DIY rocking chair - plywood drawings

The furniture that you made yourself not only properly decorates the room, but also delivers tangible comfort. This also applies to a rocking chair, which is so nice to relax after a hard day at work or just relax in the evening in a country house in front of the TV. In addition, making furniture with your own hands, you save on its purchase, as well as give the product uniqueness. How to make a rocking chair with your own hands, drawings of plywood - all this information you will find in this article.
to contents ↑Types of armchairs by material
Today, due to the fact that suburban construction is expanding and the population is drawn to comfort and convenience, rocking chairs began to acquire a steady wide demand. In furniture stores, as well as on sites you can see a huge variety of different offers. The main materials from which such a product is made are:
- An array of wood of various coniferous and valuable species;
- Steel, plastic or aluminum pipes, from which the craftsmen weld the frame with further braiding with the materials selected by the customer or are covered with fabric;
- A vine is a material that is quite widespread for summer cottage furniture, including a rocking chair;
- Sheet materials from wood, most often plywood.
Each of the selected materials has its own manufacturing features. So:
- To work with an array of wood, you must have the skills in its carpentry, as well as experience in applying numerous ways to connect parts. The process of manufacturing a rocking chair from plywood according to the drawings is quite long and complicated, which means that many beginner home masters cannot do it.
- Special skills also require working with willow vines. To do this, you need to properly prepare and dry the material used, prepare it for work, know the properties of the willow rod, its features, the technology for assembling the frame for subsequent braiding. In a couple of days, such a complex craft cannot be mastered.
- If you have the simplest manual pipe bender and experience with an angle grinder and a welding machine, then further work will not cause any difficulties. Such rocking chairs with their own hands according to the drawings of plastic as well as metal pipes look very original. Making the back and seat made of high-quality fabric or cord made of nylon or jute helps to reduce weight.
Plywood armchair - master class
It is much easier and faster to make this interior item from sheet materials. The most affordable material in terms of cost and distribution in hardware stores is plywood. It is very easily subjected to sawing and grinding, in addition, plywood joins perfectly with the help of wood glue, holds metal connectors well.
Important! Before you start working with prepared material, it is necessary to treat it with special protective agents. This procedure will allow you to use a rocking chair not only at home, but also on the street (if a piece of furniture is made for a summer residence).
So, to make a rocking chair from plywood with your own hands, you need to go to a hardware store and purchase:
- 3 sheets of plywood with dimensions 152 by 80 cm. Each sheet must be of different thicknesses: 4 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm.
- Set of screws, screws.
- Jigsaw.
- Joiner's glue.
To make such an interior item, you must follow this algorithm:
- After you have bought all the necessary materials, take the finished drawing and make a piece of patterns. For this purpose, transfer the drawing to a thick cardboard, cut out the outlines of the parts of the chair.
- With a pencil, mark the plywood sheet with patterns.
- Saw the parts out of the material used with a jigsaw. From the 15 mm sheet, two side elements must be cut, the same number of racks, seat supports, slats 47 by 4.5 cm in size. Plus, you will have to make a crossbeam 54 * 4.5 cm and a 48.5 * 45 cm cross. A 10 mm sheet of plywood will be used to cut 18 planks 54 * 3 cm for the back and 16 crossbars 50 * 3 cm for the seat. From a 4 mm sheet, cut out the square bases (for backrest and seat).
Important! It is imperative to clean all parts using sandpaper so that the plywood chair made by yourself is as durable as possible.
- Stick the cut cross-pieces onto the square bases of the backrest with the seat.
- Coat all prepared parts with stain and varnish, if desired, you can use a special paint.
- Allow the parts to dry completely.
- Assemble all the resulting elements with each other, while not forgetting to pre-drill holes for screws and screws. Their hats must be hidden under the caps.
to contents ↑Important! When making a footrest, it is better to use an old handle for a rake or shovel. The approximate length of the stand is 50-30 cm.
Rocking chair trim
After grinding with fine-grained emery paper of the plywood parts of the chair is completed, it will be possible to apply certain decorative materials. Among the most popular options are the following:
- Stain on water or alcohol, perfectly imitating various valuable species of wood.
- Tinted varnishes, which, in turn, have many advantages and disadvantages, as well as certain application features.
- Dyes, enamels.
- Transparent varnishes.
The final choice of the type of finish for a chair made of plywood with your own hands depends on your preferences, as well as on the existing interior, where the finished piece of furniture will be located.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Rocking chair - this is an exquisite piece of furniture that is not suitable for every room. From this article you learned how such a product is made, and also noted for yourself the moments that you should pay attention to during work. We hope your experiment with self-assembly of furniture will be successful!