When is a monument erected after a funeral?

When is a monument erected after a funeral? As it turns out, so many people who had to survive the loss of their loved ones are asking this question. I want to fulfill the last duty to the dead correctly and with dignity, in compliance with all traditions and regulations. Fortunately, many people have to deal with this problem infrequently, so not everyone is able to immediately give an answer. But, if nevertheless such a question arose, then we advise you not to rush into a solution.

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Generally accepted standards

In Orthodoxy, there are no strict rules regarding the installation time of the tombstone. No one will rush to purchase a granite product by the ninth or fortieth day and no one will blame for the fact that in the next week a monument will not appear on the grave:

  • In Orthodox texts, there are no strict directions anywhere on when to put a monument on a grave after a funeral. But, as a rule, immediately after the mourning ceremony, it is customary to establish a cross. It can be either a metal sign or a wooden one. Modern technology allows you to quickly prepare for him a tablet with the name and years of life of the deceased.
  • From a practical point of view, it is not worth rushing to install granite gravestones. After burial, the soil takes time to shrink.

Important! In any cemetery, you can find completely new gravestones that have already squinted or even fallen. Hasty installation can give such a result.

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Recommended Installation Times

It is better not to put a monument after the funeral in winter. It is worth waiting for the warm season, when the snow will fall, the rains will pass, the soil will warm up enough and dry. Frozen ground, as well as non-settled soil, can cause destruction of the slab.

Important! In many cemeteries, the administration sets time limits for installation - it is usually allowed from May 15 to October 15. In southern areas, these time frames can be increased.


As for the deadlines since the burial, here are the following recommendations:

  • It is not recommended to erect a monument after the funeral without having waited 5 months after the burial. Within six months, the earth shrinks at 60 percent. If the area allows, then during this period you can do the installation of the foundation. This will establish a granite structure that will not give a roll.
  • The generally accepted period when a memory sign should be placed after a funeral is a year. After this time, soil shrinkage is 80 percent, which will allow you to mount a granite structure on metal channels or concrete beams. This will be cheaper than building a foundation, and will be an excellent solution if the area around the grave is small.
  • The best option for installing the monument after the funeral is 5 years later. In this case, the land next to the grave will shrink 100 percent. Many believe that this is too long, but it does not violate any rules or canons, but it allows you to erect a structure that will stand for a very long time.

Important! You may also find useful information regarding the ritual of the funeral itself:

1. Lichakivske_kladovische_Vіyskiy_memorial

No less important, in solving the issue, when they put a monument on the grave, has the type of soil:

  • The sandy soil is considered to be the most practical for the installation of a granite slab - it is more stable and reliable, dries faster and gives the necessary shrinkage.
  • Clay dominated land is more prone to shifts. Even a rainy summer can make adjustments to the installation of tombstones on such soil.

Important! For the installation of the monument after the funeral, an important point is the choice of material from which the tombstone is made. The heavier its weight, the more difficult its installation, the more reliable the foundation should be. Bulky structures or large complexes should be installed as late as possible.


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Tombstone Type

The most popular materials for monuments for many years are marble and granite. Recently, often in ritual companies offer gabbro monuments. These materials differ from each other:

  • Marble is the most common material for the manufacture of monuments. It is also the most affordable in terms of price. It is easy to process, this material can be given any shape. Often it has a gray or white color.

Important! When choosing a monument for a marble grave, it is worth considering that it is subject to all kinds of pollution, fungus, requires careful and regular care.

  • Granite is a more environmentally resistant material. He endures the test with rain and frost. Since it is a strong and hard material, it is rather difficult to process. But, despite the fact that it is difficult to give granite the desired shape, it is perfectly polished. Also, this material is more expensive than marble.
  • Gabbro - igneous rock, is rightfully recognized as the most dense material for the manufacture of monuments. As a rule, it is black. Sometimes it has a yellowish tint. Thanks to crystalline inclusions, it can give a small tint in the sun.


When choosing a material in order to install a tombstone on a grave, it is worth considering the main characteristics of the material. Often, the high price can compensate for the long service life and simple operating conditions.

Important! Almost all firms manufacturing monuments at the burial place offer standard shapes and sizes. But if you wish, you can make changes to existing projects. If you are independently engaged in solving this issue, then it is still worth consulting a specialist.


On any monument can be applied various decorative elements. But still, the central place must be reserved for photography and engraving:

  • After the funeral, the surname, name and patronymic of the deceased, as well as the date of birth and death, are necessarily applied to the foundation of the monument.
  • Also on the monument you can put a photograph of the deceased, voluminous inscriptions, quotes or poems. It all depends on the wishes of relatives.

Important! Often after the funeral, the residents of the house have unpleasant sensations, visions. To make these moments less bothering you, choose one of the methods and perform a ritual to clean the house from negative energy.


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Monument Care

For many, the decisive moment when choosing a monument is the care of the tombstone. Each material requires a special approach:

  • Marble absorbs dirt and dust very quickly. Therefore, even in the manufacturing process, it is covered with a special protective agent. During operation, a monument on a grave made of such material is best cleaned with a dry cloth. Excess moisture and the use of various chemical compositions can lead to the destruction of the protective layer. In case of severe pollution, special products are used that have a neutral composition and do not contain aggressive substances.

Important! Also, marble can be coated with a protective wax with a water-repellent effect, which is applied to a dust-free base.

  • Granite, as we have said, is a very durable material.It can withstand cleaning with various, including strong, means. The use of any household chemicals will not leave marks on the surface. The cracks that may appear over time, it is best to fill up the putty - this will increase the service life of the monument after the funeral.
  • Gabbro is a low porous material. Due to this, water does not accumulate on the surface, and dirt does not penetrate the structure. These properties allow the stone to remain in its original form and withstand even the most severe frosts.

Important! This material is considered ideal for the installation of monuments in harsh climatic conditions. Caring for it is as simple as for granite rock.


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Installation of the fence

Mourning rituals include not only the installation of a grave monument after the funeral, but also fencing. This gives the graves a neat and aesthetic look. When installing it, you must consider the following standards:

  1. The fence should not have parts that protrude beyond the grave site.
  2. The fence should not interfere with access to neighboring graves.
  3. The administration of some cemeteries sets certain requirements not only for the appearance of the fence, but also for its height. Before planning the installation, it is better to get detailed advice on this issue.
  4. If the fence has a standard shape and is not included in the single composition of the memorial complex, then it can be installed immediately, without waiting for the monument to be made.


Important! The fence, like other elements of the composition of the monument after the funeral, requires attention. As a rule, it is made of iron, which can undergo corrosion. To avoid rust, it is recommended to tint the fence every year. Before this, it is better to clean the steel with sandpaper, then cover it with anti-corrosion paint, and only after that - with oil or acrylic.


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Installation Rules

The tombstone, as a rule, consists of several elements - this is a pedestal, an obelisk or a stela and a flower garden. In order to establish a similar composition, you must adhere to generally accepted rules:

  • Monuments after the funeral can only be installed on the site that is reserved for these purposes. Dimensions are usually agreed with the administration. If the owners violate the borders, the cemetery management has the right to unilaterally demolish the tombstone.
  • The standard size of the land on which the burial is planned is 1.8 by 2 meters. Borders can be increased only after providing the basis for this, and after the administration makes a decision on technical feasibility.
  • Reliable information must be indicated on the obelisk and who is buried in this place. If earlier it was possible to unite several graves under one tombstone, now, in order to avoid confusion, this is not practiced.
  • Installation of the tombstone, as well as the dismantling of the old monument, is carried out only after obtaining special permission. This document is issued by the cemetery administration upon presentation of a death certificate and a tombstone preparedness document.
  • For any site where a person is buried, a responsible person from among relatives or relatives is appointed. Only this person has the right to obtain permission for any work at the burial site, whether it is the installation or dismantling of the monument after the funeral. The replacement of a responsible person may be carried out only by a court decision.
  • The administration issues a certificate to the appointed person, and data on the burial place and information about who is resting on this site is entered in the cemetery's registration book.

Important! Typically, the installation of tombstones is the responsibility of the cemetery administration or contractor with which a contract has been concluded. Relatives have the right to carry out installation work themselves, but this is possible only after obtaining official permission from the administration.Everything that is on the site of the grave passes into the ownership of the responsible person, and it is she who is responsible for the safety of the tombstone, stele and flower garden.


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Other nuances

Often, when the question of the time of installing the monument on the grave is resolved, another problem arises: what to do with the cross, which was installed immediately after the ceremony? There are several solutions here:

  1. In no case should you throw a sign into a landfill. According to church canons, this is considered a serious sin.
  2. Also, for religious reasons, crosses are not for sale. This sign, as a victory over death, requires a careful attitude.

Important! The metal cross should most often be taken apart and buried in the grave itself. It is recommended to burn wood, and scatter ashes downwind.


The best option would be to combine a cross and a monument at the burial site:

  • A granite or marble tombstone is placed in front of the cross, leaving it in the place where it was originally dug up.
  • Christian canons allow another option. The cross is left at the feet of the deceased, and the monument is mounted at the head. The cross symbolizes spirituality, and the plate serves as a carrier of information about a buried person. In this case, it turns out to maintain the perfect balance between material and spiritual principles.
  • If it is decided to remove the cross, then the image or engraving of the cross is considered mandatory on the monument.
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As you can see, the question of when a monument is erected after a funeral depends on many reasons. And the answer is not always dictated by religious beliefs. The erection of the monument depends on the time elapsed since the funeral, and on the type of soil. It is also important what the monument is made of, what is its weight. Recall that a metal fence is allowed to be installed immediately after the funeral. It is better to install more complex options for the construction of monuments, memorials or complexes, having waited a certain time and having worked out the project of the whole composition.

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