At what height do I hang the TV on the wall?

In terms of its technical and external parameters, a modern TV has far gone from its predecessor with a kinescope and a voluminous plastic box. Now this technique is often available in the form of a flat panel. This feature allows you to place a TV where the owner of the apartment wishes - on the console, in the furniture wall and even on the ceiling. But most often, of course, preference is given to the standard placement option - the wall. And then the question arises: at what height do you hang the TV on the wall? This is an important parameter that affects not only image perception, but also vision. Therefore, we propose to understand this issue in detail.

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Where to hang?

In most cases, the TV on the wall settles for a long time and the place of deployment changes only after a few years. Therefore, sometimes issues with installing a plasma panel lead to a dead end. Especially when the room is not large in size, there is not much furniture and free surfaces in it. The following factors should be considered here:

  • the size of your TV;
  • Do you often rearrange furniture in the room?
  • what materials the surface on which the plasma is planned to be made is made of;
  • whether there will be walls or furniture nearby;
  • how the TV will fit into the interior of the room.


Important! It is not recommended to hang TVs on walls made of drywall, even of small sizes - fragile material may simply not support the weight of the equipment. A dense neighborhood with walls, including furniture, will not benefit. With this arrangement, the TV will often overheat, which significantly reduces its life.

Important safety and comfort points:

  • Do not hang the TV on the wall opposite the window. The sun's rays will constantly glare on the screen and interfere with watching movies or programs. In this case, blackout curtains can become a salvation.
  • In addition, the height of the TV from the floor in the living room should be such that it is convenient to remove the case of the equipment, if you need to connect additional devices or repair the equipment.

Important! Consider also the aesthetic side of the design of the room. Our help will be here tv wall design ideas.

We test

To choose the best placement, designers advise using one simple technique:

  • Surely, the room already has a sofa or bed.
  • Sit or lie down on it and take a pose that is comfortable for watching movies.
  • See where your gaze first falls.
  • This wall will be a great option.

Important! It is believed that the optimum point for installing the panel is a point drawn in a straight line from the center of the bed to the wall. It is in this position that the image will be conveniently viewed by all residents.

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At what distance from the eyes?

When the potential installation location of the TV has already been selected, you can immediately begin to address the question of how high to hang the TV in the living room. And there are two ways: the first - based on the principle of simple user convenience, the second - on medical recommendations and the advice of manufacturers.

We take into account different opinions

So, we will consider them in more detail:

  • To determine at what level to hang the TV on the wall, take your favorite pose on the bed and close your eyes for just a couple of seconds. Having sharply opened them, look at the wall where the plasma is planned to be installed.The point at which your gaze rests and will be the middle of the screen.

Important! This option does not take into account parameters such as the distance from the bed to the wall and the diagonal of the TV. So - it does not give a one hundred percent guarantee of the safety of your eyesight and comfortable perception.

  • For the second option, mathematical calculations and the main characteristics of the technique will be required. The optimal distance between the eyes and the LCD screen is its diagonal multiplied by 3. If the plasma TV, then its diagonal must be multiplied by 4.

Important! If you haven’t gotten new equipment yet, but only previously thinking about buying and positioning the panel, then you will definitely be interested in information from the following articles:

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We take into account the type of screen and its resolution

TVs that have LED or 3D screen, are produced with different diagonals, but have different extensions, which is also an important parameter. The mounting height of such a technique is calculated by another formula:

  • If the TV has resolution 720 units, then its diagonal needs to be multiplied by 2.3. The resulting figure will be equal to the installation height.
  • If the purchased equipment has a resolution of 1080 units, then to get the height of the TV you need to multiply its diagonal by 1.6.

Important! Many ophthalmologists will assure you that between the eyes and the screen there should be a distance of at least two times the diagonal of the TV. But this recommendation can be considered obsolete, as it does not take into account the screen type and resolution. If you have at your disposal an old TV model, then you can take this calculation for armament.


Standard values

General recommendations are as follows:

  • with a diagonal of 37 inches, the optimal distance is 1, 88 m.
  • with a diagonal of 46 - 2.34 m.
  • if the screen diagonal is 57 cm, then the optimal distance to the eyes will be 2.9 meters.
  • if the screen of your TV is 75 inches, then it is better to watch it at a distance of 3.71 m.

Important! To fully enjoy all the capabilities of your new technology, you must connect the appropriate broadcast source. It can be such devices, in the selection of which we will help you:


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At what height?

The question of optimal height is quite reasonable. There are several important points here:

  • the most optimal is the height at eye level;
  • at the same time, the minimum from the floor should be 1 meter, otherwise it is very likely that you simply accidentally hit the TV and it fell;
  • better - if the screen will look down, but the angle of deviation from the center of the screen to the eyes should not exceed 30 degrees.

To determine the height of the TV will help all the same way, which we have already talked about. Take a comfortable pose, try to open and close your eyes.


Important! To watch movies from anywhere in the room was comfortable in every sense, purchase adjustable mounts for installing a TV. Then you can expand the screen in the direction you need.

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Features of installation in different rooms

Many families come to the fact that the apartment was not one TV, but several - in each room. And there are also some nuances. Therefore, the question of how high to hang the plasma depends on the specifics of the room.


Living room

In this room, many spend most of their time - talking, watching movies and programs. And everyone should be comfortable. Therefore, it is worth conducting a small experiment in which one of the family members will take part, not the highest, but not the lowest. Actions are as follows:

  1. Take a comfortable position on the sofa as if you were watching TV.
  2. Close your eyes for 5 minutes and completely relax.
  3. Open your eyes and let another family member mark the point where you looked first.
  4. Now conduct the same experiment, sitting on a chair, on an armchair and on any other furniture that is in the room.
  5. Next, connect the totality of all the points obtained and find the center. This will be the center point of the screen.

Important! The optimum height for the television panel in the living room is considered to be a value from 0.7 to 1.4 m. In this case, the height of the sofa should be taken into account. The larger it is, the higher the screen will be fixed.



Many believe that there should not be a TV in the bedroom - this interferes with normal rest. But still, many people like to watch movies before bedtime. Therefore, we will tell you at what height to hang the TV on the wall in this room.

Here we apply the same methodology as in the previous paragraphs of the article, with the only difference being that you will be lying while determining a point of the future center of the screen, taking a comfortable position on the bed.

In a children's bedroom, this technique is better not to apply, and install a TV at a fixed distance from the floor at least 1.5 meters. Or at a height that is 15-20 percent more than the growth of the child.

Important! This is done solely for practical purposes, so that the child does not drop equipment during the games and so that he does not have the opportunity to understand in detail the TV device.



Many housewives spend most of their time in the kitchen. And in absolute silence, baking pies would be boring, so there is a TV in almost every kitchen in any city apartment. You can watch TV shows and listen to the news while you are preparing a delicious dinner for the family. There are no special requirements. There are only recommendations that will help to achieve maximum comfort:

  • Do not install the TV too high, then the image will be dark all the time.
  • As well as in other rooms, mobile brackets will become the best fixture for equipment.
  • It’s also not worth it to place the TV set on or near the stove, microwave or other heat-generating devices - for obvious reasons.
  • Not the best place would be a refrigerator and a place near the sink.

Important! To understand at what height to hang the TV on the wall in the kitchen, experiment. And note that the angle of the screen should be visible from anywhere. So, if you place the LCD monitor at 1.75 m from the floor, standing it will be convenient to watch, while sitting you will have to watch the broadcast from the bottom up.


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TV installation

If you decide at what height to hang the TV in the living room, then again we draw your attention to the fact that the drywall surface will not be able to support the weight of the TV, because on average it is 20-30 kg.

To install the equipment you will need a bracket:

  • One of its parts is mounted on the wall.
  • The second part is fixed on the TV itself.

Important! Before you start work, make sure that there are no voids in the places where the TV is installed, and there is no wiring in the wall, otherwise you risk a short circuit.


The process itself does not require much time and effort. It is enough to perform the following actions:

  1. Fix one of the fasteners on the back of the TV.
  2. Measure the distance between the edges of the equipment and the mounts.
  3. Mark the wall under the second element of the bracket.
  4. Make holes in the wall, fix the second part of the bracket.
  5. Mount the TV on the wall, fix the brackets.


Many have a reasonable question: where to put the wires? It is best solved even during the repair process to correctly place all the cables:

  • In total, you need 3 sockets to connect the TV - for the TV itself and for the TV tuner.
  • Disguising them is pretty simple. It is enough to place the outlet 10 cm below the top edge of the TV.
  • If you plan to put a cabinet or console under the equipment, then the wires can be hidden behind it.

If the repair has already been done, but you still want to install the TV, then of course there are options for this case. For this you will need special devices - cable channels. They are mounted on the wall and hide all wiring.

Important! If you still decide to install the equipment on the wall opposite the window, then the wiring can be masked under the curtains. But here you will need to install an additional outlet and lay additional cable channels.

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As you can see, hanging a TV is much easier than determining its installation parameters. It’s still worth making a preliminary marking, because the distance and height affects not only comfort. If you tilt your head too high while watching TV, you risk getting health problems. Not to mention spoiled vision. Therefore, carefully read our recommendations, and only then get to work.

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