How to sharpen knives on a clipper 🥝 yourself at home

All hair clippers use stainless steel knives, often even with diamond or titanium spraying. But no matter how good the machine, sharp knives become dull over time. Therefore, sooner or later, the owner wonders how to sharpen knives on a hair clipper at home. To do this is not very difficult, you just need to know some nuances.

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Useful Tips

Before proceeding directly to sharpening the knives of a hair clipper at home, familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • Try not to save on abrasive, because the result of your efforts depends on its quality.
  • Do not forget about safety measures, be extremely careful and accurate. It is easy to hurt yourself against sharp blades, therefore, fasten them well during the sharpening procedure, and also be careful when assembling the machine.
  • Ceramic knives require special care. True, they have to be sharpened less often than metal.
  • It is better to take light oil for lubrication. Dark - can clog the machine.
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Sharpening preparation

So that you can sharpen the blades well on a hair clipper, you must correctly prepare the device for the upcoming work. The following aspects are important here:

  • First you need to disassemble the machine, and unscrew the knives.

Important! Be careful and remember in what order the parts are attached so that after cleaning you can assemble everything back. You can even record the entire process on camera. Then you will be sure that you will assemble the machine correctly at the end of sharpening.

  • The bottom blade must be carefully pulled out with a pair of tweezers.
  • Remove any dirt. Sometimes, between the cloves of the cutting plates, the hair gets stuck. They can be removed with a toothbrush or scraper.
  • Wipe clean with a cloth and dry thoroughly.

Important! Sometimes this is enough to bring the machine back to life. Many models of modern cars are equipped with an automatic sharpening function. After such a procedure, it is enough only again set up a hair clipper.

If the cleaning did not help, and your model is not equipped with an automatic sharpening function, then you will have to sharpen the knives yourself. Remove the block from the knives with a screwdriver. Now you need to decide how to sharpen the knives.

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How can sharpen blades?

How can you implement the process of sharpening knives of a hair clipper at home?

  • At the heart of any sharpening machine is a rotating circle, so the first thing that comes to mind is a grinding machine. This is possible, although some do not recommend sharpening in this way, citing its poor quality. But if you still decide to use a grinding machine, then use the smallest abrasive with it.
  • You can use an electric drill with an emery nozzle, but this is not safe.
  • Some craftsmen manage to grind knives with a grindstone. This, in principle, is possible, but the efficiency of such sharpening is not very high. If you decide to use this method, then purchase a grinding stone with a surface of 4000 gradient. You will also need a magnetic holder.As a last resort, it can be replaced with an ordinary flat magnet.

Important! Such an abrasive is not suitable for ceramic knives.

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How to sharpen?

How to sharpen the blade of a hair clipper with a grindstone?

  1. Place the knife on the magnetic holder.
  2. Pass the plate along the bar from 5 to 10 times, holding it at an angle of 30-45 degrees.
  3. When the blade becomes shiny and even, turn the plate over with the other side and repeat the procedure.
  4. Sharpen the second plate in the same way.
  5. For a better result, do a control treatment on a stone with a grain size of up to 8000 gradients.

Now the machine can be assembled and greased. And after that, start further experimenting in hairstyles. To help you, we have prepared special reviews that will help you choose the perfect look and easily bring it to life:

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Professional knife sharpening

There are special machines with which to sharpen the blade of a hair clipper, for example, Adems Front Plate. You can find out where to buy such machines in your city by searching on the Internet.

Important! Such a machine is an electric motor that drives an aluminum disk. There are machines with a vertical disk arrangement, and there are machines with a horizontal one.

The procedure itself looks like this:

  • The abrasive disc rotates at high speed, about 1000 rpm. This disk must be prepared before the procedure - wipe it from dust and grease with special oil. Abrasive powder is distributed over the surface of the washer.
  • The knife is captured by a magnetic suction cup and placed forward against the rotation of the disk with teeth. During operation, the knives must be securely fastened to prevent accidents.
  • Knives must be pressed firmly against the rotating disc. During sharpening, gently move the instrument from the center of the disc to the edges.
  • Sharpening requires an average of 1.5-2 minutes.

Important! Do not make sudden movements, carelessness can lead to damage to the cutting edge. <

  • Demagnetize the knives. Now you need to clean them properly before installing them back into the device. This is usually done with a special solution that removes all fragments of abrasive substances from the blade. For better cleaning after this, the knives can be brushed. Wipe the knives well before putting them back into the machine. It is very important that not a drop of moisture is left on them.

Important! Usually, craftsmen always have special fur at hand, on which you can check the result. If the result is not very good, then the procedure is repeated again.

Any equipment has its own working resource, which can be somewhat extended by competent care. But still, breakdowns cannot be avoided over time. In such a case, we suggest you bookmark our article, in which we set out several interesting ideas, what can be done from a hair clipper.

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From this article, you learned how to restore the functionality of a hair clipper, which means that now you will painlessly do the hairstyle that you have in mind. The tips in this article will help you sharpen your knives also in a trimmer for dogs and cats.


