Which is better to choose a deodorant?

Deodorants are an excellent way to combat sweating. It was they who gave people self-confidence and a sense of comfort. When choosing them, you need to understand that not all products are safe for human health: some are able to eliminate odors throughout the day, while others are enough for just a few hours. In any case, it all depends on your skin type and the intensity of the sebaceous glands. Today we will understand the question of which is better to choose a deodorant. An overview of the most effective tools that are popular around the world will be presented to your attention.

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Criterias of choice

Before choosing a high-quality deodorant, you should familiarize yourself with the main nuances that you need to pay attention to in the first place:

  • A good sweat remedy should not only smell good, give a feeling of freshness throughout the day, but also have an antibacterial effect.

Important! It will be ideal to purchase a deodorant with the addition of natural herbs and plants, for example, chamomile, aloe vera.


  • It should be well absorbed, not leaving marks on the body and clothing. Otherwise, a yellow spot may form on the white shirt, and white on the black. Such indicators indicate a poor-quality product.
  • The cosmetic product must be in a convenient shape, and its use - affordable. It should fit in your purse and have a lid that protects the deodorant from accidental spraying or leakage.
  • The product should match your level of perspiration and skin sensitivity.
  • A quality product should take care of the skin: moisturize, soothe, make it softer and more tender.

Important! Remember that no cosmetic product will not give the expected result if you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene. We advise you to read useful information about how to wash.

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Which deodorant is better to choose?

To date, the cosmetics industry offers a huge selection of anti-sweating products. Which products are right for you? What should I prefer - spray, stick, gel or maybe cream? We will help you understand these issues. Below you will find a list of armpit care products that will help you make the right choice:

  1. Sprays They are convenient to apply, they give a feeling of freshness, tenderness and coolness. Due to the lack of direct contact with the skin, several people can use them at once, and this, you see, is very convenient. Most often they contain a minimum amount of chemicals, which is why people with sensitive skin love them so much.
  2. Stick It is considered one of the most popular deodorants, is made in solid form, has a white color. The quality of this product depends directly on the company, but the main advantage of sticks is their uniform application, which is applied to the skin with a thin layer, thereby creating reliable protection against perspiration. The only negative is that the product often rolls in lumps in the axillary area and leaves white marks on dark-colored clothing.
  3. Roller. They are also called ball deodorants, they were invented a long time ago, back in the 50s using the technology of a conventional ball pen: the design is equipped with a plastic ball that evenly distributes the liquid throughout the body.Such a tool effectively fights with perspiration, but to get a positive result, you need to wait a bit until the composition dries. Like sticks, roller deodorant can leave white marks, so you need to choose a tool that is safe for dark things.
  4. Gel. According to many users, gel deodorant does better than a stick. Most importantly, there will be more than one mark on your clothes. It is great for hot summers as the gel contains cooling components.
  5. Cream. Such deodorants and antiperspirants are produced in a tube with a round tip with a hole for extrusion or in ordinary jars. They are suitable for daily protection and moisturize the skin well, but they should not be used in case of intense sweating (in training or in extreme heat).
  6. Powder. Its main task is to absorb moisture, which a special deodorant powder does well. It contains antibacterial ingredients that gently protect the skin, eliminating an unpleasant odor. Such funds do not contain talc - recognized as a possible carcinogen, which can cause the development of malignant neoplasms. Organic cosmetics in the form of powder consists of magnesium trisilicate, corn or oat starch, which are completely safe. After applying the product, your skin will be soft and dry, like a baby.
  7. Crystal. Such a deodorant should be applied to the skin, previously moistened with warm water. Useful minerals will not leave a chance for the development of bacteria on the skin. You will not sweat less, but you will forget about the unpleasant odor.

Important! How often you will be bothered by body odor depends not only on the choice of cosmetic products, but also on the timely care of things. That is, it is necessary to act in a comprehensive manner, getting rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant amber. To help you, we offer the following reviews:


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Rating of the best deodorants

How to choose a quality deodorant from the presented range? It's time to get acquainted with the most popular deodorants and antiperspirants, which can rightly be called the best! For you, we have prepared a short review of the tools:

  • Dove Pure “Powder Tenderness”. The spray fits perfectly on the skin, leaves no residue on clothes, the skin remains smooth and silky throughout the day. The composition does not include parabens, perfumes and alcohol. Some varieties of this brand provide 48 hours of protection.
  • Cristal Body. This deodorant spray has a natural composition, is hypoallergenic, odorless and suitable for the whole body. The product does not leave marks on clothes and is equipped with an economical spray function. When using products, the sebaceous glands will not suffer.

Important! Suitable for people who do not sweat too much, and pregnant women.

  • Rexona “Maximum Protection”. Available in the form of a cream that is quickly absorbed without leaving any sticky residue. It blocks bad odors and perspiration, gently cares for the skin. His action continues to work even after taking a shower. You can forget about traces on clothes.

Important! Such a tool is suitable for anyone, but you should not use it while playing sports.


  • Nivea Invisible Black & White Clear. It is absorbed very quickly and dries on the skin just as quickly, leaving a “powdery sensation”. It leaves no residue on clothing, its period of action is 48 hours, it has a delicate and pleasant aroma.
  • Garnier Mineral “Active Control”. This stick is suitable for those who do not sweat a lot, but whose body still requires protection. Thanks to a component of volcanic origin (perlite), the deodorant will not only remove unpleasant odors, but also gently protect the skin throughout the day.
  • "Clean line". For a reasonable price you will get an excellent tool for the care of armpits.The manufacturer tried to introduce you to a roller deodorant with various aromas, in which there is jasmine that protects not only the skin, but also clothes from white marks.
  • Lady Speed ​​Stick “Aloe”. The smell is suitable for both men and women (unisex). As a result, you will get a lasting protection effect for 24 hours. Suitable for people with sensitive skin.
  • Honeybee Gardens Deodorant Powder. The composition of such a powder-based deodorant includes soda and corn starch. Thanks to these components, your skin will be dry and clean with a pleasant aroma.


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Rules for using deodorant:

  1. Apply the product only on clean and dry skin.
  2. Regularly remove, especially in summer, hair from the axillary zone - their presence keeps an unpleasant odor and serves as a breeding ground for bacteria.
  3. If when using a certain remedy you have irritation and itching, then temporarily discard this deodorant, especially one that contains alcohol. During this period, it is advisable to switch to dry antiperspirants or baby powder.
  4. Try not to use deodorant daily, as the body should rest, and the sweat glands should function.
  5. Do not apply the product before going to the bathhouse or sauna - the action of high temperature can cause allergies under the armpits.
  6. Only odorless deodorants can be combined with perfumes, or you can use the product from the same series.

Important! In order for deodorants to work as much as possible, do not wear too tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics and eat a lot of spicy and spicy food. All this provokes increased sweating and clogging of the sebaceous glands.

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The choice of a means of protecting against sweating and unpleasant odors should be approached with particular responsibility. The degree of exposure and the components of the deodorant will directly affect the human body, since contact is maximized with the skin. Do not be too lazy to read user reviews about various cosmetics to find the most suitable option for yourself.

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