick up plants characteristic of that time. Charming but unpretentious begonias, tradescantia or ivy are appropriate in the “Soviet” interior.
  • If the apartment is spacious, with high ceilings or stucco decorations (what is commonly called the “Stalin Empire”), the best choice is for such “prosperity elements” as ficuses, ferns or palm trees (yucca, dracaena, date robelini).
  • A small and modestly furnished room will be decorated with violets, geraniums, balsam or cacti.
  • Monsters, palm trees, azaleas, various kinds of ivies and ferns are suitable for the classical style. Flowerpots of a strict or "antique" form, natural shades, preferably from natural ceramics.

High tech

A room in a high-tech style will be decorated with plants with a clear geometry of the crown and leaves of the original form. These are callas, gardenias, spathiphyllums, anthurium, monstera. Flowerpots should be of modern design - plastic or metal, painted in bright colors.


The main requirement for plants is beauty, sophistication and smoothness of forms. Various cacti, asparagus, dieffenbachia, various types of palm trees, dracaena are suitable for this style. Flowerpots - irregular pretentious shapes, painted or decorated with mosaics.

Eco style

This interior is characterized by plants in flowerpots made of natural materials, decorated with wood, rattan, sea pebbles. The choice of plants and composition of indoor flowers in an apartment depends on the interior matching a particular culture:

  • African savannah, desert in Mexico - euphorbia, succulent species, cacti.
  • Japan - dracaena, yucca, bonsai combined with stones.
  • Karelia - moss, stones; from plants - ferns, araucaria.

Important! It is appropriate to place decorative ethnic elements near the plants.


This is the dominance of large, lush, vibrant and unpretentious flowers. There is a place for violets, begonias, primroses, cacti and, of course, an “inseparable couple” - aloe and Kalanchoe. The pots are ceramic or wooden. Rattan or vine products look beautiful.

Important! Based on which plants you prefer, you may find our tips for growing certain species useful:

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Now you know where to place potted flowers in the apartment. And if you have not had time to make “green friends”, then you will certainly be inspired by the idea of ​​creating a green corner.

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