How to get bedbugs out of the sofa yourself?

If you, like many others, think that bed bugs live only in dirty rooms, then this is not at all the case. They may appear with some new things or go from neighbors. And even if the house is completely sterile, this does not mean that uninvited guests will not start there. Unfortunately, these parasites are very smart creatures, and it is quite difficult to get them out. Therefore, if you still have such insects in your house or apartment, and you suffer in unsuccessful searches for the perfect remedy, our experts will reveal to you all the secrets of how to get bed bugs out of the sofa on your own so that they forever forget your way.
to contents ↑The main reasons for the appearance of bugs
Bed bugs can live on carpets, curtains or even skirting boards. But their main habitat is a sofa and bed. This is due to the fact that they are simply warm, satisfying and comfortable in these places. They will not creep far into the territory, since their main food is human blood, respectively - in the morning you can find a lot of bites on your body.
Important! Pay attention to the fact that a bug, unlike a mosquito, can bite a person several times at once, so their bites look like a path of red spots.
In addition, the presence of such “neighbors” can be recognized due to the following features:
- An unpleasant specific smell emitted by these insects. It can be caught by a person with a rather sensitive sense of smell.
- Feces. They have the appearance of small black spots, which can sometimes be confused with small impurities.
- Blood stains on bedding. During sleep, you can turn over from side to side and accidentally crush one bug that has just drunk your blood.
- And, of course, the bugs themselves. To do this, just lift the sofa and look at the junction of matter with a wooden frame. There you can see the “settlers” of different age categories and sizes.
to contents ↑Important! If you are sure that bedbugs have started in your couch, you should definitely check all the places of your apartment or house that are potentially attractive for these insects, since if they have already wound up, it is unlikely to be in only one couch. Accordingly, you will need a thorough disinfection.
First steps
You can get rid of uninvited guests both independently and with the help of specialists. It all depends solely on the degree of infection of the premises.
Important! If you live in an apartment building in which several apartments are infected at once, in this case independent methods will only be temporary and you can’t do without the help of special services.
If you still decide to get the bugs out of the sofa yourself, you should first find out the reason for their appearance, and based on this, select further methods of dealing with them.
to contents ↑The main methods of controlling bugs at home
We bring to your attention the most popular and effective ways to remove bugs from the sofa.
To date, the market has a huge assortment of a wide variety of means to combat bugs. The most common and effective are aerosols. They are quite convenient to use and quick to operate.Unfortunately, such an insecticide is not suitable for complete disinfection of housing. This is due to the fact that:
- Some of the aerosol product remains in the air during spraying and simply does not reach the sofa.
- Due to the fact that too thin a layer is created, under the influence of temperature and light, the product quickly loses its functional properties.
Important! A small dose of aerosol most often acts on bugs, like a kind of vaccine, thereby developing their immunity.
- The effect of aerosols is instant and lasts no more than 2 hours. Those insects, which nevertheless managed to hide, will continue to live and breed in your couch.
- Aerosol insecticide does not affect bedbug eggs, and since they are located in hard-to-reach places, you may not even notice them.
Important! Specialists during the processing of upholstered furniture from bugs most often use special emulsions for the further preparation of solutions. Their advantage is a greater concentration and longer duration, which varies from 1 to 6 months. Such products are safe for human life and health, as well as pets.
In addition to the fact that it is very important to choose an effective means of combating bedbugs, a positive result still entirely depends on the proper processing of furniture. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Prepare the solution, pour it into a spray bottle or spray bottle.
Important! Pay attention to the fact that the solution needs to be prepared immediately before its use.
- Before removing bugs from the sofa, remove bedding, bedspreads and pillows from the surface, and also protect yourself with protective equipment.
Important! It is best to carry out such a disinfection in the fresh air, therefore, if you have the opportunity, it is better to take the sofa outside.
- Work on the part of the sofa where you did not find any traces of these insects.
Important! When processing the surface of the sofa, the spray gun should be kept in the outstretched position at a distance of 20 centimeters from the sofa or other furniture.
- Open the windows and ventilate the room well for several hours. If the disinfection was carried out on the street, then leave the sofa there for the same time.
- After the time has passed, wipe the areas on the furniture that you may come into contact with during use.
Important! Sleeping on such a couch is best one week after disinfection.
Try to use modern means, as they infect uninvited guests within the first 2 hours, and complete death occurs within a week. In addition, you will not need to carry out this procedure again, since such funds are valid for at least 1 month, respectively - even if the eggs are left somewhere, then when new offspring appear, they become infected in the same way and completely disappear.
Folk remedies
These methods have been repeatedly tested in practice by our mothers and grandmothers, and still do not lose their relevance.
The smell of this acid simply has a detrimental effect on bedbugs, respectively - if you disinfect with vinegar, you can completely get rid of pesky insects. To do this, you just need to prepare the vinegar solution and treat it with the entire surface of the sofa, while paying special attention to the recesses and seams.
Important! In order to be completely sure of the complete death of bugs, the processing of furniture with vinegar should be carried out several times.
Some herbs, due to their specific smell, act as destructively as vinegar. These herbs include cloves or tansy. You just need to decompose these plants at the places where the bugs accumulate. Thus, part may go away, and the second - just die.
Important! You can use both fresh and dry plants for these purposes.In addition, bedbugs simply can not stand wormwood because of its strong smell. Therefore, you can pick a few twigs and put them in the habitats of insects.
This method is quite effective. Many families were able to overcome these insects by simply putting furniture for a while in the cold.
Important! When choosing a method of freezing, take into account the fact that bed bugs are rather tenacious insects and are able to withstand frost of about 18 degrees.
High temperatures
High temperatures are more detrimental to bedbugs than low. An ideal option is processing with a steam generator, which is turned on at full power, while the steam will be enough to penetrate even the deepest gaps. In the absence of a steam generator, you can use a regular iron with the function of generating steam.
Important! For convenience and higher efficiency, before removing bed bugs from the sofa, it is better to lay it out. Thus, the cultivated area will be much larger.
This is a fairly effective tool, however, when working with it, you should be careful and protect yourself from getting the solution on the skin. It is also very important to observe the prescription parameters for the manufacture of a solution based on turpentine.
To do this, mix the following ingredients in a container:
- 1 tablespoon of turpentine;
- 200 milliliters of boiling water;
- Bar of laundry soap.
Gently mix the prepared solution, then immediately apply to all places where pests live.
Important! Pay attention to the fact that turpentine has a rather pungent smell, so it can cause significant harm to human health, especially the respiratory system, as well as to the organs of vision.
At the end of the treatment, the room must be thoroughly ventilated for several hours.
This is the simplest tool that is in every home and will help you in the fight against bedbugs. To do this, you need to sprinkle with salt after the main processing of the insect habitat or add it directly to the solution, which also contains hydrogen peroxide and ethyl alcohol. The advantage of this method lies in its effectiveness, cheapness and complete safety for the human body.
to contents ↑Important! In the event that the bugs spread throughout the premises already locally, it will be quite difficult to overcome them independently. Therefore, in this situation, it is best to invite insect control specialists.
Preventative measures
In order to no longer look for the means by which you can get bedbugs out of the couch at home quickly and efficiently, you should follow a few rules that will protect you from the appearance of this scourge in the house:
- The sofa is best installed closer to the center of the room or so that it is slightly pushed away from the wall.
- During cleaning, try to vacuum absolutely the entire surface, paying particular attention to seams and crevices.
Important! The bag from the vacuum cleaner should immediately be taken outside, so that if there are bugs in the bag, they do not spread further along the living area.
- Always inspect the linen boxes, as this is the favorite place for insects.
- If you have a steam generator or steam iron, try periodically to carry out preventative treatment of the sofa with steam.
- Lay out a special adhesive tape for catching insects around the sofa.
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Get bedbugs out of the couch it’s quite difficult on your own, but possible. The most important thing is to detect them before the moment of local distribution throughout the apartment. We hope that the recommendations of our experts will help you overcome these insects quickly and effectively.
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