How to hang rain on a wall?

You can originally decorate your home with the help of an LED strip laid out on the ceiling in the form of an unusual pattern, rain and home-made cardboard crafts. If you like various extraordinary ideas and ideas, then the surface can be painted with acrylic paints. Rinse them off with a special solution. In this article we will give some interesting ideas on how to use LED strip for decoration, how to hang rain on a wall beautifully, how to use other decorations in everyday life.
to contents ↑LED ceiling decoration
It is not difficult to decorate the ceiling surface with LED strip. This light fixture is mounted quite quickly. It can be fixed using ordinary double-sided tape.
Important! When choosing LED strips as a decoration, give preference to universal RGB products that are capable of emitting different shades. It is with their help that you can create a truly New Year's festive atmosphere in the house.
Decorate the ceiling as follows:
- Mark the surface of the ceiling with a pencil and a laser level.
- Clean the surface of dirt and dust.
- Mark the places for notching the tape. Cut the tape.
Important! Please note that the length of one section should not exceed 3 meters. Otherwise, it will begin to flicker.
- Use double-sided tape to tape to the ceiling. If on its back there is an adhesive base, then you will not need adhesive tape.
- Connect the device to the power supply. In doing so, remember to observe the polarity of the wires.
- At this stage, connect the device to the controller.
- Check the quality of the whole structure. If you suddenly find some sections flickering, reconnect the LEDs.
Decorating the walls with rain - fixing methods
Quite often, rain decorations are attached to the wall. The rooms decorated with tinsel look incredibly beautiful in the light of garlands. You can fix the material with a variety of materials that can be found in any house with any hostess.
Rain can be attached in several ways:
- Fishing line and push pins. This mounting option is considered the most reliable. It is enough to insert clerical buttons under the ceiling, pull two fishing lines between them so that they intersect with each other. Then just a rain hangs on the fishing line at its discretion.
Important! The stars made of rain made using this technology just look great.
- Double sided tape. You can not use this method of fastening if the walls are glued with not very strong wallpaper with textured sprinkling.
- Soapy water and cotton wool. This is not the most reliable way of fastening. To fix the rain on the surface, it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool in soapy water, then fix the tinsel with it.
- Needle pins. Using this technology, stars, snowflakes, and other hand-made jewelry can be attached to walls and ceilings.
Decor Ideas:
- If the room has suspended ceilings, then you can fix the rain on a double-sided tape between the plates. In the case of multi-level constructions, this idea loses all meaning.
- With the threads of rain, you can give a festive look even to a chandelier, it is enough to cross them from above, and hang the hanging ends into a bundle.Your chandelier will be in a kind of cap that will elegantly shimmer due to daylight.
to contents ↑Important! Thinking over the decorations of your home on the eve of such a magical holiday, also look at our other decor ideas:
Christmas tree made from tinsel
You can go the more difficult way, work hard, think and make a Christmas tree out of the rain on the wall, because this is the main companion of any New Year's holiday.
Decorate the wall according to the scheme:
- First of all, with a pencil, carefully make a marking on the wall, draw a Christmas tree so that as a result the decoration takes on a clear outline of this festive tree.
- Prepare unnecessary toys that remain after decorating the house, rain, pins. You can also use old earrings, ribbons, brooches, ribbons for this.
- From the rain of green or any other color, make a border for the drawn Christmas tree, clearly attach it with pins or scotch tape along the contour.
- You can leave the middle empty or completely fill with pieces of rain of green color.
- Decorate the Christmas tree with trifles and decorations found.
Features of decorating the ceiling with acrylic paints
Lovers of extraordinary ideas, choosing the option of decorating the ceiling, focus on acrylic paints. With their help, any surface can be decorated with pictures and images on New Year's themes. Having a special projector, you can generally depict a three-dimensional pattern on the ceiling.
Important! If you are not confident in your artistic skills, then it is better to paint surfaces using stencils. You can make them yourself from ordinary cardboard or rubber.
You will need to perform the following steps to paint the ceiling yourself:
- Apply the prepared sketch with pencils to the surface. If you decide to use a stencil, then the sketch will not be useful to you.
- After sketching, paint the ceiling. First paint the large details of your composition, then the small elements.
- Erase unsuccessful lines with a damp sponge.
- After painting the entire ceiling, coat the surface with varnish.
Other New Year Ceiling Decoration Ideas
Now you know what to make of rain on the wall, how to use LED strip for decoration, how to decorate the ceiling with acrylic paints yourself. But this list of interesting ideas is not complete. You can also decorate the room on the eve of the holidays with balls. They can be combined in a garland and hung on a fishing line, which is then attached to the ceiling with double-sided tape.
You can also decorate the ceiling:
- Cardboard fakes. For example, make figures of snowflakes from color cardboard. Fans of extraordinary ideas can use metallized paper for their crafts. Such crafts are often decorated with beads, small accessories. Decorations are attached to the ceiling with double-sided tape or glue.
- Balls on threads. It is advisable to use such a decor in rooms with high ceilings.
- Cones or nuts on the fishing line. They are suspended from the ceiling using double-sided tape. Cones and nuts can be coated with a water-based metallized paint if desired.
- In the snow. Such crafts are made from the most ordinary cotton wool, which is then attached to the ceiling with adhesive tape.
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As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for decorating rooms in the New Year's style, you can use a variety of products for this, including those made by yourself. The main thing is to observe a single harmonious theme, so as not to overdo it.
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