How to sew organza curtains with your own hands?

In ancient times, men were miners, and women, in turn, were engaged in home improvement. Since then, practically the life of men and women has not changed; women still try to make the room comfortable for all family members to stay. From time to time there is a replacement of old furniture, pasting of walls with new wallpaper, changing the design of rooms. In the latter, new curtains and curtains on the windows play a significant role. With their help, a special homely cozy atmosphere is easily created in the room. How to sew organza curtains with your own hands? You can find an easy way to solve the issue of “clothes for windows,” for example, go to a specialized curtain store or ask a fashion designer for help. But if your ideas and desire to do everything yourself overwhelm you, we will tell you how easy it is to sew curtains from organza with your own hands at home, without having sufficient experience in sewing.
to contents ↑Organza Features
Organza is quite an interesting matter, it is ideal for decorating windows:
- Organza is a thin transparent material that is produced on the basis of viscose and silk by twisting two fibers.
- They produce tulle from viscose with a matte or glossy surface. Thanks to this, the material is excellent for making curtains for any type of room.
- Enough light passes through the matter, and a variety of textures and shades allow it to be used for any interior.
- Before stitching curtains from organza, you must remember that the fabric is quite thin, so it will not be able to protect the room from sunlight.
- Plain organza curtains will fit beautifully into the interior, while not closing the view from the window.
to contents ↑Important! For more tips on decorating windows in different rooms for the right choice of the idea that suits you, see a separate article "Design of curtains".
Calculation of fabric for sewing
Before you go to the store for fabric to create curtains, you need to make some measurements. There is an opinion that in order to buy all the necessary materials, it is enough to know the width of the window and the size of the tulle. But in practice, everything is completely different, it is necessary to calculate the following nuances:
- Will the finished curtain be uniform and even;
- Does the finished product require decorative pendants, pickups or garters;
- Which method will the curtain be attached to the cornice.
Next, you need to make the correct calculation of the fabric for sewing.
How to calculate the width and height of the fabric for curtains?
- The width of the fabric for the manufacture of curtains from organza should be greater than the width of the cornice.
Important! If you have acquired a lot of excess tissue, then it must be cut off, while leaving the right amount for allowances.
- So, measure the width of your room, organza for sewing should be bought 2-3 times more so that the finished product has beautiful folds.
Important! With a cornice length of 3 m, the length of the curtain should be 6 m.
- To process the lateral sections of the fabric, you will need to add another 2 cm per turn.
- In order for the finished product to look beautiful on the ledge and not turn out with seams, it is necessary to stitch the folds on the sides. Therefore, an additional 12 cm per fold must be added to the total width.
Important! To summarize our miscalculation: if the curtain consists of two paintings, in order to make the curtains of organza with your own hands, you will need approximately 6 m 40 cm of fabric.
- The height of the curtains is calculated as follows: the measurement is carried out from the hook on the ledge to the floor and subtract 1 cm.
The necessary tools for sewing organza curtains with your own hands
To make sewing curtains from organza with your own hands, you will need not only matter and patience, but also inventory prepared in advance:
- Sewing machine with a sharp thin needle;
- Prepared by size fabric;
- Slanting inlay in tone of the main fabric for processing side sections;
- Curtain tape;
- Needles and pins for basting;
- Threads matching in color;
- Scissors.
Organza curtain sewing sequence
The next stage of sewing is cutting the fabric, depending on the design, the curtains made of organza can be even or curly:
- Prepare the side seams for processing with a heated iron, for this, bend the side seam on each side by 2 cm and iron it with an iron.
- Using a special overlock machine, process the slices. If not, the treatment is carried out with an oblique tie or with the hot cutting technique.
Important! Organza is quite moody material. Whatever experience of sewing skills you have, it will be very difficult to make an even beautiful line.
- In order for the edges to crumble less and not to form a “fringe”, apply the hot cutting technique, in addition. In this case, you do not need to purchase special devices. To do this, heat the knife, and holding the edges with a metal ruler, cut off all excess material.
- Process the bottom of the prepared curtain with a slanting inlay, having previously noticed it, then stitching it on a sewing machine.
- Sew a tape to the top of the product. At the beginning and end of each part, unscrew 6 cm of fabric inward for folds so that the side seams in the finished product do not turn out on the front side.
- On the sewing machine, lay two lines: one on top, the other on the bottom, parallel to the first. Sew the second half of the curtain to the braid. We cut off excess tape with scissors.
- As soon as the braid is sewn to the main part, remove the basting, pull the laces along the edges so that they do not slip out of the loops.
- At the end, iron all irregularities and creases with an iron, pull the finished product to the desired size and hang it on the ledge.
to contents ↑Important! After the curtain is assembled, tie the threads in this position to fix the width of the curtain. In no case should you cut off long, freely hanging shoelaces - when the time comes to wash the curtains, they must be stretched. After washing, the curtains do not need to be ironed; they are hung in the wet state on the cornice. And so that they are always clean and do not accumulate dust in themselves, find out about how often to wash the curtains.
Recommendations for sewing organza curtains:
- In the process of basting the curtain tape at the same distance, lay large or small folds at your discretion.
- When choosing fabric for sewing curtains, consider the color scheme of shadow curtains. If provided for their installation, they should be in harmony with each other.
Important! When choosing white curtains, do not forget to look after them correctly. To do this, bookmark such tips and ideas:
- As a decor, organza curtains can be picked up with laces - so the curtains will have a more beautiful harmonious look.
- To determine whether the product is skewed in length, it must be hung to the ceiling in a taut state. Only then proceed to sewing on the braid for hooks.
- Before you start working on a sewing machine, it must be configured to work with thin fabrics. To do this, install a thin needle and pick up thin threads, and the thread tension function should also be set.
- To make the machine stitch less noticeable, set the average stitch length and presser foot.
- Adjust the height of the movable teeth of the sewing machine so that the fabric does not collect, otherwise the seamed seams cannot be fixed even with an iron.
- Before sewing curtains from the remains of organza with your own hands, we recommend that you first draw a pattern on paper, compare all the sizes, and only after that proceed with cutting the material.
- For material such as organza, a transparent braid of at least 5 cm wide is best suited for living rooms and 2 cm for curtains in the kitchen.
to contents ↑Important! You may also need the following information when decorating windows:
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As you can see, it’s not difficult to sew organza curtains with your own hands. All that is needed for the manufacture of designer curtains is the necessary material, patience and initial sewing skills. Applying the recommendations outlined in our article, the process will not take much of your time, and the room will acquire unique beauty thanks to the new organza curtains.