Partak is 🥝 how to fill a tattoo with a needle at home

Do you have a great desire to stand out from the crowd in any way possible, but is it difficult for you to dwell on any one option? Then follow the path of least resistance - just get yourself a tattoo (portak). Even in ancient times, tribal leaders tried to prove their individuality by decorating their bodies with colorful pictures. Currently, body art is not something wild. People, as a rule, put a secret meaning in the patterns on their skin, so they wear them with pride. But not everyone can afford to get a tattoo for certain reasons. Someone is afraid of pain, others simply cannot walk with a painted body because of their position. An ideal way out of the situation is a temporary tattoo. From this article you will learn how to make a partak at home, so as not to expose yourself to pain and not take risks, and how to fill a partak yourself.
to contents ↑How to prepare for a tattoo?
To create a pectoral drawing at home, you will need a regular gel pen and needles.
Important! This technique differs from a real tattoo in that ink does not penetrate so deeply under the skin. But you should not be afraid, because the punctures are so insignificant that in a couple of weeks the partak will disappear from your skin. This is due to the fact that human skin is updated very quickly, so such drawings can be done often.
Before you beat the partak with a needle, get ready for work properly, follow these steps.
Step 1
Buy a special kit for home use at the store. Typically, it includes needles and special inks. You can use the needle while it is new and perfectly clean.
If you cannot use special paints, use an ordinary helium pen. Such kits are absolutely safe and contain, in addition to the necessary tools, also instructions.
Important! Be sure to ensure that the ink is black, because color inks are more often toxic.
The needle can be used of any type - sewing needles, straight pins, safety pins. The main thing is to make sure that they are sterile.
Important! Old needles are completely unsuitable for this. Also, you can not use one needle at once to several people, because this often leads to serious infections.
Step 2
Properly equip a work area. Find some more useful things - permanent marker, a cup for water, a cotton cloth, a few clean rags, alcohol.
Step 3
Shave and thoroughly clean the skin area for a tattoo. It is important that the selected area is perfectly clean, well washed in warm water. Then the skin must be sterilized with alcohol using a cotton swab.
Step 4
Directly on the skin, draw the selected image. Put the drawing on the chosen place. It’s better if the other person does it to make it clearer. It is to this stage that maximum time should be devoted.
to contents ↑Important! Since you will do the tattoo yourself, you should choose the most convenient, accessible from all sides place. It will take you no more than a few hours to work, it all depends on the complexity of the drawing. Such inaccessible places as shoulders and chest should not be chosen, because you will have to get out very much to apply the picture.
How to tattoo yourself?
Are all the preparatory work over? Then it is time to consider in detail how to make a tattoo with a needle yourself. The whole process is divided into several stages.
Step 1
Sterilize the needle - fire is ideal for this:
- You must hold it directly above the flame of a lighter or candle until it turns fiery red.
- The second end should be kept with a rag to protect your fingers from burns.
- Then wrap the needle with cotton thread, stepping back from the tip of 3 mm, gradually wind the thread in the range of 6 mm, so that you get an oval ball. This is important, because when you lower the needle in the saucer, the thread will absorb ink.
Important! For greater convenience, you can pin it to the tip of the pencil by simply piercing it with an eraser and wrapping the thread on top.
Step 2
Lower the needle into the ink, pierce the skin and leave a small dot. A drop of blood may appear. Sometimes a small cotton occurs when the skin is punctured.
Important! Remember that only a few top layers of the skin need to be pierced. When all the actions are performed correctly, the skin slightly holds the needle when it is pulled out.
Step 3
Work along the lines:
- Gradually fill the drawing with small dots, sticking to the lines.
- Use a rag or cotton buds to remove excess ink or blood.
Important! As you pierce the skin swells a little, which is why the first time the tattoo looks heterogeneous. To get smooth lines, you may need to adjust the pattern a bit after the swelling subsides.
Step 4
Tattoo Cleaning:
- After applying the entire picture, rub this area with alcohol.
- Throw away the remaining instruments because they are no longer sterile.
- Use a new needle for correction.
How to care for a tattoo?
Believe me, it is of great importance not only the fact that you can learn how to make a tattoo at home with a needle and ink, but also proper care for it. Chopping it is only half the battle, then you will have to perform a number of important procedures:
- Put a bandage on top of the picture. Before this, it is recommended to treat the skin to a shine with some kind of healing cream. The dressing should be sterile and remain on the body for no more than 8 hours, ideally 2-3 hours.
Important! You will only need to use the ointment for a few days until the tattoo heals well.
- Try to keep your tattoo clean. After removing the dressing, rinse with warm water and ordinary soap. You can’t rub too much so as not to damage the skin even more.
Important! Under hot water, such procedures are not recommended. The fact is that after contact with hot water, the pattern may become spotty. Picking it also should not be so as not to erase the paint.
- Treat tattoos with lotion. After a few days, replace the ointment with fragrance-free lotion. Apply it with a thin layer so that the skin can breathe freely and the wound heals faster. Moisten it several times a day in this way.
- Let the tattoo heal completely. Take care of it especially carefully in the first week. In addition to regular washing and moisturizing, you will have to refrain from certain activities. For example, swimming, because the pools contain chlorine, in bodies of water - a lot of bacteria.
Important! It will be necessary to avoid activity that leads to excessive sweating. Do not wear too tight clothes.
- Be careful with infections. Make sure that there is no redness, excessive peeling, the picture is not much swollen and does not emit liquid.
to contents ↑Important! If you suspect infection, immediately seek medical help.
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As it turned out, anyone can figure out how to make a tattoo at home with a needle. The main thing here is not experience at all, the most important is how seriously a person will take this process, whether he will fulfill all the recommendations regarding caring for her.But remember that home tattooing is always associated with the risk of serious infections. In no case do not use someone else's or old needles, so as not to become a carrier of hepatitis, HIV infection or staphylococcus.
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