How to make a rose from a napkin?

We sometimes so want to decorate the festive table, make it unique and memorable. Especially when it comes to beloved ladies. What can better cope with this task than the extraordinary and interesting design of napkins? The easiest way is to roll them in the shape of roses. This can be done both from paper and from fabric. To do this, it is not necessary to train for a week. With some methods of making roses, even a child can handle it. How to make a rose from a napkin - we will tell you about this in this article.
to contents ↑Why make roses from napkins with your own hands?
The ability to create roses from napkins can be useful in many cases. Here is just a small list of events where such a craft would be appropriate:
- A nice romantic evening with your girlfriend.
- Preparation of the festive table for March 8.
- Birthday of mom, grandmother, sister.
Important! Do-it-yourself rose from a napkin is a pleasant trifle that speaks of love and attention.
We can offer you several ways to create such crafts. It is worth paying attention that in some cases the napkin can be used for its intended purpose, and in others - the rose will remain just a table decoration. So in addition, you will have to put ordinary napkins next to the devices. So, let's move on to the specifics. Let's start with the simplest option that everyone can handle.
to contents ↑Do-it-yourself rose from a paper napkin. Quick and easy
This model does not require anything but the napkin itself and sleight of hand. Within 5 minutes you will receive a beautiful flower on the stem. Since the bud and the stem are made from the same whole napkin, the color does not matter.
Important! To make the flower look better, it is advisable to choose plain paper, for example, white, pink, red.
- We take a napkin, preferably not very thin, otherwise - it can break when twisted. We lay it out on the table.
- We bend one edge by one third, maybe a little less.
- Now we clamp this edge between the two fingers and begin to wrap the napkin around the fingers so that the fold is inside. You should get a bundle worn on the index and middle fingers.
- Now, without removing the workpiece from your hand, grab it at your fingertips and begin to gently twist it into a spiral. When twisted a couple of centimeters, you can remove your fingers and continue to make out the stem.
- We twist the second part of the napkin to about the middle and stop.
- The remaining lower part is straightened.
- Now we find the middle of this “skirt” and press it to the place where the twist ends.
- We direct one of the ends upward, arrange a leaf of rose from it, as if protruding, and twist the end of the stem from the rest of the napkin.
- It remains only to spread the bud. To do this, insert fingers into the flower, capturing a corner and scrolling. The middle of the bud should become larger.
- We also bend the outer corner on the bud to give the flower even more realism.
Your rose is ready! It can be supplemented with serving, and if you need to use a napkin, deploy and use as intended.
to contents ↑Important! Napkins are so convenient and affordable that they can be used for other purposes. For example, for a contest or a theme party, you can make a dress from napkins do-it-yourself. Definitely in this outfit you will not be left without attention!
How to make a rose from a napkin on a braid to decorate bottles?
Such a rose will not take much time, but it will become an original decoration that will not go unnoticed.
To make this jewelry you will need:
- A few napkins (5-7).
- Scissors.
- Beautiful braid.
How to make roses from napkins per bottle? Method number 1:
- Napkins are left folded four times. We lay exactly in a pile on top of each other and scissor figuratively cut two edges, for example, a wave.
- Now, in turn, deploy all the napkins in one layer, put on top of each other.
- In the center we drag the braid, straighten the bud, tie it to the neck of the bottle.
Important! To design a table, you can make several of these roses for each bottle. The result will be very beautiful, and will delight guests.
Do-it-yourself bottle roses from napkins. Method number 2
You can arrange the flower a little differently:
- We expand several napkins and cut each into 2 or 3 strips (depending on the size of the flower).
- We lay these stripes exactly on top of each other, fold them with a wide accordion. Cut out figuratively. After a turn on each strip, you get 3 petals that are held on a strip of paper. It looks like a makeshift Christmas garland.
- We collect the strips again in a stack, randomly, it does not at all need to coincide the edges of the petals.
- We collect these stripes in a bundle, tighten the lower part with a braid.
- Spread lushly petals and tie to the bottle.
It is not necessary to hang such a rose on a braid. You can glue these strips with petals on a stalk from a skewer in turn, then wrap it with a green teip tape (you can use strips of green paper), and a flower comes out that can be put in a vase.
to contents ↑Important! In addition to roses, you can use multi-colored for decorating various objects. napkin pompons.
How to make a bouquet of roses from napkins?
Table setting can be supplemented with a small vase with several man-made roses made of napkins. It will take, of course, more time than 15 minutes, but guests will appreciate your creativity. There are several ways to create such a bouquet. Consider the most interesting of them.
Method number 1
Necessary materials:
- Several napkins (red, pink, cream, white).
- Glue gun.
- Scissors.
- Wire.
- Wooden skewers.
- Green tape or green napkin.
- We unfold the napkin and cut along the fold lines into 4 squares.
- We take each square, tightly wrap two-thirds of the length onto the skewer.
Important! A skewer can be replaced with any stick, a little thinner than a pencil.
- After that, we pick up our “scroll” to the center of the skewer.
- The lower part - on the contrary, is straightened out so that such a “skirt" comes out.
- Similarly, we make several more such blanks.
Important! The number of blanks depends on how lush the bud you have planned for yourself.
- When the right number of petals is ready, we begin to collect them on the stem. To do this, first with hot glue we attach a crumpled ball from a piece of a napkin to the end of the stem. This will be the middle of the bud.
- Then, on top of it, one by one we glue the petals overlapping each other for the “skirt".
- When the rosebud is ready, we make out the stem. With a green teip tape or strips of green paper, we twist the stem from top to bottom in a spiral. You can add a couple of green leaves on it.
Important! As a rule, if a birthday is celebrated at home or elsewhere, the celebration organizers strive to create a thematic decor for the room. And this is also easy to implement using napkins and other improvised materials. Here are a few workshops on this topic:
Method number 2
This is a fairly simple way to create a rosebud, which even a child can handle, the only caveat is that the buds are small in size.
Necessary materials:
- Napkins of the right color.
- PVA glue and glue gun.
- Scissors.
- Skewer or wire for the stem.
- Green tape or paper.
- 3-5 napkins (1 napkin - one bud) unfold and cut in half along the fold line.
- We bend each part in half to get the bend line exactly in the middle.
- Now bend the edges of both long sides to this line and fold this workpiece again in half (the edges should be inside the bend). It turned out from 1 napkin 2 stripes.
- Now we take one strip, we bend a small corner. We begin to twist the middle.
- Throughout the entire length we make bends and twist. In several places we fix with glue.
- Add the second strip, do the same. Glue the edge.
- When the bud is ready, fasten it with a glue gun to the stem, and then wrap the stem with green paper or ribbon.
From a green napkin, you can make leaves. Similarly, we make a few more pieces. Do-it-yourself bouquet of roses from napkins is ready!
Method number 3
This is the most time-consuming way, it will take the greatest amount of your time. We describe how to make a rose from a napkin step by step.
- From napkins of the desired shade, you need to cut 15-17 petals (in the shape of a heart) more and 6-8 (teardrop-shaped) smaller. The edges can be curled a little on a pencil.
- Now, one by one, from the smallest to the largest, gather the petals in a bud and spread them with your fingers. We fix the petals with glue.
- When the bud is ready, you need to fix it to the stem and wrap it around with a green ribbon.
- It can be supplemented with green leaves.
to contents ↑Important! Napkins, if desired, can be replaced with corrugated paper, only the petals below will need to be slightly stretched with your fingers to give them a semicircular shape.
How to make roses from cloth napkins?
Cloth napkins can also be used to decorate the served table. The easiest way to give them the shape of a flower.
Important! The larger the napkin, the easier it is to give it the desired shape.
- We take the fabric square of the desired color, fold it in half diagonally.
- We place the angle up, twist the bottom edge into a roll.
- Having reached the middle, we stop and turn on the other side.
- We take the lower left edge, twist the roller towards the second lower corner.
- We bend the end into the “pocket” from below.
Important! If the fabric is silky and it is not possible to fix the bud, pin it off imperceptibly.
- We put the blank on the table. Two ends stick out from above. We take them and spread them apart, straighten them to the point of twisting and turn them over.
- You should get a rose bud with two leaves.
to contents ↑Important! Before constructing fabric flowers before a feast, first “fill your hand” and practice well.
Rose in a glass
This composition looks very elegant. We will tell you how to make a rose from a napkin easily and quickly.
Important! To create such a composition, you will need cloth napkins in two colors - red (pink, white, cream, orange) and green. The flower will be placed in a wide glass, for example, cognac.
- First we take a green napkin diagonally, fold it with an accordion and place it in a glass. Corners should extend beyond the borders of the glass.
- Next, take a second napkin. We also fold it diagonally 2-3 times.
- Then we twist the resulting strip into a roll. So that it does not unwind, fasten with a pin.
- We straighten the bud and put it in a glass on top of the green “leaves”.
The composition is ready. No guest will be indifferent to such beauty!
to contents ↑Stock footage
Making a rose from a doily with your own hands, whether it is fabric or paper, is not difficult at all. But the effect of this craft is simply amazing.The served table immediately turns into a solemn, elegant and sophisticated. Such beauty immediately catches your eye and becomes the center of the serving composition. Take a few minutes and please your guests with such an ornament, because flowers are always able to cheer you up.