DIY Loft style furniture

There are many design styles for the decoration of the premises. Sometimes for the realization of ideas many things are redone, and sometimes they are simply thrown away. To realize their plans, people are ready to sacrifice the most expensive objects of the former interior. Today we’ll talk about a very interesting style - Loft. Making furniture in the Loft style with your own hands is quite realistic. For this design, many improvised materials that are found in every house - pipes, boards, are suitable. Such quite affordable things and decoration will not require a lot of money, time and effort. As for decor, lighting and furniture, investments are needed here. Believe me, these costs are worth such a chic result. Let's get started with this style to learn, for example, how to make a Loft sofa with your own hands, and not only.

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Loft Style Features

This style appeared in the 40s. He was reborn in New York, or to be more precise, then in Manhattan. The reason for his birth was the lack of affordable housing. That is why many people tried to make affordable homes with their own hands. Absolutely different materials were used. As a result, pretty cozy and comfortable rooms with minimal investment were obtained. If you take the current time, then to the above you can add beautiful furniture and original lighting, which will become a highlight in your luxurious apartment.

Differences of the Loft style from other design designs:

  • The main feature of Loft is its industrial orientation, the use of unusual materials and decorative elements.
  • To embody this style, metal or chrome pipes, beams, rough brickwork or concrete are used. All these elements do not mask intentionally, but rather open as much as possible.
  • The wall cladding is rude and not at all neat and tidy. In this case, you can safely use textured plaster or putty to achieve a visual impression that you did not finish the wall at all. To achieve this effect, many people buy rather expensive and very high-quality finishing materials.
  • Two design ideas can easily coexist in a room - antique and modern objects, furniture and accessories. For example, a stylish sofa in bright color will fit perfectly into the room where an old coffee table or cabinet with glass inserts is located.
  • The use of damaged, scratched or shabby furniture is very appropriate when designing a room in the Loft style. Some people deliberately create such defects in order to recreate all the beauty and richness of their creative ideas.
  • The most popular materials in the manufacture of furniture in the Loft style are plastic, wood, textiles and leather. All home furnishings from the above raw materials are quite large and sometimes very heavy. For example, the wider the vertical metal pipe, countertop, seat and shelf in the closet, the more the Loft style will recreate.
  • A mandatory element of such a design solution is the presence of various wheels. They are present on racks, on tables, even on dressers. It is advisable to use the wheels in almost all possible places. It is these strange elements that are inherent in the Loft style, where at one time the furniture should be in a minimal amount, and at the other it should be modern and multifunctional.To achieve such an ideal combination, it is better to entrust this difficult task to professionals.

Important! But you yourself can try to make a unique filling for a unique interior. We hope that our workshop “Mdo-it-yourself fucking", Will help you cope with this difficult task.

  • The ceiling surface, like the walls, is made in a rather sloppy design, decorating it with dark shades (black, brown, gray). The ceiling is treated roughly, with visible defects, chips, bubbles and various inclusions. Bulky metal pipes and other imitating structures can be added throughout the ceiling to further enhance the impression of the uniqueness of the interior.
  • To design floors in the Loft style, tiles are used under a stone, laminate or porcelain tiles to maximize the structure of a wooden board. Very popular materials that can create the appearance of an untreated concrete floor. These include the so-called bulk floors, which must be necessarily matte for this style. Sometimes linoleum and other cladding options are used as flooring.
  • All objects in the room should be placed at the maximum distance from each other. One of the conditions of the Loft-design is the maximum free space.
  • This style can be complemented by original bright lights on a long metal wire.
  • To highlight the kitchen area, it is appropriate to place a bar counter from shaped pipes.

Important! Despite all the sloppiness, democracy and unusual style, most attention is paid to accessories and details of decor. The presence of black and white paintings, prints on the walls, photo collages, vases and other decoration elements are integral and very important components of the Loft style.

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DIY Loft table

Wooden furniture in this style can be made from almost any material - unnecessary boards or any old table or chest of drawers. Today we will consider several detailed workshops on making a coffee table.

First way

For work, we need such materials and tools:

  • Wooden circle for the top and bottom of the table - 2 pcs.
  • Wooden reel or large barrel.
  • Saw or circular.
  • Metal wheels.
  • Coarse sandpaper.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Screwdriver.

Getting started:

  1. We make two wooden circles from the boards (diameter at your discretion). We put the boards close to each other and with the help of a circular cut them to the size we need, thereby creating the cover of our future table. We perform the same manipulations with the second exactly the same part (for the bottom stop).
  2. We connect the boards together using small rails (quantity optional).
  3. Using a screwdriver, we fasten 4 wheels to the bottom of the pre-prepared round wooden cover.
  4. Grind the cylindrical coil with coarse sandpaper. This piece will serve as a support for our coffee table.
  5. Screw the top of the lid to the base with screws.

That's all the work! The lower part of such a table can serve as a stand for books.

Important! Interior decoration is a delicate matter. Making your living space you want to fill it with not only functional, but beautiful and unusual pieces of furniture. Therefore, deciding to do something unique for your home, begin to embody ideas after meeting with our selection.


Second way

Let's look at another option for making a wooden table in the Loft style. Anyone can make it, the main thing is to pick up everything necessary for work, namely:

  • Building pallets.
  • Patina.
  • Lacquer.
  • Wheels
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • The finest grit sandpaper.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. We disassemble a wooden pallet.
  2. We pull out of it all the available nails.
  3. We connect two drawers with screws.
  4. Using small wooden boards we close up the cracks.
  5. We cover the surface of the pallet with acrylic varnish. It is advisable to apply 1-2 coats of fixing coating. Otherwise, the varnish will flow, which will lead to ugly drips.
  6. Put a patina on the wheels to achieve the effect of “aging”.
  7. Rub them with fine-grained sandpaper.
  8. At four corners of the pallets we fasten the wheels.
  9. The new table is ready to fulfill its intended purpose. So we got two items in one - a table and do-it-yourself Loft-style shelves. In such large and convenient recesses, you can store not only magazines, but also the necessary things.

Important! Furniture in the Loft style can be slightly decorated, previously sanding it and painted in white, without using painting and patterns.

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DIY Loft Bed

This method is very similar to the previous one in the order of assembly of pallets, but has its own differences and an additional item - a mattress. Yes, it didn’t seem to you, the bed can be made independently from such quite accessible material. Decorating it, you will get not only a comfortable berth, but also very practical furniture.

Important! To make the bed not just a place to sleep, but also, in a way, a point of comfort, inspiration and relaxation, it is necessary to choose the right accessories for it. So, before buying or manufacturing your nest, check out our blog materials:

What you need to work:

  • Wooden pallets 6-12 pieces.
  • Sander.
  • Screwdriver or drill.
  • Hammer.
  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  • Self-tapping screws or nails.
  • Paint.
  • Lacquer.
  • Brushes of different widths.
  • Brush with soft villi.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Orthopedic mattress of suitable size.


In the manufacture of such furniture there is nothing difficult - each master has his own personal secrets that will make such a product one and only. But since pallets are a technical material, then in the manufacture of furniture you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. They need to be well sanded so as not to leave wooden knots. For our case, this is extremely important, since the convenience of our location during rest and sleep depends on the quality of processing a wooden surface.
  2. We are dealing with natural wood, so the surface of the pallet is better treated with special antifungal impregnation. So we will protect the bed from all kinds of pests that will harm not only the material, but also its direct user.

Important! The optimal size of a double sofa from pallets is considered to be 240 by 240 cm. This parameter determines the format of the pallets themselves, which are three pallets in two dense rows.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step process of making a bed in a Loft style:

  1. We prepare our pallets. Their number may be different - it all depends on the height of the desired bed. Therefore - the higher the berth, the more pallet will be needed. Using a soft brush, we clear them of debris.
  2. We grind and process the entire surface of wooden pallets with an antiseptic, including corners and hard to reach places.
  3. We paint each pallet separately (color choice as desired).
  4. After the pan is completely dry, varnish it. Again, wait for the coating to dry.
  5. We lay on the floor first one pallet, then the second, fixing them together with self-tapping screws. We do such actions with the second row of beds.
  6. To make the headboard for our berth, we vertically install two pallets at the top of the bed.
  7. We put the mattress on top of home-made furniture and enjoy the result of the work done.

Important! If you want to make a durable Loft sofa with your own hands, then it is advisable to use only new wooden pallets, and not those that transported various materials and equipment for many years.

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Other loft style furniture

We looked at ways to make a wooden table and bed in the Loft style, but this is not the whole list. If to add a profile pipe to pallets, then you can make a lot of garden furniture with your own hands. This will be a great start for a beginner who has decided to get acquainted with welding. There is nothing complicated in the work, the main thing is that you just need to fix the pipes with the main material. For furniture in the Loft style, profile pipes serve as a support. They replace the legs of a chair, benches and so on. In a word, such material is very useful in creating an interior in the Loft style.

The list of furniture, the design of which includes a profile pipe:

  • Shop.
  • Armchair.
  • Chair.
  • Cupboard.
  • Bar counter.
  • Sofa.

It often happens that a “skeleton” of a structure is assembled from shaped pipes, and then additional upholstered furniture elements are added. For example, a do-it-yourself rack in the Loft style is assembled according to exactly such a scheme. This can be attributed to a wooden chair: first, the furniture frame is made of welded profile pipes, and at the end of the work, they lay the seat.

Important! Furniture from a profile pipe is very reliable and durable due to the high strength of the material itself. Therefore, if you decide to independently engage in the manufacture of furniture, then pay special attention to this multifunctional item. Moreover, we will be happy to tell you how to make "Mdo-it-yourself profile pipe fuck».

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Of course, you can buy a suitable table, sofa, cabinet in the Loft style with your own hands, but it will cost a lot. We really hope that we have helped you not only understand this design design, but also save a little money. Have a good repair and new ideas!


