How to remove varnish from the skin around the nail?

Good manicure is an important component of a woman’s image. Sometimes it reflects its inner world and perception of reality. Creating a new nail design, we hope that he lasts a long time on the nails. But in practice it turns out that any manicure is doomed to a short, even bright, life. Constant contact with water, housework, cooking in the kitchen, playing sports, playing with children are not easy trials. Shellac technology helps to solve all these problems - now you can not be afraid to fasten zippers and cook in the kitchen. Due to its beauty and durability, shellac has become very popular. He gave all women well-groomed hands for the whole 2 weeks. But if such a varnish gets on the skin, and this can happen with a manicure, then what to do, how to remove the varnish from the skin around the nail? First of all, let's look at its main advantages and identify weaknesses.

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Shellac - Pros and Cons

To start, consider the advantages of shellac:

  • It makes it possible to grow nails. Shellac is perfect for owners of any nails, whether long or short. It solves several basic problems at once: if your nails are thin and brittle, strengthens them and makes it possible to grow them. After all, the nail under the coating does not delaminate and does not crack.
  • Keeps on nails for a long time. Shellac cannot be erased without special means, which means that household chemicals are not afraid of him. You can safely wash the dishes, cook and do other household chores without any damage to your nails. This varnish lasts up to 3 weeks.
  • Gives a bright glossy shine. Shellac gives an incredible shine to the nails, which does not fade over time.
  • Pleases with a variety of palettes. To date, many colors have been developed - from classic pink tones to bright, saturated colors. The palette is constantly updated with trendy seasonal colors.
  • Shellac is harmless. Shellac does not contain hazardous substances such as formaldehydes. This means that pregnant girls can do shellac manicure. It will not be harmful to health, since gentle substances are used in its manufacture. In this case, if desired, the coating can be removed independently.

Its disadvantages include:

  • High price. Shellac is an expensive procedure, sometimes at a cost equal to a standard building. In addition, such coverage also needs correction, but it is quite expensive. If your nails grow quickly, then you will have to resort to correction quite often, it is hardly possible to do it at home.
  • Diseases of the nails. In appearance, the coating seems resistant, however, it is subject to temperature collisions. Under the influence of heat and moisture, our nail expands, then tapers again, taking a natural shape. Such deformation of the nail plate can cause micro-cracks in the coating that are invisible to the eye, through which dirt, water can get under the shellac layer, and these are excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria. As a result, we can get a nail fungus or some other disease.

You will find even more information about this in the article. "The harm or benefit of varnish and gel polish?".

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How to remove shellac?

Manicure experts advise removing gel polish first on the fingers of one hand, and then on the second. A hand free from the procedure may be needed, for example, to massage the nail plates.To remove gel polish at home, you can use a liquid remover - both regular and specially created for working with the coating. For this:

  • First, take a nail file and cut off a glossy layer of varnish. In a circular motion we process all the nails.
  • We need a few cotton pads. Cut the cotton pad into four parts, soak in shellac remover and wrap around your finger.
  • Each finger is wrapped with foil on top.
  • In this form, hands should be left for 15 minutes.

Important! If you use regular acetone-based nail polish remover, it may take longer.

  • Remove the foil caps from your fingers and gently pry off the coating with a wooden stick. It should peel off.
  • Shellac sometimes remains wrinkled in the skin, so the cuticle needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

If you do not have foil on hand, and the coating needs to be removed, then you can do without it. To do this, stock up on cotton pads, an orange stick, a liquid with acetone:

  1. Gently file the top layer with a nail file, but do not press hard on the nail plate.
  2. Cut the cotton pad into 2 parts, soak it in shellac remover and divide into two halves. Wrap a nail plate on each of these halves.
  3. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes, then remove the remaining cotton pad and pry off the coating with a wooden stick.
  4. If the first time it was not possible to completely remove the coating, then repeat the procedure.

Important! In order not to damage the skin around the nail, it is recommended to smear it with cuticle oil before the procedure. In addition, if you had to make several visits to get rid of shellac, it is worth a few days to give your nails a rest before applying gel polish to them again. During this time, you can familiarize yourself with our selection of fashionable ideas and pick yourself another manicure design.

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How to remove shellac from the skin around the nail?

But what if, during the shellac application, he got on the cuticle, the varnish dried out and there were traces of it on the skin, how to wash off the excess varnish and remove the gel varnish from the skin around the nail after drying? There are several ways.

Cotton bud

You can remove the remnants of gel polish from the skin with a cotton swab - you need to moisten it with a nail polish remover and remove the excess, soaking it with cotton wool.

Important! Do not do this before the varnish is completely dry, so as not to spoil the manicure on the nails themselves.

Orange tree stick

Such sticks can be purchased at a manicure store. The work of this stick is usually work with the cuticle, but it can also help with the removal of excess varnish on the skin around the nail. To do this, moisten the sharp edge of the stick in the nail polish remover, then dip the excess with a cotton swab and gently sweep the sticks over those areas of the skin where the nail was not carefully applied.

Important! If the varnish is reluctant to give up its positions, then press the stick in this area for a short time and duplicate an attempt to remove it.

Toothpick with fleece

A toothpick with a cotton swab wound around it is essentially an analogue of a cotton swab. But the size of the toothpick is much smaller and thinner, due to which it is possible to get to the painted areas of the skin easier, especially if the varnish got into hard to reach places.


Old nail polish brush

You can use for this method an old brush from decorative or medicinal nail polish, or an ordinary brush for drawing.

Important! You can also try using a brush to create a nail design, which is quite small in size and convenient for working effectively with hard-to-reach spots.

The method of removing varnish with the help of such tools is quite simple:

  1. Moisten a brush with nail polish remover and spend a couple of times in those areas of the skin where there are traces of varnish.
  2. If there is a special need, you can hold the brush in one area so that the varnish is saturated with the nail polish remover, then in the future it will easily move away.


All you need to do is just wash your hands with soap and water a couple of times and then grease them with cream. After a couple of hours, the excess varnish will become much easier and faster to remove, and by any method.

Important! If you want to independently master this technology of manicure, use our master classes from the article "How to build nails at home?".

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What is applied around the nail before painting?

In order not to suffer from the consequences of your own negligence and not to invent ways to remove the varnish from the skin, you can protect the skin from staining with varnishes and paints. There are several ways to do this.

PVA glue

This is the easiest and cheapest way to protect your skin from varnish. It is necessary to apply a small amount of the product on the skin around the nail and allow to dry. After drying and staining the nail, the dried glue is well removed in the form of a film. This method has its drawbacks - the glue is liquid, and the film breaks during tearing.

Important! When applying glue, make sure that the glue does not get on the nail plate.

Fat cream

The cream is applied with a cotton swab to places that need to be protected from the ingress of varnish. After a manicure, wash your hands with soap. The remnants of the varnish are washed off with the cream.


Petroleum jelly

It works like a fat cream: it covers the skin with a film that is easily removed from the nails. Must be applied in a thick layer.

Special rubber and polymer based products

On sale there are special products that are based on rubber and polymers. They are applied in a thin layer, and after drying, easily removed from the skin. One of them is Skin Defender. In addition to Skin Defender, there are many other means to protect the cuticle from varnish.

How to use special cuticle protection products:

  • Almost all products are sold in tassel bottles and are easy to apply.
  • Dampen the brush in the tool and treat the side rollers and cuticle.
  • Try to draw a lot of funds on the brush so that it does not tear after removal.
  • When the liquid is completely dry, it will turn into a film.
  • After that, calmly paint your nails and let the varnish dry.
  • Remove the product with one continuous film.

You may also be interested in an analytical review. "How to start a nail business - is it profitable?".

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Stock footage

Make a neat manicure under the power of any young lady, even if you decide to apply shellac at home. The main thing here is endurance, perseverance, accuracy, and the exact adherence to technology. Then there will be no problems with the decorative design of the nails, and washing the excess around the nails will not be difficult!


