How to fold pancakes with an envelope?

The Pancake week favorite for many people makes all the housewives wonder how to fold pancakes with an envelope, or in some other original ways. Since baking delicious pancakes is only half the battle, and a beautiful table serving can show all the skills to the full. Methods for wrapping pancakes depend on the density of the filling or its filing. If you are going to serve “empty” pancakes, for example, with sour cream, honey or jam, then you need to do this so that it is original and unusual. If you bake products for their further stuffing with filling, then it is necessary to fold them so that this filling does not leak out, and the pancake itself “keeps its shape”.

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How to fold pancakes without filling?

There are several options to decorate the table with pancakes without filler:

  • Triangles are considered a classic option: fold the pancake in half, then again in half. As a result, the triangle should turn out. Halved flour products can be folded with funnels and nicely laid out on top of the dish with the peaks towards its center.
  • The usual serving is portioned. Fold 2-3 pancakes twice or four, and then lay them out with each other, pour on top with sweet sauce or some other topping.
  • The easiest way is to roll up the tubes. Such tubes are very convenient to eat with any liquid fillers: jam, sour cream, honey, condensed milk or various sweet sauces.

Important! The last option can be with or without filling.

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How to wrap stuffed pancakes?

If you have a liquid filling and it is not enough, but there are a lot of pancake blanks, there is a way out.

Important! This method of wrapping delicious round beads is perfect for fillings such as fruits, cottage cheese, jam, jam. The main condition is that pancakes should be elastic and thin.

Here is the sequence to follow:

  1. Take the workpiece, put a small amount of filling in its center and cover it with one pancake edge about a third of the diameter.
  2. With edges to the right and left, do the same.
  3. With the remaining free side, form a square.
  4. Next, fold the square in half on the diagonal, as a result - you should get a double triangle.


Another option, to get an already double pancake triangle, is suitable for a small amount of filling, as well as for further heat treatment of the dish:

  1. In the center of the workpiece, put the stuffing and cover it with the edges, forming a triangle.
  2. Then put one of the vertices on the resulting seams, close it on the right and left.
  3. Thus, you should get a triple dense triangle.
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If minced meat is sufficiently dense or crumbly

For such fillings, the ideal option would be to fold pancakes with an envelope:

  1. Put the filling in the central part of the workpiece and cover it with one end of the pancake.
  2. Do the same with the right and left edges.
  3. Squeeze the filling lightly so that the edges of the workpiece fit tightly, and then wrap the resulting rectangle to the free edge or roll it up.

Another option for folding delicious round pieces with an envelope will be appropriate for dense meat, for example meat:

  1. Put the filling in the center of the workpiece, smooth it, cover with the left and right edges of the pancake.
  2. Then do the same with the top and bottom edges.
  3. As a result, you should get a square.
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Filled pancakes

Roll-up pancakes are suitable for any fillings - both fruit and sweet, and salted, from mushrooms, meat, fish.

Important! This serving is also used for gourmet baking with caviar - black or red, although in this case the blanks themselves have a small diameter.

If rolls from empty blanks are folded with a simple tube, then stuffed products need to be folded a little differently:

  1. To prevent the contents from falling out, spread the delicious filler not in the center, but along one of the edges.
  2. Then slightly cover the edge with the minced meat with the pancake edge and turn the side edges of the workpiece slightly towards the center.
  3. And just now roll up the tube - the filling will be securely closed.

Important! For an aesthetic serving, rolls, for example, stuffed with mushrooms or salmon, can be cut into oblique slices and nicely laid out on a serving dish, garnished with vegetables and herbs.

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Bags with a surprise:

  1. Place the minced meat in the center of the workpiece and raise the edges.
  2. Gather the edges together and fix with a strip of any product, depending on the type of filling.
  3. If you have a sweet treat, then strips of fruit, if salty, then from vegetables or cheese.
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Minced Pyramids

This way to beautifully decorate pancakes on a plate is remarkable in that the billets themselves are baked in a special way:

  1. Prepare the dough for thin pancakes and fry small round diameters of about 10-12 cm). In the center of each circle, put a delicious filler and pinch the edges, as when sculpting dumplings, but only by a third.
  2. Then pull the opposite edge of the workpiece toward the center, forming a pyramid.
  3. Pinch the edges.

Important! It is noteworthy that in this way you can wrap any minced meat in pancakes - from solid to semi-liquid and multi-component.

Secrets of the Pyramids

Such products are not in vain called “Egyptian”, because without knowing some secrets you won’t be able to save the result:

  • Before baking the billets, the pan should be well heated, that is, heated over low heat to evenly distribute heat. It should also have a non-stick coating.
  • A billet furnace for pyramids is needed over medium heat.
  • Pancake dough should not contain fat, and the pan should not be greased.
  • Products should only be fried on one side, and drying should not be allowed. Otherwise, the inner edges do not stick together. As soon as holes appear and all the thickness is baked, immediately remove the product from the pan.
  • Pancakes can not be lubricated with anything, and also do not stack them on top of each other (only after complete cooling).
  • After the formation of the pyramids, put them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
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As you can see, pancakes are a delicate matter, if you treat this familiar and simple dish as a holiday treat. There are a huge number of options to decorate the table with pancakes, and only you can decide exactly how it will look on your holiday table.

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