How to make a snowman out of a sock?

New Year is the most family, joyful and beloved holiday of children and adults. And on its eve, while there is time, it is necessary to prepare gifts for relatives and friends. Plan how your home or office will be decorated, prepare the details of the decor. In modern times, do-it-yourself parts are becoming increasingly popular and valuable. On the shelves you can find a lot of proposals for the implementation of toys for an individual approach. In this article you will find a diagram of how to make a snowman out of a sock, which, in turn, will become an integral decoration of the upcoming holidays. And most importantly - it will be performed by you with love and tenderness, which will fill your home.

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Snowman from a sock (two balls)

A cute snowman from a sock, made by you yourself, can be a great New Year decor item or gift to a friend. Its implementation will take not so much time and finances. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a snowman out of a sock at home.

It is necessary to prepare the necessary material in advance:

  1. white socks or knee-highs;
  2. 2 small beads, black;
  3. buttons of small diameter in an amount of 2-3;
  4. white thread, elastic, rope;
  5. scissors;
  6. Toothpicks
  7. ordinary rice groats 1-2 cups (it should be dry);
  8. multi-colored felt-tip pens;
  9. glue;
  10. material for decoration - it can be beads, multi-colored ribbons, braid or shreds of fabric.


Production Instruction:

  • First you need to take a sock or white golf.

Important! If you want multi-colored cheerful snowmen, then choose a sock that suits you exactly in color. Here we look at white snowmen.

  • Next, you need to cut the toe in the heel. Thus, we get a two-piece sock. The part that is located on top is pulled together with an elastic band or thread.
  • We twist the sock to the other side, it will be the front so that the nodule is inside. You got a bag.
  • Now you need to fill it with rice cereal or any other filler.

Important! In this case, the rice will not show through the light tissue. What can not be said, for example, about buckwheat, corn grits or millet.

  • When filling, it is important to carefully compact the groats. This can be done by pressing gently with your palm or fingers. Another option would be to lightly tap the pouch on the table.
  • Having filled the bag to the end with filler, you need to tighten the edge with white thread or elastic. It is necessary to do it tight, otherwise - the cereal can spill out.
  • So it turned out the torso from the future snowman. Visually divide it in half. We retreat a few centimeters up and pull with a white thread. Thus, both the head and the body were obtained from the bag.
  • Next, you need to draw a face. We use black beads as the eye.

Important! Choose the right size for your snowman, so that they are neither large nor small. We fix them with glue or sew.

  • The nose must be made of toothpicks. It is convenient if it is pre-painted in orange. This can be done using a felt-tip pen. Next, we simply insert the toothpick into the head of the bag in the place where the nose should be located. Using a red felt-tip pen we draw cheeks.
  • Now you need to make a hat to the snowman. To do this, use the second part of the sock. In it, it is necessary to cut the heel part and align the cut edges. Next, turn on the wrong side.We turn off the cut edge 1-2 cm, thus forming the fur part of the future hat. You can decorate the rest of the cap with any figures cut out of colored fabric. Fix with glue.
  • In the role of a scarf, you can use any shred of colorful fabric.
  • There is a hat, there is a scarf, it remains only to sew buttons on the front surface of the body. Their color also choose what you like. But in size it is important that they are not too large. You can sew them with a thread or fix with glue.

Well, a cute snowman with a do-it-yourself sock is ready - a master class helped you with this. You can also make a couple of these toys from a sock of a different color.

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Snowman from a sock (three balls)

Another option for a snowman from a sock can be an article with three balls. This is still more often seen on the street in the winter. And in childhood, they always sculpted snowmen from three balls.

Let's see how to make such a snowman. Material Required:

  1. white sock or golf;
  2. multi-colored sock or with a pattern;
  3. beads for eyes 2 pcs.;
  4. buttons 2-3 pcs.;
  5. scissors;
  6. thread or elastic;
  7. dry rice groats. 1-2 glasses;
  8. multi-colored felt-tip pens;
  9. Toothpicks
  10. For decor shreds of fabric, braid, ribbon.


Production Instruction:

  • To complete this snowman, we will make exactly the same workpiece as described in the first version. The only difference is that now the sock needs to be divided not into two parts, but into three. The part that is located on top is smaller, the middle is slightly larger than the upper, and the lower is the largest. This will make a toy of three balls. This distribution gives it stability. Next, you need to clearly drag the boundaries between the balls with a thread or an elastic band.
  • Harvesting a snowman of three balls is ready. We fix the beads in the role of the eyes. The nose is made of toothpicks pre-painted with an orange felt-tip pen. With a red felt-tip pen we draw cheeks. Embroider the mouth with a red thread.
  • Now we will dress our toy. In this case, we will make a hat and a jacket for him. To make sweaters, we take the second sock, which has a pattern. Cut it into 2 parts, remove the heel. We put the upper part of the cut sock on the middle ball-trunk. We turn it on top, thus forming the collar of the blouse. Sew buttons on the front surface of the blouse. Choose color and diameter to your liking. From fabrics of a different color, we make pockets for sweaters. Cut even squares and fix on both sides of the buttons. You can do this with glue or sew. You can also decorate sweaters just the way you like.

Important! Still need to fix the blouse. This is done using a ribbon. We tie it on the neck of the sweatshirt on the bow. Or just tie a scarf around the neck.

  • From the rest of the sock we make a hat. In this case, you do not need to cut the heel. We put it on the head and turn the edge outward. We pull the upper part with a thread or ribbon, thus forming a pompom. The hat can also be decorated with beads, sequins or beads.

So the snowman of the three balls is ready!

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Useful Tips

There are a lot of options for making a snowman from a sock with your own hands:

  • The choice of material and color can be varied.
  • Filler may also be at your discretion. As another version of the filler, you can use cotton wool or synthetic winterizer. This will make a cute soft toy.
  • As for the decor of the snowman's clothes, it depends on your fantasies. It can be stars or hearts, beads or beads, black or red, etc.
  • Another option might be a custom snowman. To do this, you need to give it a different shape. If you want a snowman girl, then add a bow or pigtails, if a boy - a broom.

Important! Such cute snowmen can be used as a decor, a gift for relatives and friends, or just a child’s favorite toy.You can also put several snowmen on the festive table, which, in turn, will give an unusual look to the table and will pleasantly surprise guests.

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Note that all the materials necessary for making a snowman are at home. And the process itself does not take so much time. Children or other family members can be involved in the manufacturing process. Thus, preparing together for a wonderful holiday.

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