Glass-metal adhesive transparent

How to glue glass to metal? For some, it may seem that gluing these materials is not possible. But today, in a period of rapid technological progress, the introduction of new technologies in production and computer innovations, the unconnected can be connected by force. Glass-metal glue transparent may be needed in different cases: in the manufacture of furniture, creating a special decor for a cabinet or shelf, car repair or household appliances. In order not to spoil the thing that is expensive for you later and achieve a good fastening result, in this article we will tell you what is the best way to use the product for this purpose and how.
to contents ↑How to glue the glass to the metal?
If you do not take into account the difficulty of bonding, glass colorless glue, which is suitable for the operation, is quite simple to find. Next, we will consider what materials are suitable for bonding metal and glass.
In popular language, this is an ordinary superglue that is sold in any store:
- The main advantage of this substance is ease of use. It is enough to apply it to the surface and firmly press the parts together.
- The substance freezes for 5 seconds.
- The only drawback of using superglue is the loss of its “super” properties in a humid environment.
Important! With prolonged exposure to moisture on the subject, superglue loses its properties.
Perfect for joining heat-resistant glass and oven.
Important! To connect parts with sealant, it is better to prefer a transparent type of product.
Sealant due to its composition is very plastic and resistant to fats, oils and various climatic conditions.
Important! The sealant can withstand temperatures from -60 to +300 degrees Celsius calmly, without losing its properties.
Pre-degrease the surface. After application, it is necessary to fix the glass for 5-8 seconds. You can continue to use the item within 24 hours after applying the adhesive to the surface. Gluing glass and metal with sealant, the parts are joined together firmly and reliably.
Important! Sealant is widely used in the process of manufacturing and assembling aquariums.
Crystal moment
The tool is suitable for use if the connecting seam must have a certain elasticity. Having applied it to the glass surface, in the process of drying between the parts an elastic layer of glue is formed. Under the influence of pressure on the surface, it can deform, and then return to its original position.
Car glue
In workshops, glue called Crocodile is used to connect parts. The raw material has a black color and is very similar to rubber.
Important! If you need to connect parts for decorative purposes, this option will not work, since the dark trail from car glue is very difficult to hide.
The joint between the parts is resistant to moisture and aggressive environment.
to contents ↑Important! If you have not yet decided which glue is better to glue metal to glass, you should first determine exactly the purpose and conditions of use of the product. Not only high-quality bonding of parts, but also the service life of the glued item depends on the right choice.
Bonding recommendations
So, how to choose the appropriate tool for your case, starting from the place of installation of the item and its purpose - we described above. The next step for the high-quality bonding of any materials is thorough surface cleaning:
- In the case when both parts were not previously processed by anything, it is enough to simply degrease them, clean them from dust and debris.
- Use a solvent to degrease the surface of glass and metal.
Important! The solvent of the grade 6xx-7xx is not suitable for processing parts.
- If glass or metal has any coating, paint or varnish, it must be removed.
- Before applying the adhesive to the glass surface, it is recommended to preheat it. To do this, you can use a hair dryer for drying hair.
Important! The temperature of the heated glass should be 20-30 degrees above room temperature. Glass heated to a certain temperature has better adhesion with an adhesive. Be careful, the heated glass becomes too fragile, when pressed, it can burst in the hands.
- Avoid sudden cooling of the glass - it can crack if the temperature drops.
Important! Glass should not be heated above a gas burner or under an open flame - it can become smoky and turn black.
- If you decide to use an adhesive that hardens for a long time, pre-prepare the load to create pressure for better bonding.
to contents ↑Important! Choose a press corresponding to the size and weight of the surface to be glued, it should evenly create pressure around the entire perimeter of the part.
Using UV Lamps for Bonding
To reliably and efficiently glue glass and metal together, you can use a UV lamp:
- To do this, you should purchase a special glue for glass and metal Verifix MV 750 or its analogue B 682-0.
Important! Verifix MV 750 is suitable for use on clear glass.
- Before applying the adhesive to the surface, degrease it with a solvent.
Important! To degrease the glass, do not use liquids that leave a thin film on the surface: kerosene, acetone, gasoline, glass cleaners.
- Using a hair dryer, heat the glass, gradually reaching a temperature of 50-60 degrees.
- Apply adhesive on both surfaces with a thin layer.
Important! The glass cools quickly enough, so if more than 3 minutes have passed after heating, the process will have to be repeated again.
- Then gently connect glass and metal between them, slightly press down.
- Take a UV lamp and irradiate the surface to be treated twice.
Important! The first stage of irradiation fastens the parts by 70%, and the second - gives the bonded parts additional strength.
- The higher the power of the UV lamp, the less time it will take to irradiate the product.
Stock footage
Sometimes it becomes necessary to glue together two completely opposite materials. What glue can I glue glass and iron with? There are several answers to this question, and the most effective of them are described in this article. Useful information, a wide range of adhesive products on the shelves in the store and advice from sellers will help you purchase the right product for you. Putting the tips from the article into practice, the glued item will serve you and your family for a long time.
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