DIY infinity table

Beautiful and original furniture attracts the eye. You can look at her endlessly, she wants to surround her space both at home and at work. But many people know that designer tables or chairs are not at all budgetary. However, if your hands grow from where you need and there is a minimal set of working tools, then you can do the creation of original furniture. Do-it-yourself infinity table is a direct proof of this. And you will find out by carefully reading our article.

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Unusual table

This invention is not the development of the design department of a furniture factory or a designer who does not leave the pages of glossy magazines. The instructions for creating such a table with the effect of infinity with your own hands appeared on the photo hosting “Imgur”. In just a few hours, the publication gained more than 60 thousand views. And it turned out that its author was an American high school student who had been preparing a project for a youth forum for three months.

Many people liked his invention, and dozens of masters immediately tested the instructions for creating a table with the effect of infinity with their own hands. Such simple furniture is suitable for any room:

  • A do-it-yourself desk with a light will fit perfectly into the interior of the office. Any visitor will immediately pay attention to such furniture and everyone will remember it. It is not surprising if you want to visit your office again.
  • In an apartment or in a private house, such a table would also be quite appropriate. It is ideal for family and romantic meetings. When fully served, it will cause delight and genuine interest among your guests.

Important! At first it seems that there is nothing special in this table while the backlight is off. But as soon as the LEDs installed around the perimeter of the countertops begin to work, there is a feeling of a bottomless surface. It looks amazing when the light is on, but an even greater effect is obtained in the dark, when the main light is off.

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The illusion of infinity

When creating a seemingly complex 3D table with your own hands, a simple display principle is taken as the basis:

  • The effect of infinity is achieved quite simply - with the help of LED illumination around the perimeter, made in various color variations.
  • The countertop in this case is a construction of mirrors with the effect of infinity with your own hands.
  • To make light radiation as noticeable as possible, the top glass in this design is made of a translucent material.
  • Experts advise stopping your choice of diodes on red. It is he who is less prone to dispersion than others, so the visual tunnel will seem deeper.
  • An on-off button or a special remote control can be used to control the backlight.

Some craftsmen use simple garlands when creating a table with their own hands. But it is still better to use LEDs, as they have several advantages:

  • More saturated and deeper light than with conventional lamps;
  • LED strips are quite durable and resistant to any vibration;
  • Ice lamps burn out much less often, each of them can work continuously for about 100 hours;
  • The color scheme of LEDs is much richer and more diverse;
  • The life of the Ice-backlight is not affected by the number of on and off;
  • They are environmentally friendly and safe;
  • With all the advantages, LEDs are also much cheaper than conventional lamps;
  • The effects of low temperatures are not afraid of them.

Important! Today, there are several ways to connect the LED strip to various power sources, whether it is a regular outlet or a computer. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.

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Table mounting

As we have already said, it will be quite difficult to find such furniture in a store or on the market. Therefore, a table with the effect of infinity with your own hands is the easiest way to get an exclusive little thing in your interior. To do this, it is enough to know the sequence of actions and aim at the result.

Materials and Tools

Of course, when creating a 3D table with your own hands, you can not do without tools and materials. In the course of this work, you will need:

  • lumber to create the table itself - for this, both wood and chipboard are suitable;
  • sandpaper for wood processing, however, if you work with ready-made parts ordered at the factory, this material can be excluded from the list;
  • a mirror of suitable diameter, which will serve as the basis for the countertop;
  • translucent mirror - it should be 10 cm larger than a conventional mirror, since this part is installed on top of the countertop and covers all parts of the upper structure;
  • LED strip - its length will depend on the size of your future desk with do-it-yourself lighting;
  • power supply for LEDs and wires;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Super glue;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • screwdriver.

Important! If at this stage you have a question, do-it-yourself endless mirror - how to do it, then the tinted surface can be replaced with a regular one, having previously applied a tint film to it. There is also an alternative to a regular mirror:

  • for this, food foil is glued to the glass;
  • glass with mirror coating is purchased for work.


If you are in doubt whether a glass with a reflective coating is suitable for making a coffee table with the effect of infinity with your own hands, then you can arrange the following test:

  1. Gently, in order not to drop, put a mirror and glass in front of each other.
  2. Any light source is an ordinary lamp, but rather the backlight that you will use, place between them.
  3. Rate the resulting effect.

When the preparatory phase is completed, it's time to start assembling the 3D table with your own hands.

Drawing development

First of all, you will need a design drawing, made taking into account all sizes of the future piece of furniture:

  • Before you start assembling a coffee table of infinity with your own hands, you need to think about where there will be electrical elements that affect the quality of the backlight and create the desired effect.
  • After that, it is necessary to put on the drawing exact marks of the location of the socket, switch, and also the potentiometer.

When assembling mirrors with the effect of infinity with your own hands, you must take into account one very important factor - the depth of the tunnel that you want to see in the finished furniture. It is achieved by maintaining a certain distance between the details of the countertop:

  • if you want to know in advance what the depth of the tunnel will be, then multiply the distance between the mirrors by 16 to get the approximate visible depth of the tunnel;
  • if the result did not suit you, then when drawing up the drawing, consider and indicate how much you need to increase the space between the details of the countertop;
  • in most cases, the optimal distance between the lower and upper mirrors is a segment of 8 cm, but here it all depends on your preferences.

After the drawing is made, you can start assembling the table with your own hands.

Base assembly

In order to get a new, original piece of furniture, you can use ready-made furniture. To do this, you need to disconnect the countertop.We propose to consider the option of creating a do-it-yourself table from scratch from scratch:

  1. To begin with, we create a strong and durable frame for future furniture. To do this, take 4 boards, 4 metal corners that will hold the structure and the lower part of the structure together.
  2. Now use sandpaper. We process the surface and edges of each detail of the future table with the effect of infinity with our own hands.
  3. Using a drill, we make holes for the elements, according to the drawing. They also need to be processed with sandpaper.
  4. We pass to assembly. To do this, we connect the parts in a single design, the joints can be additionally glued to increase the possible load on your future desk with your own hands.
  5. It is better to maintain the finished base during the day, so that all the joints dry out and the structure gains strength.

Countertop Assembly

Now we move on to creating a mirror with the effect of infinity with our own hands, which gives originality to this furniture. As we already said, you can use mirrors, or you can replace them with glasses with pre-treatment. The second is a more complex option, and we suggest considering it. In this case, add a device for cutting glass to the list of necessary tools. The general scheme of work is as follows:

  • From the Plexiglas blank we cut out the part of the required size. We calculate the width and length at the stage of drawing up the drawing.
  • Then we process the edges of this part in order to simply avoid injuries in work.
  • We glue a mirror film on this detail of the future table with the effect of infinity with our own hands.

Important! Preliminary, it is better to spray the surface with water, and even better - with a soap solution. Then, during the bonding process, air bubbles that have fallen under the film will be easy to remove.

  • We cut off the excess film at the edges and wait at least 12 hours to thoroughly dry the part.


While the mirror dries, we understand the general structure of the countertop. In a section, it will look like a layer cake:

  1. The design is based on a mirror, which is placed with the display side up.
  2. The sidewall of the countertop body is attached to the main mirror.
  3. The front frame of chipboard is mounted on the installed sidewalls. Its outer diameter, as we have said, can equal the outer frame of the table. But the internal one needs to be done a little less.
  4. Already on the frame of our table with the effect of infinity do-it-yourself a translucent mirror is installed from a wood plate.
  5. LEDs using double-sided tape are mounted around the perimeter of the front frame. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that the light bulbs are not visible from above, but they should be reflected in the mirror, which is installed as the base. Therefore, the external dimensions of the frame are made larger.
  6. Wires are laid inside the frame, which should be hollow. If there is a need to remove the wires, then in advance the holes of the required diameter are drilled in the legs of the future table with backlighting with your own hands.

After that, we fasten the entire design of the countertop with screws and finish assembling the table. It is also worth assembling the control panel. It includes a switch, a power slot and a potentiometer.

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  • In order to create a luminous table with the effect of infinity with your own hands, you should carefully study the connection diagram of the LEDs to the power source in advance. If you do something wrong at this stage, this can lead, at best, to a short circuit, and at worst to a fire.
  • As a rule, the glass is glued with a special protective film before work, in order to avoid scratches on the surface during the process. If you do not skip this step, then the surface of your furniture will have a presentable appearance.
  • If your table is not square but round, then when cutting glass you will need double-sided tape.With its help, fix the milling cutter in the middle of the workpiece, then it will be possible to make the circle perfectly smooth.
  • When creating a table with the effect of infinity with your own hands, you should use only waterproof glue. Surely, during further operation you will carry out wet cleaning of furniture, and no one is safe from tipping cups of tea to the surface.
  • The LED strip around the perimeter of the countertop is better fixed using high-quality double-sided tape. Before assembling the structure together, you should make sure that the LEDs are securely fixed. If even a part comes off during the use of the table, the integrity of the illusion will be violated, and you will have to disassemble the entire structure to eliminate this defect.
  • The details of controlling the LED backlight are best placed in a plastic box and secured under the countertop. Do not hide it inside the structure, it is better to leave free access to the unit - in case of breakage.

If you have good enough knowledge of electrical engineering, then you can make a table with spectacular lighting that will respond to movement. To do this, you will need:

  • 2 LED panels, the control of which will be displayed on two controllers;
  • intermediate sets of control chips;
  • two electronic voltage regulators.
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Stock footage

As we said, it is not so difficult to make a table with the effect of infinity with your own hands. If a student coped with this, then according to the ready-made instructions, any adult will be able to collect an unusual interior item. Enough to stock up with the necessary tools and materials. Even if you are faced with the problem of the lack of necessary mirrors, then it is easily solved. It is not difficult to find an alternative if you want to add originality to the interior of your home and surprise guests.


