How to choose white wine?

How to choose white wine, red or pink in the store? Most of us like to visit or make friends at home. In addition to deliciously prepared dishes, properly selected drinks will make the meal ideal for socializing. Traveling to foreign countries, you also always want to bring with you a drink typical of this state. And now, standing in a store in front of a whole showcase of various wines, comes the realization that, in fact, you don’t know how to choose high-quality dry red wine. Agree that blind trust in the knowledge of the seller does not always lead to the acquisition of a good wine drink. In our article we will tell you by what criteria to determine the quality of grape alcohol, so that after opening the bottle to enjoy the amazing taste and aroma of wine.

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The main varieties of wine product

Wine is the oldest drunken drink, which has been known for about 5000 years. It was used by rulers and noble people of ancient times, believing that this drink of the gods can prolong life. Today, wine boutiques offer a huge assortment of grape drinks, so ordinary people quickly get lost, because they do not know how to choose wine in the store.

Wines that you can find on sale in special stores or other retail outlets, manufacturers are conditionally divided into several groups. Each type of wine has its own taste, color and effect on the human body. Further we will consider each of them in detail.

Red wine:

  • Produced, based on the name, from red grape varieties.
  • The drink has a pronounced taste, color and strength.
  • The color of the product can be either pale pink or ripe pomegranate. This is due to the presence of special coloring substances, anthocyanins.
  • Red wines contain a large amount of antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Important! It is a well-known fact that blood clogging leads to atherosclerosis, and antioxidants can prevent this problem, prolong youth, preventing the clogging of blood vessels by cholesterol.

  • Red wine improves appetite and digestion.
  • Moderate consumption of a wine drink removes protein, which can be the cause of cardiovascular disease.

Important! The most useful varieties of red wine are Cabernet or Sauvignon.


White wine:

  • Both white and red grapes are suitable for production. The manufacturing process involves the complete cleansing of the berries from the skin.
  • The tastes of the wines are completely different, so in order to truly enjoy the refined taste of wine, you need to know how to choose the right white wine.
  • A white drink is no less useful than its red counterpart. Its moderate use also cleanses the circulatory system, preventing atherosclerosis.

Important! A wine product whose strength does not exceed 12% accelerates metabolism, so it can be consumed in the process of losing weight.

Pink wine:

  • This version of the wine product can be considered a transitional link between the previous two. It consists of the same components as red, but tastes similar to white.
  • The use of rose wine in the diet helps prevent a number of diseases, for example, gastritis, high blood pressure, cholecystitis.
  • The wine is enriched with a large number of vitamins and nutrients.

Important! Phosphorus, which is present in the drink, stimulates the central nervous system.

We got acquainted with the main types of wines and their some useful properties. Next, we will consider all the subtleties of how to choose dry red wine, white sweet or semi-sweet pink to truly enjoy the unsurpassed fragrant bouquet of this drink.

Important! If you select drinks for the upcoming holiday, which you will celebrate at home, be sure to read the table design rules. To help you, we offer the following articles:

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How to choose wine in the store? Features of choice

Since you will not be able to conduct a wine tasting in a store, you will have to rely on quality features, labeling on the packaging and other nuances that will help make a good purchase.

Dry or sweet wine?

  • The most basic advantage of a dry wine drink is that it is completely sugar free. In turn, the main disadvantage of sweet wine is the additional preservation due to the addition of sugar in its composition.

Important! Adding sugar to wine lowers the fermentation process.

  • In the production of sweet wine alcoholic beverages, sulfitation is not additionally carried out.

Important! Sulfation is a mandatory treatment of a liquid with a small dose of sulfur. If you miss this stage of production, the drink quickly oxidizes and turns into vinegar. In order not to harm human health, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the optimal dose.

  • Semisweet wines, due to their harmfulness, are practically never consumed anywhere, but they are sold without problems on shelves in stores.

Important! For the production of semi-sweet wine using low-quality raw materials, and unscrupulous producers - even waste.



Not sure how to choose dry red wine at the store? To purchase high-quality and tasty wine, first of all pay attention to its cost:

  • Naturally, if your friends produce delicious homemade wine, then its cost can be arbitrary. But large companies that respect themselves and maintain their reputation that follow the production of rigorous technology will not sell their products cheaply.
  • On average, a bottle of a good wine drink will cost about 7-8 euros, regardless of which country you buy it in.
  • Wine, which has a low cost - no more than diluted alcohol of dubious production. The use of such a liquid can lead to unforeseen negative consequences.


Take a note: a good wine producer, producing quality products, will never hide his name from the consumer.

Important! In case you cannot find the manufacturer on the label, we recommend that you refrain from purchasing this bottle of wine.

Highlighted benefits

To emphasize the quality of their products, manufacturers indicate all the advantages on the label, for example, you can see the words “Vielles Vignes” or “Gran Reserva”. It is not necessary to translate these words, just make sure they are on the bottle.

Important! These inscriptions indicate the high quality of the drink. In its manufacture only selected raw materials are used. In this case, the wine is aged in special barrels.

Year of harvest

Elite bottles of wine must indicate the harvest year. In the absence of such an inscription, the product can be considered a fake or concentrated product.

Important! Many people confuse the date of manufacture of the wine itself with the date of harvest from the vineyard. Be careful about the numbers on the label.


  • Low-quality wine is not stored in oak barrels during production.As you know, oak can eliminate small flaws and give the wine a special flavor. For a cheap product, such expenses do not justify themselves in the future.
  • Cheap alcohol is transported in a plastic container, bottled “in place”, processed, possibly dye, sugar and other components are added.

Important! High-quality and expensive wine is stored exclusively in barrels. Conscientious manufacturers who value their reputation, fully pay off these costs.


  • We will not “discover America” for anyone saying that the best container for storing grape liquid is glass containers. This material better preserves the taste and aromatic properties of wine.
  • On sale today there are wines packaged in cans or paper tetrapacks.

Important! It is not recommended to consume wine from the package; it is better to use it in cooking for preparing sauces.

  • If you want to choose a delicious quality wine for a gift, choose products packaged only in glass containers.

Important! If you want to create a luxurious table and surprise all guests with it, you need not only to correctly place the cutlery, choose the right menu, but also to think through options for its decor.

In a separate publication, we prepared varioustable decoration ideas.



  • Do not worry if your chosen wine is clogged with a plastic cork. Plastic, like cork from cork, are equally suitable for storing wine.
  • Plastic perfectly seals the bottle and prevents air from entering the container.

Important! True wine connoisseurs sniff the cork before tasting. If an odor is present, the product is of poor quality or improper storage.

Sort of wine

Based on the aging time and the quality of the liquid, all varieties of wines are divided into two categories:

  • Ordinary varieties. After harvesting and processing the berries, the products are stored for several months, after which they are bottled and sold in stores.
  • Vintage varieties. A liquid of this type is aged for a period of 2 to 6 years to obtain a more saturated flavoring bouquet. In this case, the best quality raw materials are used for the production of finished products.

Important! Wine, aged for more than 6 years, is considered a collectible drink.

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Country of origin

Today, harvesting for wine production takes place in almost every country, but not everyone makes the same quality product. Next, we will find out in which country the wine has the highest quality and the best taste.


In the old fashioned way, it is believed that French wine has the best qualities:

  • In France, they produce quite complex drinks that require long aging in barrels.
  • The products are manufactured according to very strict rules, therefore it has the glory of high-quality excellent table wine.
  • The quality of wine depends on the brand.
  • The cost of the drink is high, so not everyone can afford to buy it.


The wine produced in this country has an unusually rich taste and variety.

Due to its climate, grapes in Italy grow year-round, so winemakers have a great opportunity to experiment with taste and produce a large amount of wine.

Important! Wine produced in this country accounts for ¼ of all wine on the planet. Most of the products are exported to other countries, but this does not reduce the requirements for the quality of an alcoholic beverage.


  • In Ukraine, up to 300 thousand tons of grapes are harvested annually, which contributes to a large number of products.
  • Most of the producers produce products of rather dubious quality, so there is no special demand for Ukrainian wines. But production technologists are trying to improve the manufacturing method, increase the number of vineyards and improve the quality of harvesting.
  • If there are slight problems with the production of sweet wine in Ukraine, then dry wine has a fairly high quality and excellent taste.

Important! After the holiday, at home there are many dishes that need to be put in order. So that this process is not long and tiring and does not spoil the whole impression of the celebration, be sure to use the tips, how to wash dishes quickly.



In trying to adapt to the production of wine, in taste similar to foreign producers, Hungary suffers from small problems:

  • The products manufactured by this country are quite spicy in taste, and this even applies to white wine.
  • Distinguished by wine made in Hungary, a rich taste that can satisfy almost any connoisseur of this drink.
  • The wine goes well with spicy dishes.

Important! The most high-quality wine produced by Hungary, connoisseurs consider a drink called Tokaj. In order to pamper your taste buds, there is no better option.

Old / New World

Residents of Europe really appreciate the grape products produced in countries such as Chile and Argentina. The location of these countries has an optimal climate for growing grapes:

  • The products are characterized by rich flavoring notes, light aroma, leaves a pleasant aftertaste, therefore, it is able to satisfy a true connoisseur of “grape potion”.
  • A bottle of such alcohol has an affordable price, so such a wine is the best choice in the average price range.
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Some secrets and useful tips for choosing a good wine:

  • The opinion that the older the wine, the better it tastes, is mistaken. For example, rose wine must be drunk immediately after manufacture, over the years it only loses its taste.
  • When buying, be sure to read the information on the label regarding which grape varieties were used in the wine production process.

Important! The inscription on the bottle “the best grape varieties were used for production” indicates that it was produced from the worst varieties, possibly even from waste. The label must clearly indicate the specific variety of berries.

  • The cost does not always indicate the quality of the product, sometimes an expensive drink has worse quality than a cheap one.
  • Packaging is also not always an indicator. Very often you have to pay for a beautiful container with poor contents inside.
  • If you are not a connoisseur of wine products, but do not understand anything in it, choose a New World drink. It is inexpensive, but tastes good.
  • When choosing a wine in a restaurant, ask the waiter for something to advise you, or choose a proven drink. If you are not afraid to take risks, try a new wine every time, so you will become better at sorting out wines.

Important! Many establishments offer a wine tasting before serving to determine the taste of the selected drink.

  • There is an opinion that white wine is consumed exclusively with fish, and red wine - on the contrary, with meat. These are obsolete rules, such a serving was practiced when high-quality French drinks were served to dishes. Modern food and alcohol preferences have changed a bit, especially under the influence of Indian and Asian movements. Asian dishes are sometimes complemented by sour white wine in the restaurant.
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When choosing wine for a festive table or a gift, use the criteria described in our article, and, of course, your taste preferences or preferences of your guests. A properly selected wine will delight you with its taste, aroma and leave a pleasant impression of a meeting without headaches in the morning.

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