DIY loft bed

A device such as a do-it-yourself loft bed is a frame with a sunbed, which is fixed at a height of about 120-180 cm from the floor. This design has undergone many checks in its manufacture, so do not worry about its strength and stability. With self-production, it is enough to comply with the standard sizes, which we will talk about in this article.

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Necessary materials and tools

With your own hands it is much easier and simpler to make an attic bed of wood: the wood is easy to process, has a small weight and looks very attractive. At the same time, a metal structure requires certain knowledge and experience with a welding machine.

The frame of the bed is made of wooden boards and bars. Fibreboard, MDF and particleboard low emission class is more used for the manufacture of shelves, chests of drawers, tables, if they are provided at the first level. The most affordable wood is pine, preferably the first grade.

Important! Oak and beech products are more durable, but such material is much more expensive.

Here is what you need to prepare:

  • For the frame of the loft bed, you will need a wooden beam with a cross section of 100 by 100 mm or at least 80 by 100 mm.
  • Slats for stairs, railings and cladding with a thickness of 20 or 30 mm.

Important! It is better to buy boards planed, and cut material to order on the spot.

  • The bottom of the lounger can be made of plywood, but still the best option would be a rack bottom on the holders. You can buy it at any furniture store.
  • Of the fasteners you will need countersunk screws, wood glue, and trim nails.

In addition to materials, you will also need the following tools:

  1. Drill with nozzles or screwdriver.
  2. Jigsaw or circular saw.
  3. Fine grain sandpaper or hand grinder.
  4. Clamp and hammer.
  5. Level, ruler, tape measure.

Important! The finished product will need to be varnished - matte or transparent, to taste. If desired, the wood can be treated with wood stain to give it some other shade.

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Attic bed options

Despite the simplicity of the design, such an attic bed with one's own hands is not the only option. Basic models are divided into three options, which differ in the way of fastening:

  1. An attic with four supports is an independent object that can be located anywhere in the room and can be transported to any other desired place. The main determining factor for this option is the height of the room: a person on the second tier should occupy a sitting position without risking to hit his head.
  2. An attic with a wall mount - here it is assumed that the frame is on two supports and the bed is attached to the wall. The stability of such a design increases significantly - it will not work overturn, but you can install it once and for all. Here it is important not only the height, but also the length of the product, since it is fixed to the wall.
  3. A bed with a ceiling mount is the most original option, where there is no two-tier frame, and the lounger is attached to the ceiling. This option is very interesting from a design point of view and is suitable for both adults and teenagers.

Important! The second fundamental issue is the installation of the stairs. Placing it at an angle is safer, but it takes up more space. The vertical version of the stairs is less convenient to use.As a rule, for younger children choose the option with a staircase at an angle.


Ladder can be placed:

  • Left or right on the facade of the structure - as convenient.
  • At the end of the product - in this case, the sides from the front of the facade should be along the entire length, and at the end there is left a free section for the stairs.
  • Retractable stairs - rarely done with their own hands, although, in principle, there is nothing complicated in it. This option is a module with a ladder or even drawers, steps mounted on casters. For fixing to the bed frame, metal hinges or hooks are used.

Important! The module can be hidden under the second tier when it is not needed, and put forward when necessary.

  • An even safer option for young children is the staircase with a podium, which is placed at a height equal to half the height of the attic bed itself and is equipped with a railing. Thus, the staircase to the podium is sloping and very small.

Dimensions are selected taking into account the conditions of the room, as well as the purpose of the product:

  • If the bed is designed for a baby up to 5 years old, then it is better to stay at a small size - about 70 to 160 cm with a small height of 120 cm.
  • If you make an attic bed for a student, it is better to choose the size of one and a half or double beds - 90 by 200 cm or 140 by 200 cm, with a height of up to 180 cm.

Important! After the model is selected, it is necessary to create its drawing. The scheme should be made taking into account the scale - so it will be easier for you to calculate the required amount of material.

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Manufacturing and assembly process

To make an attic bed with your own hands, first you need to calculate the required amount of material according to a finished or developed drawing. Sawing the material can be done either independently or ordered at the place of purchase:

  • Sand the elements of the bed carefully with a grinder or sandpaper. Chips, sharp corners are unacceptable.
  • If the timber and boards have already been treated with an antiseptic, then the next stage of preparation is skipped. If not, then all the details should be impregnated from all sides with the appropriate composition.
  • In the places of fastening, drill holes for fasteners - as they are assembled (do not do this in advance). Before joining the parts, coat the holes with glue.
  • Assemble the frame: four supports and a frame made of timber with a section of 100 to 100 mm. The frame consists of a supporting beam, as well as an external side board. Fasten them to the racks at the same time with a screw connection.

Important! For the supporting beam, mounting on metal corners is allowed. Do not forget to check the vertical with a square.

  • For reliability, fix the supports at a height of 30-40 cm with slats on the rear wall and from the ends - they will serve as the lower harness.
  • Fix several transverse rails on the bed support bar - their number will depend on the expected load.
  • Attach the fence rails to the support posts. The height of the side, as a rule, reaches 40 cm.

Important! The smaller the child’s age, the more dense the filling of the fence should be. For a very small child, it is advisable to install not only 2-3 longitudinal boards, but also 2-3 transverse ones.

  • Make a ladder - inclined or vertical, and fix it on the frame. The distance between its risers should be sufficient - so it will be more convenient for the child to move along it. Better to do with a margin.
  • Open the finished product twice with varnish.
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Some nuances to consider:

  • Choosing the material for the loft bed with your own hands, you must remember that the bars and boards must be well dried - the humidity level can be no more than 18%. If you do not take this moment into account, the tree will warp and crack.
  • The best way to fasten is to dock the tenon into the groove. If you have a milling tool and you have experience with it, then you can form the spikes and drill holes in the racks for them. Assembly is carried out using glue and duplicated with screws.Such a connection is much more reliable.
  • If you already have a mattress for a bed, then, when calculating a sunbed, you must consider its size. In this case, a gap of a couple of centimeters should remain between the sides of the bed and the mattress.

Important! During assembly of the structure, it is necessary to always check the bed for even angles. Even the smallest deviations will result in instability of the entire structure.

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Do-it-yourself loft bed is a fairly simple design, which it is quite possible to build it yourself. As a result, your efforts will surely pay off, since it will be a model designed and manufactured taking into account exactly your wishes.

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