Which comb to choose?

Every girl wants to have healthy and beautiful hair, but in order to achieve this, you need to properly care for them. That is why in the arsenal of hair care products should be present not only special shampoos, balms, essential oils and masks, as well as correctly selected combs. Today we will figure out which comb to choose depending on the material, structure and length of the hair in order to achieve the maximum effect after combing.

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What are modern combs made of?

The choice of a comb that would not spoil the hair depends on many factors, but the main thing is to know what features the basic materials from which these items are made have. In stores you can find a huge amount of hair care products, so getting confused with the choice is quite simple.


Popular materials for making brushes and combs:

  • Plastic. This material is inexpensive, it is hygienic, easy to care for. But it has a big minus - from plastic, the hair is highly electrified. Long service life, minor impact - factors that cause cracks on the plastic.
  • Metal. The main disadvantage of the metal is the high probability of injury to the scalp. The main condition is that all metal teeth must have plastic, silicone or rubber balls on top. These combs can not be used when drying, because they are very hot under the influence of hot air, can damage hair. But metal has its advantages, for example, it’s quite easy to care for them, they serve for a long time, they are distinguished by high strength indicators.
  • Natural bristles. Such products are made from pork, horse bristles or whalebone. The advantages of such combs are the removal of static tension, the protection of hairs from damage, the lack of reaction with care products and cosmetic formulations, and the distribution of strands of sebum over the entire length. But for too thick hair they are not suitable, as well as for excessively oily hair. In addition, they are not cheap, they must be cleaned daily from sebum and hair.
  • Wood. Products made from this material are considered the most useful. Thanks to them, the hair becomes silky, shiny, not electrified. They are suitable for combing immediately after washing, do not react with paint or styling products. Also, wooden products do not allow the cross-section of curls.

Important! If you need the best hair comb, then pay attention to the models of ash, sandalwood, juniper or birch. But keep in mind that such ridges must always be kept clean, otherwise - a fungus will start on them. In addition, they are quite fragile.

  • Silicone Such products externally resemble something in between rubber and plastic combs. The main advantages: ease of cleanliness, hygiene, the ability to use on wet hair, harmless unraveling curls, the absence of static stress, long service life. Their only drawback is the high price.
  • Carbon This is an artificial alloy of graphite microfibers and rubber. Carbon combs are suitable for all types of hair.They have antistatic properties, high strength, resistance to high temperatures. The downside is the relatively high price.
  • Nylon. Nylon brushes are an excellent replacement for products with natural bristles. It is recommended to use them for straightening and styling. Their advantages are a long service life, low price, hygiene, massage of the scalp, excellent hair extension, safety for strands and scalp.

Important! Thick curls with such combs can not be combed.

  • Ceramics. Such products are considered the best, thanks to them, the hair becomes smooth, soft, not electrified. Modern models of ceramic products have an ionization function, facilitate and accelerate the installation process, due to the uniform heating of the ceramic coating, they can be used when drying with a hairdryer. On sale you can even find models with tourmaline spraying. The disadvantages of such combs are fragility, high cost.

Important! If you like to experiment with your appearance, and you want each idea to be successful, use the information from our articles:

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How to choose a hairbrush by type of hair?

In this section, we will describe in detail how to choose a comb, depending on the type of hair, because this factor is quite important. There are a number of rules, guided by which you will make the right choice.

  • Long. For hair of this type, massage products and brushes are suitable, which have 12-15 rows of cloves densely planted with each other. To give the hairstyle volume or twist the tips, it is better to use large brushes.

Important! It is better for the owners of such hairs to refuse thin scallops with frequent cloves, since it will be extremely difficult to use them.

  • Medium. This type of hair is recommended to comb with medium-sized semicircular brushes.
  • Short. In this case, accessories with short teeth are ideal. Volume can be given as a fish bone product.
  • Curly. It is better to comb such hairs with devices with rare and long teeth. Experts recommend completely abandoning scallops with frequent short teeth and fish bones.
  • Fluffy, thin, soft. It is better to lay them with ordinary brushes.
  • Direct. For such hair, in principle, all varieties of combs are suitable.
  • Hard and thick. In this case, it is better to use accessories with flexible and rare teeth. It is desirable that they be made of a delicate solid material, for example carbon or silicone.

Important! Products with natural bristles are completely unsuitable here.

  • Rare. It is recommended to comb such hair with massage products that help activate the hair follicles that have hibernated.
  • Greasy. It is not recommended to once again stimulate the scalp, otherwise - sebum will begin to be produced even faster. Therefore, it is better to choose products with natural pile.
  • Brittle, dry. Girls with such hair can not use metal scallops, it is better to replace them with silicone teeth or natural bristles.


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The choice of combs depending on the main purpose of use

Now let's figure out how to choose a comb, given the main purpose of its use in the future. If you neglect this factor, then you risk purchasing a product that will only harm your hair daily.

For the purpose of use, it is recommended to choose combs as follows:

  1. For styling. Semi-circular fish bone products with an optimal diameter are suitable for this purpose.
  2. To give volume. The fish bone models are perfect here.
  3. To remove the electrification. It is better to prefer a wooden, ionic, carbon or ebonite comb.
  4. For polishing and shine. Flat brushes with a large number of teeth and natural bristles give hair extra shine.
  5. For soft combing. Use recommended silicone brushes.
  6. For straightening. Mostly special comb-irons are used.


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Hair Care Rules

In which case, you now know which comb to choose, but it is equally important to learn how to properly care for these products, because the application efficiency and their service life directly depend on this.

Hair Care Tips:

  1. Every day, remove hair that is stuck between the cloves.
  2. Wash the product once a week with a mild soapy solution.
  3. Do not store wooden combs near heating appliances and in rooms with high humidity.
  4. If you find dust and grease on the brush, immediately treat it with diluted ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.

Important! If there are burrs or cracks in the cloves, then such an accessory should be replaced immediately.

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Rating of the best hair combs

A correctly selected accessory for combing hair is the key to their health and beauty, because not only hot styling, but also improper combing can harm your hair.

The rating of the best hair combs according to user reviews will help you buy a really high-quality tool:

  1. Remington Silk B96PEU. It is a flat brush with an ionizing effect. It is suitable for girls with straight hair, perfectly straightens curls, makes them smooth and shiny. She combes even thin hair safely with soft cloves. It has ceramic elements and a rubber handle, evenly distributes heat during the drying process.
  2. Braun Satin Hair Brush. An ionization brush with soft bristles that perfectly smooths hair and provides gentle care. It has a small size, so you can carry it with you. The brush is equipped with a battery, which means that you don’t have to worry about constant access to the mains.
  3. The Wet Brush. This comb is able to cope even with the most intricate curls, due to the fact that it is made of a special material that prevents pulling hair. It can be used by owners of any type of hair, you can comb both dry and wet hair. In addition, it provides a gentle massage of the scalp.

Important! You may also find our tips for choosing other hair styling tools useful. Read our publications:

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As we have already found out, it is not easy to choose a good comb yourself, but if you know certain rules, then it is quite realistic. The main thing is to clearly define your hair type and the purpose of using the purchased accessory.

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