How to make a slime 🥝 how to remove a lizun from clothes

Lizun is a pretty popular toy among modern children. However, the fact that slime for babies is fun, for their mothers it is very often a lot of trouble. The clothes may stain or stick particles of the toy. What to do? How to get a lizun from clothes? How to wash a dry patch of clothing? Some people think that it’s quite difficult, and it’s better to immediately remove and discard clothes without bothering, however, there are a huge number of ways that we will talk about now.

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Hot method

The first way to cleanse clothes from a lizun is to pour boiling water into a small container and soak a thing with impurities in it. Wait for the water to cool, then wash your clothes. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Important! To add efficiency, you can add a teaspoon to the water ammonia.

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Cold method

In order to use the “cold” method, it is necessary to place the soiled thing in a plastic bag and send it to the freezer for several hours. As soon as the spots from the lizun harden, they can be easily scraped off.

Once you have dealt with the problem, it's time to use interesting ideas for creativity. Read our other article and choose the appropriate method,how to make a slime, as in a store, at home!

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Dishwashing liquid

The substances that we use for washing dishes are excellent at coping with this problem. All that needs to be done is to pour the product on the desired areas and stand the product for one to two hours. Then rinse your clothes thoroughly. You may need to repeat the procedure.kak-sdelat-raznotsvetnogo-lizuna

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Special tool

As an option - you can purchase a special tool. Ask your consultant for advice on which is appropriate for your case.

Important! Most importantly, pay attention to the composition. That which is suitable for one type of matter may prove detrimental to another.

There are also universal remedies that can cope with any pollution, including lizunami. These include “Dr. Beckmann ”and“ Vanish ”. The latter is ideal in the matter of how to wipe the slime from the carpet.

Important! Do not forget to test the purchased chemical composition in an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. Otherwise, the thing risks being irreparably damaged, since you can never be sure how the material behaves when interacting with certain substances.


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Another effective thing in the matter of how to remove a lizun from clothes is alcohol. Pour a little over the area of ​​contamination and leave for fifteen minutes, then wash the item.

Important! If you need to eliminate the stains left after this toy, then use cotton pads to process them.

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Just want to note that the safest thing is to choose any other method. The use of refined gasoline should be resorted to only in difficult cases. For example, if a slime has been on things for a long time, and you just noticed it.

Take a small piece of cloth and dip it in gasoline, and then treat the spots of dirt.

Important! Take special care - if you go too far with the amount of funds, you can seriously damage the matter. Be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric before cleaning.


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Laundry soap

Laundry soap is one of the cheapest products that can remove stains left after a lizun. Thoroughly soap them with dirt and leave for half an hour, then rinse. Repeat if necessary.

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Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is as versatile as household soap. In addition, this is one of the cheapest methods. Use a cotton pad to remove the slimy toy. Continue the procedure until the desired result is achieved.

Important! As a rule, the whole process takes no more than twenty minutes.


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Another method in the fight against stains from lizun is to prepare a mixture of sea salt, lemon juice and a spoonful of ammonia:

  • If the stain is fresh - just rub the resulting slurry into the contamination for several minutes.
  • If it’s chronic, apply it to the surface and leave it for fifteen minutes, then rub it into the surface for a few more minutes using a hard bristle brush.

Surely you found sticky traces on other objects in the house. And from each of them you can also safely and quickly remove the remnants of this toy, if you use our tips, how to clean a slime from furniture and walls.

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How to wash a lizun from clothes made of fur?

If the lizun got on a product made of fur, for example, on a mother’s favorite fur coat or baby’s fur boots, it is best to contact dry cleaning. But you can carry out the procedure at home. To do this, moisten a small piece of cloth or a cotton pad in acetone, and even better - a solvent based on acetone-free or refined gasoline, and treat the hair. The slime must quickly fall behind.


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Dry cleaning

As a rule, at least one method should help in solving the problem of removing lizun from clothes. But if all else fails, you should not try to invent a better way - the easiest way is to contact a dry cleaning specialist for help if you do not want to spoil the thing.

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Stock footage

Now you understand that a slime is not at all a toy that incurs only losses. Let your child enjoy the fun. If suddenly the slime left spots - it does not matter, because there are a large number of ways to get rid of them. Follow our recommendations and tips, then you will get the desired result.


