DIY bed chair

Owners of small-sized apartments very often have the problem of acquiring furniture and its arrangement. Due to the small area, sometimes there is not even the possibility of placing a banal bed. In order to save such a precious space, without sacrificing your comfort, we suggest you make a chair-bed with your own hands. This design will fit perfectly into the parameters of your room, and you can get a full and healthy sleep.

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Choosing the right design

Such a piece of furniture is an ideal solution for apartments with a small area, Khrushchev and dormitories. During the day, this design plays the role of an ordinary chair, and at night it turns into a full-fledged berth.

Before you begin to make a folding chair with your own hands, you need to decide on a model that will fit into the overall interior of your room. Therefore, choosing one or another option, you should rely on such parameters as:

  • Future location;
  • Type of upholstery;
  • Permissible maximum product size.

Important! When choosing a specific drawing for the independent manufacture of a folding chair, you should rely on its future functional purpose, as well as the convenience and comfort of a berth.

Here are a few more considerations:

  • As for the upholstery, the material in this case should be durable and well tolerate frequent cleaning.

Important! When purchasing fabrics for upholstery, check with sellers if it is saturated with a special dirt-repellent agent.

  • You should also take into account the fact that natural fabrics “breathe”, respectively - they do not interfere with air exchange. Artificial matter, in turn, is much stronger, which greatly simplifies the process of caring for an already finished product.
  • As for the size of the structure, it can be completely different, and depends solely on the amount of space allocated by you, the overall interior and your taste preferences.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that when choosing a chair-bed model, it is imperative to take into account its parameters when unfolded. For example, the width of the structure should be at least 60 centimeters, otherwise - the berth will simply be uncomfortable.

  • Care should be taken in advance and stitched pillows and head restraints. Armrests can be soft or made of metal pipes or wood.
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Do-it-yourself chair bed

Before proceeding to the manufacture of an armchair-bed with your own hands, drawings and diagrams, you should first prepare all the necessary tools and materials for work.

You will need:

  1. A set of furniture fittings;
  2. Screwdriver;
  3. Jigsaw;
  4. Milling machine;
  5. Grinder machine;
  6. Square;
  7. Roulette;
  8. Sewing machine;
  9. A simple pencil;
  10. Stapler;
  11. Scissors;
  12. A piece of chalk;
  13. Chipboard sheet;
  14. Furniture board;
  15. Edged board;
  16. Timber;
  17. Spanbond;
  18. Foam rubber;
  19. Upholstery materials;
  20. Suture fittings.


Preparatory work

Before the final assembly, all necessary parts for this should be made in advance, as well as corrected if necessary. The procedure is as follows:

  • Cut 6 bars 55 centimeters long. This is necessary in order to designate the bed in length.

Important! It is necessary to arrange the bars in such a way that the last 5 centimeters overlap each other.

  • Cut 5 bars 45 centimeters long and 2 to 40 centimeters. Fix them at the control points of the longitudinal bars.

Important! Fixation should be done so that you always have one free beam. This is necessary so that the system can be folded and displayed back.

  • Fasten 4 bars 20 cm long to furniture hinges. This is necessary so that when folding the structure, the legs go inside.

Important! Furniture hinges themselves are mounted on the inside of the bars, due to which the probability of their breakdown is significantly reduced.

  • Make armrests made of chipboard with dimensions of 50x50 centimeters.

Important! Fastening should be carried out with a washer. This is necessary so that in the event of small deformations of the structure, no element is harmed anymore.

  • Extend from the top and bottom sides of the side shields. They should be directed outward so as not to further create discomfort to the vacationer.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that fixing should be carried out exclusively with the help of furniture screws. But before screwing them in, be sure to prepare a hole that is narrower in size.


Finishing work and upholstery

The final step is to disassemble the structure into the main elements for forming the upholstery, which must be carried out, observing the following technology:

  • Using batting or foam, form a soft piece. You can give any form. In this case, it all depends on the model of the chair itself and your taste preferences. Fastening should be carried out exclusively using special glue.

Important! Do not spare the upholstery material, since the finished product should last you more than one year.

  • At this stage, put on previously sewn covers, if your chosen model provides for the presence of these decorative elements. For this you have to use a spanbond.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that covers are made exclusively for the sides of the chair-bed. As for the base, in this case it is simply fitted with a cloth. Fixing is done using a furniture stapler.

  • Reassemble the structure.

That's all, the do-it-yourself chair bed is ready for use!

Important! If you wish, you can sew on your own or order ready-made decorative pillows.

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Making a frameless model of a chair-bed

Despite its small parameters, this version of the chair is quite comfortable. To make a frameless folding chair with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Foam sheets with a width of 10 centimeters;

Important! If you wish, you can purchase standard foam strips.

  • 3 meters of upholstery furniture fabric;
  • 7 pieces of zippers 80 centimeters long;
  • PVA construction glue;
  • Threads in the color of the upholstery;
  • Sewing machine.

Once everything necessary for the job is prepared, you can proceed directly to the manufacturing process. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • From the sheets of foam rubber, cut the necessary blanks:
    1. A rectangle measuring 30 x 80 centimeters;
    2. 2 squares measuring 80 x 80 centimeters;
    3. 2 rectangles measuring 20 x 80 centimeters.

Important! Before cutting the foam sheets, they should be glued so that the height of the workpieces is 20 centimeters. In order to cut the foam into even workpieces, use a metal ruler and stationery scissors.

  • From upholstery fabric, cut out elements that are equal in size to the foam parts.

Important! Do not forget to add 1.5 centimeters to allowances for each element cut from the fabric.

  • Fold the foam rectangles in half so that they go towards each other. Thus, you get an even blank case for the future product.
  • Sew square blanks in the same way.

Important! At this stage, you should sew handles on the sides for transporting the finished chair-bed.

  • After you have assembled the structure completely and sewn in all the zippers, you can proceed to covering the chair-bed with fabric.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that foam rubber sags over time, so from time to time you will have to replace it.

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Do it yourself chair bed - This is a great opportunity to acquire high-quality and functional furniture that will meet all your requirements with minimal loss of budget. We hope that our article will help you in this matter, and by applying the advice of our experts in practice, you can create a comfortable chair-bed, where relaxation will become a real pleasure.


