Installation of fixtures

Stretch ceilings are gaining more and more popularity among those users who want to live in beauty and comfort. They are made of practically non-perishable material, which has increased resistance to various external influences. When installing a false ceiling, many have the most important question: how to install fixtures? In fact, anyone can do the installation without special skills in working with electricity. Following the step-by-step algorithm of actions and safety rules, you can easily and quickly complete this work. Let's start to figure out how to install the fixtures in the ceiling with your own hands.

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Scope of use of spotlights their features

As the lighting of stretch ceilings intended for apartments, offices, industrial and commercial premises, use spotlights. With their help, you can visually divide the space into separate light zones, illuminating each of them, or individual objects of the room with different light intensity. Spotlights attract the attention of users with their small size and eye-friendly level of light scattering. To illuminate a large area, spotlights serve as an addition to the main light source - a chandelier.

Important! If your suspended ceiling occupies a large space, then install several switches with an adjustable lighting system. So you can change the lighting intensity to your preference at one time or another.

By functional purpose, the following spotlights are distinguished:

  • Fixed. Fixed point models can only shine in one direction. They are bought at an affordable price for lighting, for example, in a bathroom, where the turns of the light source on a particular piece of furniture are not needed. A lot of people mount them in the ceiling of a bedroom or kitchen - beautifully, economically and very conveniently.
  • Rotary. This design allows you to rotate the outer part of the rotary lamp at a certain angle. Thanks to him, such a light bulb can advantageously illuminate various spaces in the room. So, for example, you can direct a beam of light from a rotary lamp to a picture or make the backlight of a freestanding bar counter.
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What are the lights for a stretch ceiling?

Not a single installation of lamps in suspended ceilings has not done without bulbs. Many of us from early childhood are accustomed to perceive an ordinary incandescent lamp as something irreplaceable and simple. Fortunately, progress did not stop there, but now everyone has to choose one or another light source for a suspended ceiling.

List of main types of lamps suitable for spot lighting:

  • Incandescent lamp. This light source has long been out of fashion, not only because of its out-of-date appearance, but also because of its technical characteristics. The incandescent lamp has an unnatural shade of light, a sufficiently large energy consumption and a short service life.
  • Fluorescent Lamp. It consumes less electricity, but, as practice shows, such a device very often fails, and this, first of all, is not economical.The cost of such a fluorescent lamp is several times higher than the cost of a conventional incandescent lamp.
  • Halogen lamp. It promises less energy consumption, but its heating is able to deform the flow of light, change its color and even spoil the surface.
  • Light-emitting diode. It is considered one of the best options among all light sources. When buying, the most important thing is not to cheapen. So, buying a poorly made copy at a low price, you risk buying a lamp that quickly becomes inoperative, which will push you to make a new purchase. You can save money only if you immediately select an expensive LED lamp that will last you a long time, spending a minimum amount of electricity.
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DIY installation of recessed luminaires in the suspended ceiling

The scheme for self-connecting spotlights in suspended ceilings is very simple. Installation of built-in light sources can be divided into two main phases:

  • Work carried out before the installation of a false ceiling.
  • Work after installing the false ceiling.

Tools and materials:

  • Fixtures and lamps for them.
  • Supply wire.
  • Terminal blocks or sleeves for connecting wires.
  • Insulating tape or insulating heat shrink.
  • Drill or hammer drill.
  • Round nozzle for a drill.
  • Pliers.
  • Nippers.
  • Tester.
  • Switch.
  • Screwdriver.

When selecting materials and schemes for the installation of spotlights, consider the main point - the length of the wires between the lamp and the transformer should be no more than 2 meters.

Important! Always take a supply wire with a margin, so that in case of shortage you do not run to the store for such an acquisition.


Step-by-step instructions for installing a built-in spotlight in a suspended ceiling

Now we will consider how to make the installation of point light sources in the design of a false ceiling with your own hands:

  1. We begin the installation of the network by determining its location.
  2. We mark with a pencil the places where we will install the bulbs. We make sure that the connections and connectors are not too close to plasterboard rails or blocks.
  3. We lay the wiring. This step must be done at the stage of installation of the ceiling structure. We distribute the supply wires so that they can be easily removed and connected after the stage of drilling holes.
  4. We make a hole in the canvas with a drill. If you use a square built-in lamp, then use a special electric jigsaw.
  5. We pull the cable into the slot made, not forgetting to first disconnect it from the mains.
  6. We bring the cable outside the ceiling structure.
  7. We connect the lamp to the cable.
  8. We fix the spotlights in the hole. We perform this action with spring clips, which we will find on the body of the lighting product.
  9. We insert a light bulb into the lamp. Use an LED bulb for this - it will serve you much longer than its other counterparts.
  10. We put a metal ring on the finished structure.

That's all the manipulations! The installation of fixtures in the ceiling has come to a complete conclusion!

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Installation of luminaires in a suspended ceiling mounted on a profile design

Such lamps located on the ceiling profile are often used to equip production and office premises. Fluorescent lamps serve here as a light source. Some people, without hesitation, use this design to design a bedroom or living room.

Important! If you do not want to get sharp shadows and highlights when using spotlights, we recommend using rapeseed light sources with a parabolic grating.

A step-by-step algorithm of actions is carried out in the following order:

  1. We select the most suitable place for the installation of fixtures.
  2. We attach to the marked places special suspensions for installing the light bulb.
  3. We conduct the wires, starting work from the distribution box.
  4. We install the stove in the place where we want to install the spotlight.
  5. We cut off the excess parts of the tile with a saw or hacksaw.

The work is done. Now you can enjoy a great result!

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As you already understood, the installation of luminaires in a suspended ceiling is quite a feasible task. If you follow our step by step instructions and listen to the recommendations, we have no doubt that you will succeed!

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