Do-it-yourself bed with drawers

Do-it-yourself bed with drawers is a good idea for a country house or apartment if you like and also know how to create furniture with your own hands. No matter how many closets there are, housewives always do not have enough space to store things. Boxes placed under the berth fully replace a roomy chest of drawers, while not taking up any extra space. Everything is compact and at hand. In this article, we will consider a drawing of a bed with drawers with dimensions and a sequence of actions for the independent manufacture of such furniture.

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Skillful use of free space

Blankets, spare pillows, blankets, linens, towels and other items, for lack of free shelves in the closet, usually push into mezzanines, boxes stored under the bed. It often happens that there is very little space in the room and there is no way to put a large chest of drawers or an additional closet. The bed occupies a fairly large part of the room, especially the double. But the space under it is “walking”. If Soviet people stuffed suitcases under their beds full of things bought in reserve, now these “traditions” are a thing of the past. We want an aesthetic design for the bedroom, not suitcases sticking out from under the bed.

In today's overpopulated world, people are trying to rationally use every centimeter of housing, and it is worth saying that many have succeeded in this.

Important! The Japanese manage in an apartment of 10 square meters. m to place everything you need: a berth, a kitchen, a bathroom, a workplace, as well as a storage system.

In our small apartments and country houses, you also need to rationally use the entire space. It would be wise to make a bed with drawers under it. In them you put bedding, towels, rugs, tablecloths, clothes and more.

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Bed with do-it-yourself storage boxes

Modern materials and tools make it possible to create furniture with your own hands and at the same time combine beauty and functionality. A bed with storage compartments may look different:

  • You can make an ordinary-looking bed, only drawers will be located under the berth:
    1. If the bed is in the corner or sideways to the wall, then the boxes will be only on one side.
    2. If the bed stands headboard to the wall, then the boxes can be placed on both sides.
  • Another option would be a catwalk bed. Here the sleeping place is located on the podium, and the podium contains a storage system: drawers and open niches (for books, slippers and other small things).
  • There is also a bed with a lifting mechanism. That is, you pull on special handles, and the berth rises at an angle. You have a niche for storing things.

Important! In such a niche it is more convenient to store those things that you rarely use, for example, spare pillows with blankets.

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Drawings, necessary materials and procedure

The most convenient option is, of course, a bed with drawers. It does not take up much space and it is convenient to hide and remove things from it.

There are a lot of drawings of various modifications of such beds on the Internet. We give an example of a double bed with six drawers. You can fully reproduce this drawing, or you can modify it by changing the necessary parameters. The presented bed has a size of 160 by 220 cm.

Necessary materials and tools:

  • Plywood;
  • Boards;
  • Timber;
  • Guides for boxes - 6 pcs. (30-35 cm) with a load of 10-20 kg;
  • Handles for boxes - 6 pieces;
  • Self-tapping screws - 10 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm;
  • Finishing nails - 2 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm;
  • Sandpaper P120;
  • Joiner glue and aggregate for wood;
  • Primer, paint and brush;
  • Strips of plywood with a width and thickness of 5 cm for molding boxes;
  • Power tools (jigsaw, drill);
  • Hammer, screwdriver, tape measure, square, level, pencil.

To assemble our bed you need to make and assemble such parts.


  • Plywood, 1 sheet (2x65x135 cm).
  • Board - 2 pcs. (2.5х10х135 cm), 2 pcs. (5x10x135 cm), 1 pc. (5x10x155 cm) and 1 pc. (10x15x165 cm).
  • Timber - 2 pcs. (10х10х140 cm).


  • Plywood, 1 sheet (2x40x135 cm).
  • Board - 2 pcs. (2.5х10х135 cm), 2 pcs. (5x10x135 cm), 1 pc. (5x10x155 cm) and 1 pc. (5x15x165 cm).
  • Timber - 2 pcs. (10x10x50 cm).

Central part, flooring:

  • Timber - 2 pcs. (5x5x200 cm) and 4 pcs. (5x5x45 cm).
  • Board - 18 pcs. (2.5x8x75 cm).

Bedside drawers:

  • Plywood - 4 sheets (2x40x200 cm), 8 sheets (2x40x36 cm) and 2 sheets (0.6x40x200cm).


Inner boxes:

  • Board - 12 pcs. (2.5x25x59 cm) and 12 pcs. (2.5x25x35 cm).
  • Plywood - 6 sheets (0.6x35x63 cm).


  • Plywood - 6 sheets (2x65x35 cm), 12 sheets (0.6x6x23 cm) and 12 sheets (0.6x6x65cm).

How to make a bed with drawers with your own hands?

The scheme for assembling a bed with drawers is not so complicated, you can figure it out:

  • Prepare drawings, as well as everything you need.
  • Before you work, prepare yourself a workspace and workwear.

Important! When cutting parts do not rush. The saying "Measure 7 times, and cut 1 time" is about this case.

  • Strengthen the joints with carpentry glue.

Important! Do not forget about safety measures, so that later the bed does not evoke unpleasant memories of injuries and injuries.

  • After you saw the plywood, boards, timber into parts, put them in the right heaps, start assembling the components of the future bed. For proper assembly, check each step with the drawings.
  • Attach panels, legs, crossbars, tops, top and finish boards to the foot, as well as to the head.
  • Next, assemble the external units for the drawers. Attach the back walls to these boxes with nails, reinforcing the fixation with wood glue.
  • Now these boxes for drawers need to be attached to the headboard on one side and the foot on the other with screws. On bars it is necessary to strengthen dividers.
  • To reduce the load on the corners of the bed at this stage, you should fix the transverse legs opposite the ribs.
  • Lay the cross members in the center of the bed. Screw each one with a 3 cm screw.
  • According to the scheme, collect the boxes (6 pieces), and also set the guides (1 cm thick) at a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge. Check that the movement of the boxes is smooth.

Important! Some craftsmen use furniture rollers instead of guides.

  • On the front side of the boxes, attach the moldings using nails and glue.
  • At the final stage, bring the product to perfection. Fill unnecessary gaps and smooth with a primer, fill holes after drilling with wooden filler and sand after drying.
  • After the surface is ready, you can optionally cover the product with paint or varnish.
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The bed is the podium. Do-it-yourself drawers under the bed

As an alternative to a regular bed, you can consider the option of a podium bed with drawers. It takes a little more space, although the appearance is more modern and stylish. Drawings of beds with sizes and drawers are on the Internet. Further in the article you will find one of the options for manufacturing such furniture.

The essence of such a bed is that a podium is erected on the floor, which is slightly larger than a berth, a mattress is attached to it, and the interior of the podium is used as a storage system. She perfectly unloads cabinets.

To make such a bed, a wooden beam is suitable - it is strong, reliable.

Important! The length, width of the podium and berth you can do based on your needs, as well as the size of the room. The number and volume of boxes is at your discretion.

As an example, consider a podium bed under a 1.5x2 m mattress with three drawers.

Necessary tools and materials

For work, of course, you will need a set of tools. It is the same as in the case of making a standard bed with drawers (see above). In addition to this, you will need:

  • screws, screws, dowel-nails;
  • internal and external corners;
  • wood glue;
  • guides for boxes;
  • handles for boxes;
  • board (thickness - 2.2 cm and 1.6 cm);
  • Chipboard (thickness - 1.9 cm);
  • plywood (approximately 1.2 cm) for the bottom of the drawers, thicker plywood (1.8 cm) for the podium;
  • Bar for the frame (5x10 cm);
  • material for the decoration of the podium.



  • Start the work with the support frame and frame (size 2150x1880 mm). Add 120 mm of stock to the length.

Important! When assembling parts, pre-drill holes for screws to avoid cracks in the tree.

  • From the beam, cut the pieces: 4 pcs. 2070 mm each 1880 mm each. These are the sides of the bottom of the frame.
  • In the middle also lay the lengths of the beam, but adjust its parameters to the existing base.
  • Similarly, assemble the top of the frame.
  • Next, cut, fasten the short partitions (16 vertical and 12 horizontal).
  • On the floor, mark up the place for the future bed. Attach the bars along the perimeter with screws to the floor. Mount vertical parts to them.

Important! To make the design more stable, you can make cuts and strapping.

  • Install vertical bars frequently (with a 40 cm gap). Due to this, the design will not bend.

Important! Additionally, you can strengthen the center of the podium with vertical bars so that the bed does not creak later.

  • Attach the crossbeams to the support frame (the beam posts are fixed with dowels).
  • Mount boxes of four planks and a bottom. Lengths up to 60 cm are usually sufficient.
  • Fasten the details of the boxes with screws and screws. Install handles on each drawer.

Important! Adjust each drawer separately so that they move freely and fit into place.

  • Next, mark the place for the guides and fix them.
  • Put the boxes in their place.

Podium finish

The final stage will be the decoration of the podium:

  • For this purpose, carpeting is most often used, although you can take chipboard, linoleum, you can also paint it or come up with your own unique version.
  • If you chose a coating, not paint, then fix it with a furniture stapler.

Important! If you want, you can also install a soft headboard. To do this, use foam rubber and furniture fabric. The head is fixed with a construction stapler.

Thus, after all the described manipulations, the podium bed is made of wood with drawers with its own hands. It remains to lay a mattress on this design.

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Stock footage

Making a bed with drawers with your own hands is troublesome, but feasible. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the drawings, securely fasten the parts. And if you add imagination, creativity, then such a simple element of furniture can be turned into a man-made masterpiece, a highlight of the bedroom and the envy of relatives and friends.


