Kitchen - lighting for every space

The kitchen can be divided into a cooking zone and a dining room. Each space needs its own lighting. If you need a bright light that does not tire your eyes above the working surface, then soft lighting, creating an atmosphere, is suitable for the dining room. But you can’t do without a ceiling lamp. Usually the arrangement of lamps and fixtures is marked when the layout is already thought out and the space is divided into zones, but the finishing work itself has not yet been completed. Otherwise, laying wires under the light will require a lot of effort and expense. A well-equipped kitchen, the lighting of which is built ergonomically, can reduce electricity costs and visually expand the space. This is achieved thanks to the maximum use of daylight, the selection of suitable lamps and zoning. We learn in more detail how to independently plan the location of the fixtures in the kitchen.

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Kitchen Lighting Requirements

According to SanPiNu, the norm for the kitchen is 150 lux (1 lux = 1 lumen illuminating 1 m2). If the area of ​​the room is 12 m2, then for its lighting you need lamps giving a total of at least 1800 Lm. Having marked the plan of the kitchen into zones, calculate their area separately and determine the required number of lamps.

Important! Keep in mind that 2 lamps of 100 watts each will give light 30% less than one in 100 watts.

A small kitchen of standard layout is conditionally divided into:

  • working area - with countertop, cabinets, sink and stove;
  • the dining space is a place to eat.

Important! To make your kitchen fully equipped with everything you need and be practical, cozy, beautiful, look for interesting ideas and valuable tips in the following articles:

It turns out that each section should be equipped with separate lamps. One light source, traditional ceiling chandeliersis not enough to illuminate all corners. His task is only to combine the zones and create even lighting. And spot and wall lights complement and reinforce each other, creating a comfortable cooking space.


How to make lighting in the kitchen - learn from these tips:

  • Choose the upper and lower lights of the same level of lighting, but make sure that the lamps above the stove and sink do not shine in the eyes, do not give glare.
  • Wall lights should create a soft dim light. There is a rule: the more lamps, the less their power should be.
  • Install additional fixtures in cabinets and shelves, creating multi-level lighting in the kitchen.
  • Take a closer look at the lamps mounted on the hinges. They can be easily moved over the countertop, illuminating the workspace.
  • Consider the colors of the headset and textiles to choose the lamp that matches the warmth of the color.
  • Use floor lamps and simple chandeliers that are easy to clean from soot and grease.
  • Install additional switches with light control, especially if the room is walk-through.

Important! In a small kitchen with a low ceiling, you need to choose rectangular, elongated lamps.There are other nuances in the organization of space in such rooms, which you can read about in the publication. “Arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen”.

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Lamp types

What type of lamps will be installed will affect the entire design as a whole. Incorrectly selected lamps reduce performance, distort colors. As a result, you get tired quickly, and the room in artificial light does not look like in daylight.

In stores you can buy the following lamps:

  • Halogen. Smoothly light up and go out, minus - their light does not completely cover the entire illuminated area.
  • Glow. Morally obsolete, require a lot of energy, but give a warm soft light. These lamps heat up, so they can only be used for ordinary wall lamps and ceiling chandeliers.
  • LED lamps for the home. They stand like halogen ones, but they will last longer. Their disadvantage - they go out sharply, and cheap models - flicker.
  • Luminescent. They give a soft, pleasant glow and serve for a long time. The downside is mercury, which is located in a massive glass flask. Such light sources are difficult to dispose of.

Still lamps are divided by the color of the issued light into:

  • neutral - white;
  • warm - gives a yellow tint;
  • cold - bright white, with a blue tint.

The color temperature of the lamps installed in different parts of the room should also match.

Important! Warm light does not distort the color of food and products. Lamps with such a glow are installed above the dining area.

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Spot light

Round mortise fixtures are installed on stretch and plasterboard ceilings. They are ideal for lighting large rooms. Since they should be installed in niches, for small rooms with a low ceiling, you should choose another option.

A chandelier is used as the main light source, and spotlights are included as an additional light source, lowering the ceiling for them in the required area of ​​the room.

Overhead lamps are also installed as decorative lights in cabinets, on shelves, in wall niches.

Important! For this type of backlight, you need to make a separate switch. Read about all the nuances of selection and installation in a separate article "Installation of spotlights".

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Linear light sources

For elongated, narrow and small rooms and decorative lighting of ceilings, it is worth choosing lighting devices of an elongated, rectangular shape. It:

  • Led tape;
  • LED lights;
  • Fluorescent lamps.

All of them can also be installed on the ceiling, in niches and along the edge of the furniture set. The most popular are LED strips. They are easy to mount manually, and thanks to a variety of lights, they create an excellent light decoration of the room.

Important! This lighting design suits Loft style interiorHigh-tech and modern Classics.

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General lighting

A central light source is also needed in the kitchen, as in any other room. The main light should be selected diffused, with a matte filter that gives a soft light, but also can not fully illuminate the entire room.

Important! Pay attention to lamps with a wire that can move from one corner to another. It is very functional.

Design fixtures in the kitchen, depending on the style of the interior. These can be classic chandeliers, or dwell on modern design options with a chrome surface.

Important! The lamp should not be located next to the sink and stove, otherwise - it will be contaminated with grease and soot from cooked food. Prefer the most concise, rigorous design.

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Work surface illumination

The countertop is divided into several zones:

  • washing;
  • plate;
  • place for food storage;
  • Desktop.

As a rule, lockers are located above the table. The surest way to make lighting in the kitchen above the countertop is to install an LED strip on their bottom.She does not steal the space, which is always lacking in the kitchen, consumes a little energy. Separate lighting of each site will help you quickly cope with household chores.

Important! Place the water-proof switches in a convenient place so that you don’t have to go from one end of the room to the other to turn off the lights.

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Stock footage

A competent layout of the kitchen can not be based only on taste preferences. The wrong choice of lighting design can turn the room into an uncomfortable, dark closet, in which it is inconvenient to cook and unpleasant to be, not just that. Therefore, the design of the lighting of the kitchen should be in the first place during the repair. Remember this!

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