Do-it-yourself single bed

Unfortunately, the furniture presented in modern furniture stores does not always satisfy the needs of customers due to the low quality of workmanship and unattractive appearance. But at the same time, it costs a lot. Products made at the highest level, from the highest quality materials are excessively expensive, so not everyone can afford such a luxury. But if you have certain skills and knowledge, you can create something really worthwhile by spending a minimum of financial resources and efforts. Today we will describe in detail how to create a phased single bed with your own hands, how to prepare for work, what principles to follow.

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The advantages of single beds

Do-it-yourself single bed made of wood can be made for an adult and even a teenager.

Important! As a rule, her berth has a width of 80 to 100 cm, but despite this, many still cannot make the final choice between a sofa and a bed. If you think carefully, the conclusion suggests itself: only a full-fledged berth is able to provide a comfortable sleep and rest.

The advantages of single beds include the following:

  1. Save space. Even in a small room there is always a place for a single bed. Many options for its placement allow you to effectively use the available space.
  2. Full relaxation and sleep. A comfortable bed positively affects the quality of sleep.
  3. Low cost. Such products are cheaper than their large counterparts. And if you do all the work yourself, you can save even more.
  4. Useful additional options. You can equip the bed with linen drawers or place it at a height that will free up a lot of space under it.
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Making a bed with a massive headboard

The classic interior will definitely be able to decorate the made single bed with your own hands. Drawings for work are easier to find on the Internet to facilitate your work. This is an ideal design for an adult with a solid appearance.

Important! Such a bed will delight a teenager, because you can not only sleep on it, but also sit reading a book, chat with friends, while it certainly will not fall due to the low location of the mattress.

The creation of this masterpiece involves several stages, each of which should be considered separately.

Preparatory work

To make a headboard, buy the following materials from the list:

  • Half a sheet of MDF or two centimeter plywood.
  • A board of 25 * 50 mm 1.22 m long.
  • Board 25 * 76 mm 2.5 m long.
  • A board of 50 * 100 mm 1.22 m long.
  • Plank 50 * 76 mm 2.5 m long.
  • Thin bar 3 m long.
  • Screws 3 and 5 cm.
  • Finishing nails 3 and 5 cm.
  • Nails 2 and 3 cm.
  • Screws for pocket holes 3 and 5 cm.

To create a berth, prepare:

  • Three boards 50 * 100 mm 2.5 m long.
  • Plank 50 * 76 mm 0.6 m long.
  • Two beams 50 * 50 mm 2.5 m long.
  • Three boards 25 * 76 mm 2.5 m long.
  • 5 cm screws or screws for pocket holes.
  • Metal plates.

In the work you will need such tools:

  • Roulette.
  • A circular saw.
  • Pencil.
  • Sander.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Drill with drills.
  • Building square.
  • Conductor for pocket holes.
  • Wood glue.
  • Stain.
  • Filler for wood.
  • Lacquer.
  • Tassels.


Open the beds

To make a beautiful, durable, high-quality single bed with your own hands, drawings and sizes, schemes and designs, sketches - carefully study all this in order to prepare all the necessary details.

Important! Prepare a workplace for cutting, select an even clean surface for this. Be sure to use glasses during the cutting.

According to the scheme, cut all the components for the head and berth.

Prepare the following headboard parts:

  1. One blank of plywood sheet 99 * 81.3 cm in size.
  2. Detail from a board 25 * 50 mm 0.99 m long.
  3. Detail 25 * 76 mm, length 0.99 m.
  4. Two workpieces 50 * 76 mm 1.09 m long.
  5. Detail 25 * 76 mm 1.15 m long.
  6. Harvesting 50 * 100 mm, length 0.99 m.
  7. Two elements 0.55 m long with beveled ends at an angle of 45 degrees.
  8. Two blanks of 0.83 m with ends rounded at an angle of 45 degrees.

To equip the frame, prepare the following details:

  1. Two workpieces 50 * 100 mm in length of 1.94 m.
  2. Two elements 50 * 100 mm 0.99 m long.
  3. Four parts 50 * 76 mm by 0.14 m.
  4. Two pieces of wood 1.79 m long.
  5. Two elements 25 * 76 mm 1.9 m long.
  6. One piece is 25 * 76 cm 1.11 m long.
  7. Laths for the basis of 25 * 76 cm 0.99 m long.

Be sure to grind all the resulting workpieces before assembly to get rid of roughness, chips, burrs.

Important! In the process of assembling the bed, pre-drill holes for fixing all the parts, otherwise the material may delaminate. Remember to use glue to secure the material and joints of all elements.


Assembly of the finished structure

If you managed to find a suitable drawing for a single bed, purchase all the necessary tools and materials, and cut out all the components according to the available schemes, then proceed with the assembly.

Follow these steps:

  • Drill 2 cm holes on the back of the plywood sheet using the pocket hole conductor.

Important! They should be located along the upper and lateral edges, then to fix the upper parts and legs on them.

  • Take 5 cm nails and glue, and use them to attach the upper and lower overlays to the front of the plywood panel.

Important! It is better to first mount the glue pad, and then nail in the back with nails to hide the holes.

  • Add legs to the headboard with 2 cm screws and glue. It is important that they are located as tightly as possible to the upper part of the panel lining, consistent with its thickness along with the finish.
  • On top of the headboard panel, install a 1.15 m long bar. Align the board flush with the back so that the protruding edges are the same. Secure the part with 2 cm screws and glue.
  • Drill a hole at each end of the lower support, departing from the edge of 5 cm for special 2 cm screws. Attach the bottom headband tie to the legs. In the future we will attach a bed frame to it.
  • Assemble a decorative frame of thin strips on the front of the headboard. Lay out all parts on the surface. Trim the corners of the ends of the slats. Use 2 cm thick nails and glue to attach these elements.
  • Take parts with a cross section of 5 * 10 cm, assemble a frame for the frame from them. First, drill holes, then cover the joints with glue, fasten the parts with screws.

Important! Position the structure on a flat surface to make sure that the frame is stable and all angles are straight.

  • Add legs to the corners of the frame, attach them with large screws and glue

Important! Instead of bars, you can also use other decorative elements.

  • Attach slats to the inside of the longest frame parts to support the slats or the mattress body. Pre-drill holes for 5 cm screws. Then apply glue, tighten all parts with screws.

Important! Until the glue has completely dried, use clamps in several places.

  • Add a raised bar from the top to the base so that the platform acquires the proper appearance. Be sure to make sure that you are all securely bonded and glued together.
  • Decorate the foot of the bed with trim. Drill holes, then install the bar on the glue and screws.
  • Add slats. Sand the slats in advance. Mark the supporting parts so that the planks are evenly spaced.

Important! How many boards are needed - you can determine yourself, it all depends on the main characteristics of the purchased mattress. Often lamellas are replaced with thin plywood.

  • Fill all holes with wood filler, let it dry.
  • Sand the surface with an emery paper or grinder to make it perfectly smooth.
  • Wipe the surface of the bed to remove any residual dust after sanding.
  • Open the product with a stain to give it a noble shade, improve the quality characteristics of the base material.
  • Cover the bed with two layers of varnish.
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Helpful hints and tips

When deciding to make a bed with your own hands, be sure to first study the following information:

  1. Creating this type of furniture on your own, maximum attention should be paid to the corners and edges, all of them should be rounded.
  2. If natural wood is chosen as the main material, then you need to make sure that it is qualitatively processed, rounded, varnished.
  3. If the furniture is made of chipboard, then it must be decorated with a furniture edge.
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Stock footage

You are convinced that having detailed diagrams, carpentry tools, detailed instructions, you can easily figure out how to make a single bed with your own hands. Drawings, which, as a rule, are offered ready-made, to greatly facilitate the work - using them, you can avoid damage to the material and other errors that could adversely affect the result.

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