How to choose an air purifier for an apartment?

Industrial development and urban growth inevitably lead to air pollution. All this negatively affects the state of human health. Therefore, in recent years, many prefer such a local solution to the problem of how to choose an air purifier for an apartment. Using the device can prevent many respiratory and viral diseases. In addition, some owners install humidifiers at home, which are especially relevant in the heating season. Their use helps to avoid inflammation of the nasal mucosa as a result of eliminating excessive dryness in the room. What to look for when choosing such a miracle device - you will learn in this article.
to contents ↑Which is better - a humidifier or an air purifier?
Thus, the question naturally arises, but what is better to choose for the home - a purifier or a humidifier? To answer it, you need to understand the principle of operation of devices.
Air Purifier Features
The main purpose of the device is to remove various impurities and substances from the air:
- household equipment vapor (air freshener, washing powder);
- mold and spores (often appear in rooms with high humidity);
- specific smell (food, pets, tobacco);
- allergic substances (dust mite).
Humidifier Benefits
The purpose of this device is to increase the humidity level in the room. Devices are of three types, which differ in the principle of action and design:
- Traditional. The special capacity of the device is filled with water. Passing through the evaporation elements, it helps to moisturize the air.
Important! Some use the equipment as aromatherapy, adding a few drops of essential oils to the water.
- Steam. Electrodes are located inside the liquid container, which contribute to the heating and evaporation of water. Such devices, as a rule, are equipped with automatic protection against liquid boiling off, so that the device turns off when it is absent.
Important! Such moisturizers are also used for aromatherapy, as well as inhalation.
- Ultrasonic The liquid from the device’s tank enters a special plate, due to the vibration of which the water is split into tiny particles. This leads to an increase in humidity in the room.
to contents ↑Important! After you decide on the type of device that suits you and buy it, be sure to read about where it is better to put a humidifier in the room.
Humidifier and air purifier - which is better?
Thus, in order to make the right choice between devices, it is necessary to determine the tasks assigned to them. An air purifier will help to make the air clean and fresh in any room, preventing various diseases. A humidifier is able to improve the microclimate of the apartment and increase the level of humidity. The most rational solution will be the choice of a device that combines both functions - purification and humidification of air.
Important! There are different versions regarding when and how to properly use such devices. To finally deal with all possible questions, click on the link to our article “Do I need a humidifier in the summer?”.
You need to choose a humidifier and an air purifier that is best suited for its operating conditions. The main selection criteria:
- device power;
- area of the room;
- volume of liquid tank;
- number of additional features.
to contents ↑Important! No less important role in the final choice can play the manufacturer. The leaders in the market of air purifiers are Pozis, Polaris and Scarlett, and humidifiers are Redmond, Sharp, Polaris, Electrolux. Properly selected equipment can last several years to its owners.
How to make the right choice?
To understand which humidifier-humidifier is best for you, you need to analyze the necessary set of additional functions. This must be done in advance, because the cost of the device depends on the number of options:
- Electrostatic filter. Able to attract dust particles to itself with the help of electric charges. It will save you from frequent cleaning of the apartment. However, such a device requires regular replacement of filters and washing.
- HEPA filter. One of the most effective assistants in the fight against fine dust. Do not require frequent cleaning - a vacuum cleaner once a month and replacement once every six months (with moderate indoor air pollution).
- Ionizers. Their effect is the deposition of dust on the floor and horizontal surface, from where it is easy to remove.
- Photocatalytic filters. Break down most of the toxic substances in the air, and also destroys various viruses and bacteria. No replacement required.
- Air ozonizers. They break down harmful substances in the air with the help of ozone. Cannot be used in the presence of people. No extra care required.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget that any modern device needs proper care. Only in this case it will perform its functions effectively and will not be harmful to your health. Read all the important rules regarding humidifier care in our special article. “How to clean the humidifier?”.
So, it turns out that:
- From dust and animal hair it is better to choose an electrostatic or HEPA filter.
- With various unpleasant odors, an air ozonizer or photocatalytic filters will do well.
- In general, you can opt for a multifunctional device. But usually such equipment is not cheap. Therefore, if your budget is limited, give your preference to a simpler device, because they still fulfill their main purpose well.
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The purchase of a humidifier and an air purifier is an expensive solution. However, their use will protect you from many diseases and will provide a comfortable microclimate in the house.
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