Macrame panel on the wall

A variety of weaving techniques have long been very popular among needlewomen. Macrame has been known for hundreds of years, it implies the creation of tight knotted nodular installations. With the help of macrame panels on the wall, you can originally decorate your home and bring a special atmosphere to it. How to do it - we will describe in the article below.
to contents ↑The history of mural macramé
Macrame-style weaving panels are a type of textile art. Both experienced hand-made representatives and novice craftsmen can handle it. Such crafts began to be made in England in the early 60s. But it is believed that the discoverers of this technique were the ancient Egyptians, who adorned the pharaoh’s mansions with this method.
to contents ↑Important! Similar techniques were discovered by historians and the Greeks in Peru, China. Therefore, to say exactly who was the first is impossible.
Materials from which the compositions are made
To create macrame on the wall, use the following materials:
- Flaxen rope.
- Paper rope.
- Hemp rope.
- Flat braid.
- Cotton.
- Sisal.
to contents ↑Important! Most often, using the macramé technique for weaving, thin ropes made of natural fibers are used.
Panel weaving
It is worth noting that there are no such schemes for creating a macrame panel on the wall with your own hands. The most important thing in the product is the primary sketch. To create it, you can use both a contour picture and the simplest cut scheme. You can also use photos from the Internet and create your own panel on them.
Important! If you want to create volumetric macrame, use a foam base. Also, for lampshades, you can add metal rings to the product that will hold the main shape of your macrame. Make nodes convenient for you.
You can use knitting technology:
- With a hook.
- Connect the loops diagonally, as in a patchwork.
- Bahman knot.
Important! These methods are used most often when creating macramés, but you can include any other techniques at your discretion.
You can use such nodes when creating:
- Flat right knot. Attach two threads to the bar, you should have 4 ends. The base will be 2 and 3, and the workers will be 1 and 4. Put the fourth thread on the base and skip the first under the base, pull the loop from the bottom.
- Flat left knot. The technique is similar to the previous view, but work begins with the first thread, not the fourth.
- Square knot. This is the main knot in this weaving technique. To make it, weave the two nodes described above. Start with the right.
- Chameleon. In this technique, work threads change all the time. Weave a square knot and change the work threads with the main places, make a square knot again.
- Tatting. Weaves from 2 or 4 threads. The first is laid on the base and wrapped 2 from top to bottom, and then stretched into a loop that has formed. After - the first thread is brought under the base and stretched from the bottom up into the loop. If 4 threads are used, then 1 and 4 are working, and 2 and 3 are the basis. First, a knot is woven using 4 threads, and then changes to 1. It is necessary to weave a chain, while constantly changing the threads.
to contents ↑Important! In addition to this decor option, you can also use other ideas for creativity to decorate the walls of your home:
Mural on the wall
To create a makram panel on a wall with your own hands, you will need a clothesline of about 60 m, wooden beads and wooden holders, scissors.
Step by Step Actions:
- Lock the wooden panel holder.
- Cut 3.5 m 16 threads and prepare one rope for hanging.
- Fold the ropes in half and attach them to the holder.
Important! Tie a suspension rope in the middle - it will not take part in weaving.
- Weave the fixing row.
- Tie the yarn on the left side with knots diagonally.
- String yarn periodically on wooden beads.
- Tie four ropes together and repeat until the end of the row.
- Weave the nodules again diagonally, starting on the right side.
- Double knit 4 ropes and untwist the ends.
- Trim the excess.
- Paint the ends.
The panel of macrame on the wall with your own hands is ready!
to contents ↑Important! From various threads such as a mouline thread, you can make decorations not only for the home, but also for yourself. We talked about them in detail and showed master classes in articles:
Panel for wall clock
Using a special scheme, you can create panels to decorate the wall clock.
You will need a strap 5 cm wider than a watch, and a cotton rope.
Phased steps:
- Cut about 20 ropes 5 m long that are attached to the bar.
- Make two zigzag horizontal bricks.
- The pattern is performed on the left 16 yarns, count 8 yarns for the base and tie 7 yarns with rep knots on it, this will make the top of the rhombus.
- Weave 14 threads under it into a flat double knot and form the bottom of the rhombus.
- Tie 5 ropes to the second brid.
- Tie 4 bundles to base 3.
- To 4 - 3 knots, and so on to 6, to get 1.
- In the same way, execute the bricks 6 and 7.
- Then spread in the middle in different directions 2 ropes, braid on each of 7 threads.
- Make the same pattern on the right side.
- Make in the middle of the weaving macrame, where there are 8 free rope-chains, each 11 cm long.
- Spread 4 ropes on two bases to prepare the place for the watch. Their length is 15 cm, weave them with double flat beams in a checkerboard pattern.
- Tilt each extreme rope to the middle, attach 19 threads there.
- Make chains on each side of the 2 outermost threads. The length of the first is 11 cm, and the second is 8 cm, after - 6 cm.
- After creating the last chain, leave two yarns free, and the length of the next one will be 4 cm.
- Using rep knots, weave all 40 threads to the horizontal thread.
- Divide them into 10 chains, make 3 double flat starts in each.
- Decorate the sides of the panel with a stitch and tie their ends in one bundle.
The panel is ready! It remains only to hang it on the wall.
to contents ↑Macrame panel on the wall with pockets
Macrame panels with pockets can be hung on the wall and used, for example, to store jars with spices and seasonings or other little things that are needed at hand. To make such a product, you will need: clamps, a diagram, a rope, knitting needles. Use any scheme of your choice.
to contents ↑Stock footage
It takes a little patience, attention to make a macrame panel on the wall. If you follow all the instructions and tips, then create unique products yourself. Also, using the macrame technique, you can create curtains, decorative owls, baskets, flower vases, napkins, lampshades, flower pendants and much more. You can find many different photos on the Internet or just show your imagination.