DIY plywood furniture

Today, there are a large number of options for home-made furniture made of plywood. In addition to the fact that such products are simple and highly environmentally friendly, they are excellent for use both in the home and in the garden. We offer you to make furniture from plywood with your own hands, because this will not only save your family budget, but also enrich the interior with new and original elements.

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How to choose the right plywood for construction?

Basically, the production of plywood is carried out from veneer, which is glued with special adhesive compounds during the manufacturing process. It is they who determine the future quality of the finished material.

Due to the use in the production of glue, plywood acquires the following characteristics:

  • High strength and mechanical resilience;
  • Resistance to moisture and environmental influences;
  • High resistance to open flame.

Wood species

In the domestic production of plywood, manufacturers use veneers made of coniferous or birch wood for these purposes. Plywood, which is based on coniferous wood, has a beautiful pattern and is used exclusively for the manufacture of furniture.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that sometimes, to reduce the cost of material, the production of plywood uses veneer from hardwood, which is covered with another veneer on the top, only made of coniferous wood.

Plywood, which is made of birch, has a rather contrasting structure and as a result it turns out monophonic. The price position of such material is slightly higher than that of coniferous wood.



In addition, before you start making furniture from plywood with your own hands, building drawings and diagrams, you should take into account the fact that, depending on the degree of processing, the material you choose is divided into the following categories:

  • Material that is not subject to grinding. Its manufacturers are also designated NSh.
  • Material processed on one side only. It can be denoted by the abbreviation Sh1.
  • Material that is processed on both sides or Ш2.

Glue type

Also, unlike the adhesive composition that was used in the production of plywood, it is still divided into the following varieties:

  1. FC. This material is manufactured using carbamide glue. Such plywood is widely used for the manufacture of children's furniture for toys.
  2. FSF. This type of plywood is made using phenolic resins. Such material is used to design various pieces of furniture that will be used in rooms with a high level of humidity.
  3. FOF is a material that has a laminated coating in the form of a film and has high moisture resistance.
  4. BV is plywood that is not used for furniture.
  5. FBA is a material with a rather low level of strength. It is better not to use it for furniture.
  6. FBS, BS, FB. In their manufacture, varnish and adhesive mixture based on bakelite are used.
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The basic rules for processing plywood for furniture

Before proceeding with the direct manufacture of furniture from plywood, this material should be preliminarily prepared for its further processing. Therefore, so that in the end the finished product turns out to be of high quality and has an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to strictly observe the basic rules for working with plywood:

  • When cutting sheets of plywood, accuracy must be observed, since this parameter can affect the further assembly process.
  • Try to cut the plywood sheet very carefully so that you do not form chips, since the absence of these defects increases the design quality of the structure.

Important! In order to prevent chips from forming on the plywood sheet during sawing with a jigsaw, a drawing should be applied to the front of the surface. If you are working with a circular saw, then the drawing is best applied to the wrong plane.

  • If, however, small chips appear, they can be removed using an ordinary boot knife. To do this, you just need to cut the top sheet of veneer to the width of a jigsaw blade or disk.

Important! To make this operation better, the first pass should be done without strong pressure. This way you will make a note. And already the next 2-3 times - with stronger pressure.

  • Cutting plywood sheets should be carried out along the fibers. So you get the minimum number of chips.
  • If the plywood sheet is very thin, it is better to use a sharp knife to cut it. As for the cutting of plywood of medium thickness, in this case it is better to use a jigsaw. But for thick material, a special saw should be used.

Important! If the sheet of plywood is more than 10 millimeters thick, then you need to work with it as with a solid wood array.

  • If a sheet of plywood needs to be cut across the fibers, you need to make small cuts across the future place of cut. So you can avoid cracking the material during its processing.
  • When assembling furniture, it is not recommended to use screws and nails without previously prepared holes of the required diameter.
  • If you used material from soft grades of wood to make furniture from plywood and build drawings and diagrams, you need to put special washers under the fasteners. Such accessories reduce the damaging effects of fasteners on wood.

Important! When constructing children's furniture from plywood with your own hands, you need to devote the greatest amount of time to processing end elements. This is necessary in order to minimize the likelihood of injuries during operation.

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Necessary tools

For independent production of furniture from plywood, you need a fairly small set of tools:

  • Roulette;
  • Square;
  • Ruler
  • Compass;
  • Tools for cutting plywood - knife, jigsaw or circular electric saw;
  • Chisel;
  • Bit;
  • Mallet;
  • Plane;
  • Electric drill;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Hammer;
  • Pliers;
  • File;
  • Wood screws;
  • Nails
  • Glue;
  • Additional furniture accessories (if necessary).

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the manufacture of furniture from plywood with your own hands most often occurs with increased dust formation. Therefore, this is best done in a special room.

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The main stages of installation of furniture from plywood

In order to make furniture from plywood with your own hands at home, you need to resort to numerous schemes. In this case, it all depends on the furniture you choose, as well as the features of its design.

In general, this process can be divided into several main stages:

  1. Designing the product, as well as its sketching and creating a drawing.
  2. Creation of a pattern and its transfer to plywood sheets.
  3. Cutting out elements of a future product.
  4. Decoration of finished parts. This can be done by artistic cutting or painting, coating with paint, varnish or stain.
  5. Bonding parts together. This should be done with glue or screws.
  6. As soon as the glue dries, mandatory testing of the finished product for strength is carried out.
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DIY furniture from plywood

We bring to your attention a master class on the manufacture of a children's folding bed made of plywood made in the form of a car. In addition to the above tools, you will also need the following materials:

  • Plywood sheets with a thickness of 15-20 millimeters;
  • L-shaped hardware for fastening;
  • Sofa loops;
  • Paints and varnishes.

Once all the necessary equipment for work has been prepared, you can begin to work. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • On the plywood sheet, draw the necessary elements: side parts, bottom, rear wall of the attachment.
  • Draw car parts on the sides of the future product.
  • Using a jigsaw, cut out all the structural elements.
  • Grind the cut workpiece at the ends and surfaces.
  • Assemble the bed and hinged base.
  • Sand the assembled wooden details of the bed to make sure that they are smooth and even.
  • Using a compass, outline the contours of future wheels.
  • Cut the blanks under the wheels and connect them into a single whole.

Important! If you have a milling cutter, you can use it to cut out the rims of the rims.

  • Prime the assembled structure with a special acrylic primer.
  • Apply a base coat of paint. After it dries, you can apply additional decorative elements.
  • Grind and paint the wheels.
  • From the aluminum corner, make a bed stand in the shape of the letter P.
  • For the width of the stand from the corner, make a mounting bracket and fix it at the bottom of the bed.
  • Fix the hinged base to the wall.

Important! The hinged base should be mounted on the wall surface to a height equal to the support stand.

  • Put together the hinged base and the bed itself.
  • Attach the aluminum stand to the bracket that is attached to the bottom of the product.

That's all, the baby bed is assembled and ready for use. Now it remains to test it for strength and stability.

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What else can be made of plywood furniture?

Plywood is such a versatile material that any furniture items can be invented and designed out of it. Here are some ideas for your thoughts.


The country bench is one of the simplest products. For its manufacture, you should make a preliminary drawing, which will consist of the following parts: a seat and several rails, a back and two racks. After that, the details are cut out of the plywood sheet strictly along the marking lines, assembled into a single structure and decorated.


To do this, you will need a sheet of plywood 3 meters long, 1.5 meters wide and 18 millimeters thick. For the bottom of the bed from the specified sheet, measure 2 meters, and the rest will go for the manufacture of the head.

The place of cutting should be treated with sandpaper. Next, the visible parts should be opened with a stain or varnish, and while they dry out, it is necessary to make a frame and legs of the future product from the bars. Attach the head and bottom to the bed.

Important! If desired, you can make the headboard soft. To do this, it must be covered with a cloth, under which foam rubber is laid.


TV console

The walls for such a product should be made in the form of a sandwich by laying sheets on top of each other. Fix them best with screws and glue.

Important! As for the shelves, it is better to make them from sheets of greater thickness. This is necessary so that the product can withstand the load.

Kitchen furniture

Having made such furniture yourself, you can save a lot on purchasing a headset. Today on the Internet you can download a lot of drawings of various options for kitchen cabinets, pencil cases and cabinets.

Important! If you doubt your abilities, it is best to entrust the professionals to make holes for fasteners, as this will protect the parts from chips and cracks.

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Making plywood furniture with your own handsand quite interesting and quite uncomplicated. At the same time, you have the opportunity to create unique and one-of-a-kind interior items. We hope that our article will help you in this endeavor and inspire new and unusual ideas in your own furniture design.

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